London Business School Sloan Women Scholarship 

The London Business School in the UK is now accepting applications for the LBS Sloan Women Scholarship Program. The scholarship is open to self-funding female students who are studying for a Master’s degree at the London Business School.

However, it is important to note that students must have submitted their full LBS Sloan Masters application to apply for the scholarship.

You can also read Sloan Scholarships 2024 for International Students

More About London Business School Sloan Women Scholarship 2021

World Scholarship Forum popular searched scholarships you can use.

Level/Field of Study

The Scholarship is awarded to students pursuing a Master’s degree in business-related areas.

Host Nationality

The study is being conducted at the London Business School in the UK.

Eligible Nationality

The application is open to all international students from countries all over the world.

Scholarship Worth

Recipients of the Scholarship will be awarded up to 50% of the tuition fees for the LBS Sloan Masters in the form of study discounts.


To qualify, interested applicants must adhere to the following criteria:

  • Be a self-funded female LBS Sloan candidate.
  • Be pursuing a Master’s degree in business-related fields.

Nevertheless, applicants can read more instructions about the scholarship through the link provided below:


How to Apply

Interested applicants should fill the LBS Sloan Women Scholarship Application Form by clicking on the link below:


Supporting Documents:

  • One-page CV
  • 1 short essay (300-500 words)
  • Prompt: “Describe as a female leader how you will contribute to the future success of the LBS Sloan Masters program.”
  • Video clip of up to 5 minutes entitled “Who am I?”, Demonstration of your creativity. The video must be uploaded to YouTube and the link sent to the host team:

Application Deadline

The Deadline for submission is July 24, annually.

For more information on the LBS Sloan Women Scholarship, interested applicants should visit the link below:

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No. London Business School’s portfolio of courses does not include undergraduate education. The School is focused on postgraduate business education, offering a range of courses across MBA, Masters and PhD degrees, plus a selection of short courses designed for executives.


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