15 Best Veterinary Schools in Florida | Rankings

Being one of the best veterinarians the world has ever produced can also be very rewarding and interesting. Now apart from the handsome take-home you get as a salary, you get to understand animals and why they act the way they do.

Although it might sound awkward if I tell you that this is not a miracle or special grace, yea, it’s not. It comes with getting experience from any of the Best Veterinary Schools in Florida.

Now, I know you will be wondering… Why Florida? I will tell you

Although many Veterinary schools worldwide offer quality programs, Florida veterinary schools in the last decade have proven to be top-notch schools that produce quality graduates due to the standard they set, which has always been favorable to students.

Here is the big one…..!

Ya! I agree that it can be challenging for you right now when it comes to making the right choice because numerous schools in Florida offer veterinary programs at different levels to which any student can apply. Don’t panic because that is why we are here; to help you choose wisely.

To this effect, the World Scholarship Forum team has compiled 15 best Veterinary Schools in Florida in this article. When we say BEST, we mean top-notch schools for veterinarians or lovers of animals.

So what are you still waiting for?

I advice you to sit, grab a cup of coffee and roll with me…..

Oh! let’s pause a bit…! It will be wise to first give you an insight into what veterinary entails, including what you will be doing as a veterinarian in case you don’t know or perhaps you know but need more clarification.

Quick scroll down to get an overview of what this article contains.

What is Veterinary?

According to Wikipediaveterinarian, also known as a veterinary surgeon or veterinary physician, is a professional who practices veterinary medicine by treating diseases, disorders, and injuries in non-human animals.

However, Veterinarians serve the healthcare needs of animals, including small animals, livestock, avian, and zoo and laboratory animals. Commonly called “vets,” small animal veterinarians do most of their work in private clinic settings. Here, they treat companion animals—pets—like dogs, cats, and birds.

In addition, a vet doctor tires to diagnose illnesses and perform many in-office medical procedures such as chiropractic care.

Also, Some can work as equine veterinarians, treating horses. On the other hand, some veterinarians may work as food animal vets with farm animals that are raised to become food sources.

Interestingly, you can even pursue your veterinary program on a scholarship. Check out TOP 50 VETERINARY & ANIMAL SCIENCE SCHOLARSHIPS.

What are my primary duties as a Veterinarian?

This question has been in the mind of many according to statistics. Now apart from the medical care for animals,  other basic duties you can handle includes:

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  • Advising clients on care of their pets
  • Administering immunizations
  • Conducting physical examinations
  • Providing emergency care
  • Performing surgery and dental procedures
  • Prescribing medication
  • Euthanizing animals

Who is a Veterinary Assistant?

In a nutshell, A veterinary assistant being supervised by the veterinarian technician takes care of animals who need medical attention. Also, he feeds, bath, sand exercising animals.

In addition to that, he restrains them during examinations and treatment, cleans and sterilizes examination and operating rooms, as well as the equipment used in them.

Furthermore, some also perform lab work, which includes drawing blood and collecting urine samples, and administering medicine and vaccinations. Veterinary assistants perform clerical duties as well. Another job title for this occupation is veterinarian assistant.

What is Veterinarian Job Outlook Like?

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, between 2018-2028 which is a 10-year interval, there will be an 18% increase in the demand of veterinarian doctors or technicians because people are expected to spend more money on their pets and this will drive the higher demand for veterinary services.

Now in Florida, Jobs available here for veterinary technicians, veterinary assistants, and animal caregivers are growing at a rate of 400 new positions every year.

Therefore, anyone with passion for animals, a willingness to learn and a desire to live in a sunny, warm climate can enjoy a great vet tech career in Florida. So I tell you, Florida is a great state in which to look for work in animal care fields.

What Qualification do I need?

Although there is no state licensing for veterinarian techs, assistants or animal caregivers in Florida. Prospective veterinarians must graduate with a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (D.V.M. or V.M.D.) degree from a 4-year program at an accredited college of veterinary medicine.

However, for you to be called a certified vet technician or doctor and qualify to get a professional work from big companies, there are basic requirements you must fufill. These requirements include:

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  • Being certified by the Florida Veterinary Medical Association.
  • Completion of a veterinary technology program accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA
  • Passing score on the Veterinary Technician National Exam (VTNE)
  • References attesting to good moral character

Hence, Vet techs in Florida can also be certified through the Florida Veterinary Technician Association with similar requirements.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are 8,190 vet techs and 4,350 vet assistants and animal caregivers working in Florida.

However, they hold positions in research facilities, on farms, in veterinary offices and hospitals, at emergency animal clinics and with rescue groups.

