15 Volunteering Opportunities in San Francisco

Service to humanity is through volunteering. And San Francisco offers numerous service to humanity through volunteering opportunities.

This is a noble act that brings self-fulfillment. Offering help to those in need impacts the environment and reduces the crime rate.

There are many of such volunteering opportunities in San Francisco and they have been listed in this post.

Meanwhile, the table of content is right below.

History of San Francisco

San Francisco is a Spanish word for “Saint Francis”. It was found in June 29, 1776, when the Spanish colonists established the presidio for San Francisco at the Golden gate.

The city was named after Saint Francis Assisi!

The Gold Rush of California in 1849 played a significant role in its rapid growth, making it the largest city on the West Coast at that time.

San Francisco became a consolidated city-county in 1856. It’s a commercial, financial, and cultural center in Northern California, as well as the 4th most populous city in California with over 881,549 residents.

It has a record of being the 16th most populous city in the United States.

Why volunteer in San Francisco?

Why should one even think of being a volunteer in San Francisco?

Well, this article would guide you, into harnessing the immense potentials available in San Francisco, not only to residents but to anyone that seeks to maximize the opportunities there, at a given time.

With a GDP of $501 billion, the city of San Francisco is the sixth-largest economy in the U.S.

A popular tourist destination, San Francisco is known for its cool summers, steep rolling hills, mind-blowing edifices, and astonishing works of architecture, and landmarks.

San Francisco houses the famous Golden Gate Bridge, cable cars, the former Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary, etc.

The city also has the pedigree as a focal point of liberal activism in the United States, which makes San Francisco quite accommodating to almost everyone.

Hence, If you crave success in your business or career; San Francisco is a good destination as it also houses the headquarters of companies such as Twitter, Airbnb, Levi Strauss & Co., Gap Inc., Dropbox, Pacific Gas, and Electric Company, Uber, etc.

It might also interest you to know that some world-known universities are situated in San Francisco.
For example, the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), San Francisco State University (SFSU) the University of San Francisco (USF), the list goes on.

It also has a cultural center such as the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.

With this cultural, social, economic, and educational heritage, considering volunteering opportunities in San Francisco would be a life-changing experience.

Are there paid volunteering opportunities in San Francisco?

There aren’t any directly paid volunteering opportunities in San Francisco. However, the companies listed below allow their employees to engage in volunteering activities.

1. AESOP Corporate: 

This was established in 1987, with its HeadQuarters in Melbourne, Australia. It has the objective of formulating skincare, hair, and body care products of efficient quality.

AESOP’s San Francisco center is located in San Francisco’s downtown, close to n Square, the same area you have the San Francisco MoMA, the Jewish museum, and the Yerba Buena Gardens.

AESOP Corporate encourages its workers to volunteer and pays them during that period too.

GLIDE: This is a nationally known and recognized body advocating for social justice, given to fighting every form of societal and social injustices, creating measures to combat poverty and other social crisis, and transforming lives generally.

This is achieved through its integrated comprehensive services, advocacy initiatives, and inclusive community measures.

They are also involved in various empowerment schemes for individuals, children, and families to achieve social stability.

Some volunteers at Glide are paid stipends.

2. Turo:

This was formerly known as RelayRides. It is an American-owned peer-to-peer car-sharing company, based in San Francisco, California, United States.

The organization allows private car owners to give out their cars on rental; this activity of vehicles being given out on rent is carried out via an online and mobile interface in about 56 countries and various locations.

Some Turo employees are paid some certain days of volunteer time.

3. Levi Strauss & Co.:

This was founded in 1853. Levi Strauss opened a wholesale goods business outlet in San Francisco, that became known as Levi Strauss & Co.

Seeing a need for long wear that could hold up under rougher conditions without getting torn, he and Jacob Davis, a tailor, created the first Jean.

Levi Strauss & Co. currently stands as one of the biggest apparel companies in the world, it is also one of the leading global producers of beautiful jeans wear.

Employees of Levi Strauss and Co. are paid five hours of volunteer time every month.

4. Gap Inc. or GAP:

GAP is an American worldwide retailer of clothing and accessories. It was founded in 1969 in San Francisco, with the primary aim of making it easy to find and wear jeans.

Its subsidiaries include “Gap, Old Navy, Banana Republic, Athleta, Janie and Jack, and Intermix”.
GAP has grown globally with retail stores in various locations including the U.K, Canada, Japan, Paris, and China.

Employees at Gap Inc. are allowed to take five working hours, every month to participate in volunteering activities.

So, the five companies highlighted above amongst others, do encourage volunteering activities, as its employees are spared some time to get involved in volunteering activities and still get paid their due benefits.

How can you become a Volunteer in San Francisco?

