Roth family foundation Fellowships UPDATED

The Roth Family Foundation offers three full fellowships for IHE Delft Short Courses related to Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation, to female water professionals from Sub-Saharan Africa.

The IHE Delft Institute for Water Education is the largest international educational institution for the training of water graduates in the world.

The goal is to achieve an impact on the ground through the development of researchers and problem-oriented knowledge.

If this meets you right, go on to apply for the Roth family foundation Fellowships, the World Scholarship Forum Team has arranged all the details you need to win the Roth family foundation scholarships which include the Roth family foundation grant, Roth foundation short courses, and many more.

About Roth family foundation Fellowships

Level / Field of Study

The Roth family foundation scholarships are open to female water professionals.

Host Nationality

The Roth family foundation grant is hosted in the Netherlands.

There are other Netherlands Scholarships available for International students in 2024.

You can utilize these scholarship opportunities to solve most of your academics problems. Check out other scholarships you can apply for in 2024 to study in EuropeAfricaAsiaAmerica, etc.

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Eligible Nationality

The Roth family foundation scholarships are open to females from sub-Saharan Africa.

Aside from the Roth foundation short courses, there are other scholarships available to international students to study abroad. You can check our scholarship by country to access all scholarships available.

Scholarship Worth

The fellowship covers tuition, study-related costs, insurance and a contribution to the cost of living and travel. The program lasts three years and was launched in 2016.

Eligibility For The Roth Family Foundation

Interested applicants from sub-Saharan Africa can apply.

Eligible candidates:

  • Are female
  • Have a Bachelor of Science degree
  • Possess at least two years of working experience
  • Have a good command of the English language, both written and spoken.

The following short courses are allowed for the year:

  • Decentralized Water Supply and Sanitation (02 Jul– 20 Jul)
  • IWRM as a Tool for Adaptation to Climate Change (02 Jul – 20 Jul)
  • Advanced Water Transport and Distribution (02 Jul– 20 Jul)
  • Remote Sensing for Agricultural Water Management (02 Jul– 20 Jul)
  • Solid Waste Management (02 Jul – 20 Jul)
  • Strategic Planning for River Basins and Deltas (02 Jul – 20 Jul)
  • Water Sensitive Cities (02 Jul – 20 Jul)
  • Wetlands for Livelihoods and Conservation (02 Jul – 20 Jul)
  • Faecal Sludge Management (02 Jul – 20 Jul)

For a list of eligible Sub-Saharan African countries, click here.

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How To Apply For The Roth family foundation scholarships

Interested in one of the short courses in July 2024 (listed above):

A. apply online by filling out the application by following the apply-link on the specific page of the short course of your choice in July.

In all cases, motivation statements must be completed. Indicate that you want to apply for a Roth Fellowship and explain why, through this special course, you and your company can meet future challenges in terms of access to clean water, improved hygiene, and sanitation corrected by answering the following questions in the text fields of the application form:

  • What is the issue or problem you want to address in your country?
  • How will this course enable you to address this issue?
  • How will you address this issue with your position within your organization?

B. indicate your interest in a Roth Fellowship by sending an email mention ”Roth Fellowship” in the subject line and mention your name and country of residence in the email.

All applicants will be informed about the outcome of the application before 10 May.

Selection Criteria

IHE Delft’s selection criteria will be as follows:

  • Academic Qualifications
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • English Language Proficiency
  • Motivation Statements

Lastly, If a final list of potential participants is available, IHE Delft will try to award scholarships among the various eligible countries.

Eisenhower Fellowships’ Global Program 2024

Deadline For The Roth family foundation grant

The Roth foundation short courses are currently not ongoing.

For more information and applications on the Roth family foundation scholarships. Click on the link below: Official Link


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