SDG Innovation Challenge for Nigerians

The SDG Innovation Challenge 2024 is now open. The SDG16 Innovation Challenge is an initiative to find creative solutions to SDG 16 on Justice.

The competition helps young men and women between the ages of 15 and 35 to develop ideas, develop skills, and exchange ideas with others who work to strengthen accountability, the rule of law, and access to justice for Nigerians.

The SDG Innovation Challenge Program is organized by the Nigeria Liability Lab and the Canadian Embassy. The ODD16 Innovation Contest helps young people to design solutions for participation, justice, and accountability in Nigeria.

Each focus group focuses on a specific problem:

  • How can we ensure that it involves the most vulnerable people in Nigeria in the development process?
  • How can we rethink the judiciary to serve the poor?
  • How can citizens’ feedback mechanisms be revised to improve service delivery?
  • How can young people strengthen the accountability of companies and governments?
  • How can we increase women’s participation in governance?
  • How can we ensure that everyone takes part in discussions about the future of Nigeria?
  • How can we support women’s votes in the rule of law?
    They will invite the 40 best ideas to a three-day workshop in Abuja or Lagos to refine their concepts. The highlight of the campaign will be a pitch competition in front of a jury comprising two winning ideas.

More About the SDG Innovation Challenge 2024

Level/ Field of Study

The ODD 16 Innovation Contest focuses on seven topics (or research questions). The program design focuses on people-centered activities where participants are actively involved to promote a broader understanding of issues related to accountability, the rule of law, and access to justice.

Host Nationality

SDG16 Innovation Challenge is to be hosted by Nigeria Liability Lab and the Canadian Embassy.

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Eligible Nationality

SDG Innovation Challenge Program is opened for Nigerian citizens only.

Aside from the SDG Innovation Challenge 2024, there are other scholarships available to international students to study abroad. You can check our scholarship by country to access all scholarships available.

Scholarship Worth

The winners can develop their ideas in the Accountability Lab Incubator. and possible funding of external partners.

Eligibility for  SDG Innovation Challenge Program

SDG16 Innovation Challenge Applications/ideas will be assessed according to the following criteria:

  • Understanding of the context;
  • The potential of the idea to solve the problem;
  • Practicality, simplicity, and innovation of the idea;
  • Potential impact and scale.
  • The competition is open to anyone in Nigerians below the age of 35.

The competition is open to both individuals and teams. However, only one team member will travel to Islamabad to attend the mentoring and pitching session, and only one person from the winning team will receive the prize.

How to Apply for SDG Innovation Challenge 2024

  • You can apply to share your ideas for the SDG 16 innovation competition by filling in this brief application form (link to be included) and submitting it to
  • You can also record a short 2-minute video instead (answering the same questions) and
    submitting this on Twitter and/or Facebook, tagging Accountability Lab and UNDP Pakistan.
  • SDG Innovation Challenge Results will be announced on by May 10th at the latest and will be required to attend a mentoring and pitching session in Islamabad in late May for which all costs will be covered. Judges will assess the pitches and decide upon the top 10 winning ideas.

Apply here

SDG Innovation Challenge 2024 Application Deadline

The SDG Innovation Challenge Program deadline is May 5th but applications will be reviewed and accepted on a rolling basis so get your ideas in as soon as you can! You can submit as many ideas as you like.

For more information, visit the Accountability Lab website.

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