This section provides a step-by-step guide to becoming a volunteer in San Francisco.

The steps involved in becoming a volunteer in San Francisco may differ, depending on the organization/company you want to undertake the volunteer role in.

However, we must not undermine the fact that these steps share several similarities.
The process is as follows:

1. Pick an area of interest:

This involves developing a desire or an interest in taking up a volunteering role.

It could be as a result of academic qualifications, passion to meet a particular need based on circumstances or environmental needs, etc.

2. Choose a volunteer program:

At this point, as an intending volunteer, you have to decide on the volunteer program you want to undertake, based on your interest.

This step is made complete by reading vital and relevant information about the volunteer opportunity you want to undertake.
Information about volunteering opportunities in San Francisco is available online.

3. Fill and complete the volunteer application: 

Here, after making your choice of the volunteer program, you are required to complete an online volunteer application form on the organization or company’s website.

While completing the volunteer application, all information required has to be given accurately without falsification. And most times, passing a Department of Justice background check is required.

This is peculiar to almost all volunteer programs because as an applying volunteer, you have to pass a background security check.

This is done to enhance the credibility and due procedure as most organizations won’t accept any volunteers with criminal records.

4. Hiring:

At this point, it is the sole responsibility of the organization/company to decide whether you are fit for the volunteer program based on the information provided during your application.

In some cases, the organization hires every volunteer applicant, as the need for volunteers is limitless depending on the nature of the volunteer program.

How can one find Volunteering Opportunities in San Francisco?

This is simple, simply identify the kind of volunteering programs that suits you, your skills, abilities, knowledge, or even background.

Then, you can pick up your smartphone or PC and proceed to the following websites to find volunteering opportunities in San Francisco.

1. The Volunteer Center:

The volunteer center serving both San Francisco and San Mateo continues to connect individuals and organizations.

They help to draw from the abundant resources that volunteering brings, and the organizations are strengthened in capacity by the inputs of the individual volunteer.


2. Hands-On Bay Area:

They connect users to schools, parks, and nonprofit organizations, in need of support and volunteers.

They work with over 45 nonprofit organizations to connect them with volunteers.


3. Catchafire:

This site matches your experience and skills with organizations that can make the most of them. This is to enable nonprofits organizations to get professional assistance from experienced and skilled volunteers.

Website Link

4. Volunteer Match:

With a tagline that states, they bring good people and good causes together, its search engine on their website will match you with your searched area of interest.

Website Link

5. Idealist:

Idealist is a connecting platform to volunteer opportunities, nonprofit jobs, and internships.

Established in 1995, the Idealist is a good place to find volunteer positions for companies and organizations.

Website Link

15 Volunteer Opportunities in San Francisco in 2024.

1. Rebuild Together, San Francisco:

At Rebuild Together, San Francisco, volunteers are trained and equipped to carry out free home repairs and services, and basic safety renovations for the homes of San Francisco’s elderly, persons with some physical disabilities, and low-income occupants of the city.

The volunteers at Rebuilding Together work to create a safer and healthier environment and also make it possible for people to live independently in their own homes for a long time.

Rebuild Together, the San Francisco project leads home safety installers volunteers to carry out fieldwork, with it seasonal rebuilding days and weeks.

Their services include fire and fall safety modifications, critical plumbing, and electrical work.

Website link

2. Free Farm Stand:

The Free Farm Stand is an all-volunteer-run project, it is all about sharing the wealth of urban farms and gardens.

The goal of the Free Farm Stand is to help locally grown, fresh, and nutritious produce available to everyone, especially individuals and families on low-income and relatively tight budgets.

They also help to empower persons, who have space to grow their food and become more self-sufficient.

Furthermore, they grow as much food as can be grown in San Francisco and distribute it for free at the Free Farm Stand, on Sundays by 1 pm

Equally important, they aim at encouraging community growth and involvement.

Volunteering with the Free Farm Stand is open to everyone interested in agriculture.

Website link

3. Project Open Hand:

Project Open Hand was found in 1985 by a San Francisco grandmother and a retired food service worker: Ruth Brinker.

Its objective is to improve the state of health and quality of life by providing nutritious meals to sick persons and caring for the community.

Actually, at Project Open Hand, the responsibility is on over 125 volunteers each day to help prepare, package and deliver meals with love and distribute groceries to the sick and elderly neighbors.

Website link

4. Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly:

This organization provides an opportunity to build friendships with the city’s over 25,000 elderly ones, who live alone.

This group engages in regular volunteering opportunities, which include making visits to the elderly on their birthdays and holidays or even accompany them to their hospital visits.

You can volunteer in this group, as volunteers are especially needed to just put calls through to them on regular basis to check on them, and give them a listening ear.

You can learn more about this volunteering opportunity through their website.