In addition to formal training, to be successful as a veterinarian, you need specific qualities you won’t learn in school. These are called soft skills.

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  • Compassion
  • Critical thinking
  • Interpersonal skills 
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Scientific aptitude
  • Analytical skills

Florida Veterinary Technician Salaries

The average annual salary for a vet tech in Florida is $30,080, but top earners can get as much as $39,910 working in this field.

However, the average salary is a little lower than the national average, but so is the cost of living in Florida. Vet assistants and animal caregivers require less training, which means they earn a lower average salary of $22,560.

13 Best Veterinary Schools in Florida

Hillsborough Community College

Graduate Rate: 34%

Enrollment: 10,901 Students

Acceptance Rate: 100%

Hillsborough is of the Best veterinary schools in Florida that you can pursue any veterinary program at any level. Note, It is a public college located in Tampa, Florida

However, this Florida Veterinary school will provide you as a student who is looking for well-rounded educational experience flexible learning opportunities in a variety of courses and degree options for students

In addition to that, you get access to establish professional contacts, make friends and gain new interests.

Furthermore, the school Academics include a broad range of certificate programs, including more than 30 associate’s degrees and college credit programs. You can earn an associate’s degree in the arts or sciences.

Employability Index: 87%

Programs Offered

Hillsborough Community College offers 1 Veterinary Science Degree program. 

Other Programs Offered include:

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  • Liberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal Studies
  • Emergency Medical
  • Other Education; Business
  • Technology/Technician (EMT Paramedic
  • Registered Nurse and Registered Nursing
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Read more: You can also check out these 15 Best Business Schools in Florida 2024

Southern Technical College

Graduate Rate: 46%

Enrollment:  545 students

Acceptance Rate: 100%

You can start your career as a veterinary by running your veterinary program is Southern Technical College.

Interestingly, this Florida veterinary school is among the best veterinary schools in Florida that quality and high standard programs. Also, they provide students with academic and financial assistance which can come in the form of internships, scholarships or even grants.

Despite the high quality of programs they offer, its tuition fees is $ 12,960 which is considered quite affordable when compared with other schools tuition fees in United state.

Note, this school vet program is designed to meet the needs of today’s employers. it has an advisory board consisting of representatives from leading local organizations.

Programs Offered

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  • Criminal Justice & Law Enforcement
  • Medical/Clinical Assistant
  • Medical Insurance Coding Specialist/Coder
  • Health Information/Medical Records
  • Sonographer and Ultrasound Technician
  • Healthcare Management
  • Interior Design
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City College, Gainesville

Graduate Rate: 30%

Enrollment: 181 Students

Acceptance Rate: 100%

Next in our list of the best vet schools in Florida is City College, Gainesville. This school was founded in 1984 and its a private University.

However, the school aims at providing a hands-on, practical and relevant college education to students in Florida and online.

Furthermore, they help provide varieties of courses apart from veterinary programs in different career fields to help train and educate students. Our mission is to educate and train students in their chosen major, in preparation for employment in specific career fields.

Note, the school is accredited by ABHES, the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools.

Employability Index: 85%

Programs Offered

City College-Hollywood offers 1 Veterinary Science Degree program

Other Programs Offered

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  • Emergency Medical Services
  • Healthcare Administration
  • Business Management
  • Medical Assisting
  • Medical Billing and Coding
  • Mental Health Technology
  • Veterinary Technology
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Eastern Florida State College

Graduate Rate: 55%

Enrollment: 24,527 Students

Acceptance Rate: 100%

Eastern Florida State College in Cocoa, Florida, is another Vet school in florida that can give you what you want.

However, it is a public four-year institution that is dedicated to engaging and educating a diverse student population to prepare them for employment upon graduation or transfer to another college or university.

It is important to note that, the school renders other services that help to encourage students to get involved in local community services and worth life experiences.

However, Admissions require students to submit an official high school or GED transcript and ACT/SAT scores and register for new student orientation.

Also, Students who have not taken the ACT or SAT within the past two years may be required to register for placement testing depending on Florida statute.

Moreso, the college is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Colleges.

Note, Fees for tuition for in-state students are around $2,496 and for out-of-state students likely to be about $9,739 yearly, while books and supplies may cost about $1,200, although this varies from program to program.

Further, Students who want to be considered for financial aid must file a FAFSA. Forms of aid include Pell grants and Florida Student Assistance grants and the Eastern Florida State College Foundation offers scholarships.

Note, Eastern Florida State College had been named Brevard Community College until a name change in July 2013 to reflect the addition of four-year degrees.

Employability Index: 85%

Programs Offered

Eastern Florida State College offers 1 Veterinary Science Degree program. 

