Somos Scholarship | UPDATED

Scholarships are being awarded by Somos Foundation to Latino/Hispanic students in recognition of academic and vocational achievement, demonstrated leadership in school, community or other service activities; hence, meeting their financial need.

Somos scholarship is given to help Latino/Hispanic students achieve their academic goals, as well as remain motivated by the support and networking opportunities provided by Somos’ Student Academy.

Host Nationality

The Somos Foundation is a non-profit organization focused on strengthening Utah’s Latino community. The goal of the foundation is to create strong community leaders who will help the community to develop and prosper economically by giving Hispanic/Latino students opportunities to get educated, mentored, and connected with local leaders.

Eligible Nationality

Hispanic/Latino student resident in Utah in the USA.

Scholarship Worth

Successful applicants are awarded based on their tuition fees.

Eligibility Requirements

To be considered for Somos scholarship, applicants should fulfill the following demands:

  • Be of Hispanic/Latino descent.
  • Currently, residing in Utah.
  • Be a student registered as a senior in high school, or a student in college, university, or vocational college in the state of Utah.
  • Be making satisfactory progress toward the student’s curriculum goal (degree, diploma, or certification ).
  • Have shown leadership in school, community or other service organizations that encourage, improve or reinforce diversity.

How to Apply

The applicants must fill out the online Somos scholarship form. The link is:

The Application may also be downloaded by the link:

Supporting Documents:

  1. Write a short personal history which contains:
  • Academic, professional, and individual goals.
  • Reasons why you feel you are a viable candidate for this scholarship.
  • Scholarly or vocational accomplishments, honors, special awards, or recognition you have received.
  • Community and school involvement; including leadership positions and/or activities.
  • Personal barriers/hardships you have had to overcome to achieve your educational goals.

Applications without a personal history will NOT be considered.

2. A copy of the applicant’s high school or college transcript. Please attach it to the email.

3. Two recommendation letters by someone qualified to judge your academic, leadership, and individual credentials. A counsellor or teacher is recommended.

4. A completed application should be one email sent to with the documents listed above attached.

Application Deadline

The application deadline is December annually.

You can apply for the Somos scholarship here

We also recommend other scholarship opportunities.

  • Fully Funded Commonwealth Master’s Scholarships in the UK
  • KNUST MasterCard Foundation Undergraduate Scholarships
  • Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program for Ghana Students 
  • Ghana Sheffield Scholarships for Masters Programme in the UK
  • FEBE International Undergraduate Scholarships at the University of Newcastle in Australia
  • Clinical Centre Masters Scholarship In Cardiovascular Health Research in Australia
  • International Scholarships at Istanbul Aydin University in Turkey

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