5. Shanti Project:

Shanti Project was found in 1974. It is one of the first volunteer organizations in the United States to work with individuals suffering from terminal illnesses.

Every year, Shanti Project volunteers provide a wide range of emotional and practical peer support to some residents of San Francisco, under reached individuals such as those living with HIV/AIDS, women’s cancer, etc.

Click on the link below, to visit the organization’s website to serve as a volunteer: Website

6. Musicians on Call:

Musicians on Call is a volunteer group, whose aim and objective is to see that stress and pain of the bedridden, the sick, or even caregivers are alleviated by bringing live or recorded music.

The music is to their bedside and affords them a handful of joy by giving them good music.

Volunteers at Musicians on Call try to bring life and warmth to the bedside of these sick, or bedridden individuals, with the healing power of music.

You don’t have to play any musical instrument to be a volunteer with Musicians on Call. Therefore, applications are from both volunteer guides and volunteer musicians.

Click on the link below to become a volunteer with Musicians on Call:


7. 826 Valencia:

826 Valencia is an organization to support students who lack resources to improve their creative writing skills.

It helps teachers to motivate their students to write, this program covers students between the ages of six to eighteen years.

You could volunteer as a tutor or volunteer your professional services such as photographing, illustrator, audio editing, etc.

Website link

8. Sprouts Cooking Club:

Perhaps you are skilled in cooking or passionate about impacting the lives of children and young adults, then Sprouts Cooking Club is a place to volunteer. 

They are committed to educating underprivileged children and young adults, on healthy cooking lifestyles, and eating habits through their various programs.

Volunteers can currently participate in the Virtual Chef-Led Dinner Series, by teaching a class or assisting with questions during sessions. 

Sprouts Cooking Club offers a variety of volunteer opportunities; from assisting cooking classes and reaching out to sponsors and partnering groups.

Website link

9. The Pomeroy Recreation & Rehabilitation Center:

They provide educational and recreational spaces to accommodate people with disabilities and trauma of any kind.

With social distancing rules still in place, Pomeroy Recreation and Rehabilitation Center is moving with time by engaging in virtual programs.

Essentially, volunteers lead remote activities, that have programs for adults ages 20-90 and children and teens ages 5-19.


10. San Francisco Women Against Rape(SFWAR):

SFWAR is an organization advocating for survivors of sexual assault and granting legal assistance to these victims of sexual violence.

Volunteers should respond to their hotlines and is open to women and children in abusive and assaultive situations.

In addition, volunteers, who will be in one-on-one contact with victims of sexual violence receive special training.

Website Link

This organization offers free legal services to the elderly and adults with disabilities who can’t afford legal aids.

They offer assistance to people, who are at the risk of losing their properties, health care, and also persons who have suffered abuse financially.

This gesture is to ensure that San Francisco’s vulnerable persons are safe and accommodated in the city, without any form of abuse or intimidation.

Likewise, lawyers and even students are welcome as volunteers.

Website Link

12. Angels for Humans, Animals, and Nature(AHAN):

For animals and pet lovers, AHAN is an organization to volunteer with, as they try to find a home for every adoptable animal, through their adoption program.

This group has a vision to reduce animal suffering and homelessness.

Volunteers visit the shelters of these animals regularly, with the adoption process and also recruit more volunteers for regular visits and play with the animal in their shelters.

Website Link

13. One Brick:

One Brick is a community of volunteers that supports other nonprofit organizations, through the creation of an enabling social environment for volunteers in volunteering roles. It is an umbrella covering different volunteers.

They sometimes hold social events to connect new volunteers with the community of volunteers, they also make it easy to access volunteer opportunities.

Website Link

14. Project Night Night:

Project Night Night has a mission to provide free Night Night packages to homeless children, from birth to pre-teen, who need basic childhood essentials to have a level of security and to expose them to some standard educational materials.

Basically, children at the insecurity of homelessness receive items like a new security blanket, age-appropriate children’s book, and a stuffed animal — all put inside a new canvas tote bag every night.

Website Link:

15. Groceries for Seniors

This is a community-based, profit organization that serves free food to the elderly, and poor people in San Francisco.

This set of persons live with a daily threat of hunger and starvation. So, Groceries for Seniors distributes nutritious fresh meals to over one thousand elderly people of San Francisco every week.

Their mission is “to provide low-income seniors in San Francisco with free food, allowing them to use what little money they have, to stay healthy and remain an integral part of our community”.

Similarly, their available volunteer roles include; Grocery Bagger, Delivery Assistant, Grant Writer, Donor Researcher, etc.

Website Link

In Conclusion

San Francisco is an amazing city with great cultural, social, and economic value. Hence, volunteering there would give you a great opportunity to give back to society.

It is worth the effort!


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