Other Programs Offered

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  • Liberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal Studies
  • Nursing Assistant / Aide and Patient Care Assistant / Aide
  • Child Care Provider/Assistant; Registered Nurse and Registered Nursing (RN); Criminal.
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Daytona State College

Graduate Rate 36%

Student Enrollment: 5,494

Acceptance Rate: 100%

Daytona State College’s Associate-level Veterinary Technology program is taught at their campus in the city of Daytona Beach, Florida.

However, this public college has roughly 13,248 students in total, with the majority of students on 4-year programs. The college is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Colleges.

Note, The cost of tuition for in-state students is usually around $3,282 and for out-of-state students in the order of $12,352 per year. Books and supplies can cost in the order of $1,200, although this will depend on the program.

Employability Index: 83%

Programs Offered

Daytona State College offers 1 Veterinary Science Degree program.

Other Programs Offered

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  • Liberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal Studies
  • Business/Managerial Operations
  • Registered Nurse and Registered Nursing (RN)
  • Emergency Medical Technology/Technician
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Pensacola State College

Graduate Rate: 30%

Enrollment: 3,583 students

Acceptance Rate: 100%

Next in our list of the best Vet Schools in Florida is Pensacola State College. This school offers Associate’s degree program to both citizens and international students. (https://7ziphelp.com) Note, this program is a four-years program.

However, this college is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Colleges.

Furthermore, the cost of tuition for students living in the state is roughly about $2,704 and for students from other states around $10,875 for each academic year. Study materials can cost roughly $1,100, depending on the program chosen.

Also, if you successfully become an alumnus you will get the chance to earn a starting salary of $23,600.

Employability Index: 84%

Programs Offered

Pensacola State College offers 1 Veterinary Science Degree program.

Other Programs Offered include:

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  • Liberal Arts and Sciences
  • Liberal Studies
  • Registered Nurse and Registered Nursing (RN)
  • Emergency Medical Technology/Technician
  • Cosmetology/Cosmetologist
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St Petersburg College

Graduate Rate: 36%

Enrollment: 5,494

Acceptance Rate: 100%

St Petersburg College is another veterinary school that you can make your choice if you really want to puruse your career.

Interestingly, this college makes available multiple training options, including a Bachelor program, an Associate program, and a Certificate program.

However, the college has roughly 32,681 students in total, with most students on 4-year programs. And also, it is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Colleges.

Note, Fees for tuition for in-state students are likely to be in the order of $3,352 and for students from outside the state likely to be about $11,607 yearly, while books and supplies may cost about $1,600, although this varies from program to program.

Employability Index: 85%

Programs Offered

St Petersburg College offers 3 Veterinary Science Degree programs. 

Other Programs Offered Include:

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  • Liberal Arts and Humanities
  • Business
  • Nursing
  • Emergency Medical Technician (EMT Paramedic)
  • Police and Criminal Science
  • Information Technology
  • Cosmetology
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Network, Database, and System Administration
  • Fire Science and Fire Fighting
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Miami Dade College

Graduate Rate: 31%

Student Enrollment: 23,589

Acceptance Rate: 100%

Miami Dade College’s Associate program in Veterinary Technology is offered at their campus in the city of Miami, FL. Also, This public college has roughly 66,046 students in total, with the majority of students on 4-year programs.

Note, just like St Petersburg College and some other colleges in Florida, Miami Dade is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Colleges.

However, Fees for tuition for in-state students are likely to be in the order of $2,834 and for students from outside the state likely to be about $9,661 yearly, while books and supplies may cost about $1,500, although this varies from program to program.

Employability Index: 87%

Program Offered Include:

Miami Dade College offers 1 Veterinary Science Degree program.

  • Anatomy
  • Physiology
  • Lab procedures
  • Animal Nursing Skills
  • Avian and Exotic pet medicine
  • Veterinary pathology
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Sanford-Brown Institute-Jacksonville

Graduate Rate: 27%

Student Enrollment: 340

Acceptance Rate: 100%

The Veterinary Technology Associate’s degree program at Sanford-Brown Institute-Jacksonville is taught at their Jacksonville campus in the city of Jacksonville. Most of the school’s 340 students are on 2-year programs.

However, Sanford-Brown College Jacksonville offers an industry-oriented education with the convenience and flexible schedules designed to fit your busy life.

Moreso, Sanford–Brown schools were nationally accredited by either the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools (ACICS) or the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC).

Additionally, over 60 academic programs at Sanford–Brown were individually accredited.

