Stanlib Bursary for South Africa students 

STANLIB bursary program offers financial help to academically outstanding and previously disadvantaged students of tertiary level education to study at any university in South Africa.

Here in this article, we have painstakingly put down the relevant information about this Bursary that can help you to apply. Check it out!

Stanlib Bursary South Africa

STANLIB was established in the year 2005 when a merger occurred between Standard Corporate and Merchant Bank (a subsidiary of Standard Bank of South Africa Limited) and Liberty Asset Management (LIBAM) (a subsidiary of Liberty Holdings).

The business is presently the biggest unit trust company in line with market share, which oversees capital because of the more than 500 000 customers.

The Southern African multi-specialist strength manager organization can be found at Johannesburg, works in seven states around Africa in addition to in international primary developed markets and is now a totally owned subsidiary of JSE-listed Liberty Holdings Limited.

STANLIB join their retail and institutional customers with countless investment opportunities across various asset classes and markets.

Scholarship Level/Field

Stanlib bursaries are given to deserving students Every Year, over the following areas of research:

Shortlisted applicants will be contacted – if you have not received any feedback within 3 weeks of the application deadline, regard your application as unsuccessful.

Host Nationality

This Scholarship will take place in SOUTH AFRICA.

Eligible Nationality

The Bursary is open to all South African Undergraduate degree or Post-graduate degree students to study in South Africa

Eligibility for Stanlib Bursary 

Applicants should meet the following minimum entrance standards before implementing (please notice that failure to meet each of the prerequisites will probably result in an application not being considered):

  • South African citizen
  • Completed Matric
  • Strong academic document
  • Achieved a minimum overall average of 70 percent in most classes/topics
  • Studied Mathematics (Maybe Not Mathematical Literacy)
  • Examining in an Undergraduate (first/ second/ third season ) or Post Graduate (Honours) eligibility
  • Assessing within a single of those above disciplines
  • In a formerly disadvantaged background

How to Apply for Stanlib Bursary in South Africa 

Download and complete the Stanlib Bursary Application Form (. pdf)

Submit apparent copies of these supporting documentation Together with your completed Form (the entry of those documents is mandatory -when some items are lost, your program be dismissed ):

  • ID record (certified duplicate of)
  • Parents/guardians ID records (certified copies of)
  • If parents are dead, death certificate (certified copy of)
  • Parents/ guardians newest Pay-slip
  • Matric students: duplicate of the years June outcomes
  • University-student: duplicate of complete academic transcript

The application should be filed with one of the following manners:

1) Email:
2) Fax: 0867 277 501 / 011 448 6666
3) Delivered:
17 Melrose Boulevard
Melrose Arch
4) Post:
P O Box 202
Melrose Arch

Application Deadline

Application for Stanlib Bursary for South Africa students started on September 14.
(Applications submitted following this date won’t be accepted please apply until the last date to make sure they contemplate your application).

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