Spanish Fathers Day Quotes

Fathers Day is a day to celebrate fathers and father figures. It is celebrated in many countries around the world, including Spain.

In this article, we’ve made a collection of some of the best Spanish father’s day quotes that can interest you. You will love this collection, I bet you!

spanish father's day quotes

Spanish Fathers Day Quotes

“Un padre es el hombre que nos da la vida, nos enseña el camino y nos protege en el viaje.”

– “A father is the man who gives us life, teaches us the way and protects us on the journey.

Gracias por todo lo que has hecho por mí.
Translation: Thank you for everything that you’ve done for me.

Faltan las palabras para contarte cuanto te adoro, Papá.

Translation: Words fail to describe how much I love you, Dad.

¡Cuanto te amo, Papá!

Translation: I love you so much, Dad!

Felíz día Papá. Eres la roca de la família.

Translation: Happy Father’s Day, Dad. You are the rock of the family.

¡Felicidades en tu día, Papá!

Translation: Wishing you so much love on your day, Dad!

Espero que todos los días serían como El Día Del Padre.

Translation: I wish every day was like Father’s Day.

Nunca sería la persona que soy sin tí.

Translation: I would never be the person I am without you.

¡Que orgullo tenerte como Papá!

Translation: What an honor is it to have you as my father!

Un montón de besos y abrazos a la distancia.

Translation: Tons of hugs and kisses from far away.

Me inspiras con tu amor y buen ejemplo.

Translation: You inspire me with your love and being a good role model.

Tu eres mas que un Papá; eres mi mejor amigo.

Translation: You are more than a father; you’re my best friend.

Gracias por todo lo que has hecho por mí.

Translation: Thank you for everything that you’ve done for me.

Te adoro con toda mi alma, Papá.

Translation: I adore you with all my heart, Dad.

¡A mi querido Viejo, Felíz Día Del Padre!

Translation: To my dear old Dad, Happy Father’s Day!

Me enseñaste a ser la persona que soy.

Translation: You’ve taught me to be the person who I am.

“Un padre es un tesoro de incalculable valor.”

– “A father is a treasure of invaluable value.”

Gracias por siempre estar a mi lado.

Translation: Thank you for always being by my side.

Papá, te adoro.

Translation: Dad, I adore you.

Tu eres el mejor ejemplo de lo que significa ser un padre.

Translation: You are the best example of what it means to be a father.

Como tú, no hay ninguno.

Translation: There’s no one like you.

Tu eres el mejor padre del mundo.

Translation: You’re the best dad in the world.


Fathers play a significant role in the lives of their children. They provide both emotional and financial support, and are often the primary caregivers. On Father’s Day, we recognize the importance of fathers and thank them for all they do for their families. Let’s all take a moment to appreciate our fathers and tell them how much we love and appreciate them. Happy Father’s Day!

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