Programs Offered

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  • Allied Health
  • Business Administration
  • Dental Hygiene
  • Medical Assistant
  • Pharmacy Technician
  • Veterinary Technology
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Suncoast Technical College

Graduate Rate: 51%

Enrollment: 1,117 students

Acceptance Rate:

Suncoast Technical College is a Public, 2-4 years school located in Sarasota, FL. It is non-degree granting school. 

However, the 2024 tuition & fees at Suncoast Technical College is – for Florida residents and $6,217 for out-of-state students. 554 students (49.60% of the enrolled undergraduate students) have received grant or scholarships and the average aid amount is $2,354 at Suncoast Technical College.

Note, Suncoast Technical College is accredited by the Council on Occupational Education (COE), AdvancED, and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement (SACS).

Programs Offered

Suncoast Technical College offers 0 Veterinary Science Degree programs.

Other Programs Offered

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  • Licensed Practical Nursing (LPN)
  • Licensed Vocational Nurse Training (LVN)
  • Emergency Medical Technology/Technician (EMT Paramedic)
  • Firefighter, Fireman and Firefighting Science
  •  Homeland Security
  • Law Enforcement
  •  Construction Trades
  •  Mechanics and Repairers
  •  Health Services/Allied Health/Health Sciences
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UF College of Veterinary Medicine

Graduate Rate: 55%

Student Enrollment: 50,645

Acceptance Rate: 100%

It is a University institution located in Gainesville, FL, in a suburban setting. It is known as one of the top-notch veterinary schools in Florida because of its strong focus on leadership development, global impact, and making a difference.

Note, if you want to pursue a veterinary degree program at the University of Florida, you can choose from any of these courses listed on the site website.

Moreso, Florida resident tuition and fees are subject to change each year. Out-of-State Resident (Non-Sponsored) – $45,500 per year, paid bi-annually in the fall and spring semesters of each academic year ($22,750 per semester).

However, UF is fully accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) Council on Education (COE).

Employability Index: 78%

This vet school in Florida offers 3 Veterinary Science Degree programs. It’s a large public university in a mid sized city. 

Other Programs Offered

The UF College of Veterinary Medicine offers a 4-year DVM program and a joint DVM/MPH program. Through our graduate studies office, we also offer MS and PhD degrees iVeterinary Medical Sciences.

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Do you have a friend that interested in studying accountancy in Florida, here are Top Rated and Best Accounting Schools in Florida, 2024

St. George’s University School

Graduate: 20,108

Student Enrollment: 8,256

Acceptance Rate: 100%

St. George’s University School of Veterinary Medicine prepares students for the world of animal health care and its effect on global health.

Moreso, the School of Veterinary Medicine is now one of the few schools in the world accredited by both the American Veterinary Medical Association Council on Education (AVMA COE) in the United States and Canada, as well as the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) in the United Kingdom.

However, SGU’s DVM graduates are fully eligible to seek licensure in the USA and Canada without further steps other than successfully passing the NAVLE.

DVM graduates who have also completed the Global Veterinary Health Track will be eligible to register as members of the RCVS and practice in the UK without further examination.

Moreso, Students gain valuable hands-on experience in veterinary surgery and other skills prior to their final-year clinical training at one of SGUSVM’s affiliated schools of veterinary medicine in the US, UK, Ireland, Canada, Australia, and Grenada.

In addition to a state-of-the-art large-animal facility and marine station, the SGU Small Animal Clinic helps local pets live longer through vaccination services, deworming, and parasite management.

Programs Offered

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  • Doctor Of Veterinary Medicine
  • Doctor Of Veterinary Medicine/Master Of Science (DVM/MSc)
  • Global Veterinary Medicine Track
  • Doctor Of Veterinary Medicine/Master Of Science (DVM/MSc)
  • Doctor Of Veterinary Medicine/MBA In Multi-Sector Health Management (DVM/MBA)
  • Doctor Of Veterinary Medicine/Master Of Public Health (DVM/MPH)
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Heritage Institute

Graduate Rate: 65%

Student Enrollment: 526

Acceptance Rate: 100%

Heritage Institute is located in Fort Myers, FL. This school offers training in 7 qualifications, with the most reviewed qualifications being Certified Medical Assistant, Massage Therapy License, and Associates degree MA.

However, to complete this education training ranges from 7.5 months to 18 months depending on the qualification, with a median time to complete of 14 months.

The cost to attend Heritage Institute ranges from $5,000 to $23,000 depending on the qualification, with a median cost of $15,000. When asked how they paid for their training, most reviewers responded, “I received grants and/or scholarship funding”.

Note, Both the SAT and ACT scores are used for college admissions and generally contain the same types of content. The SAT score is derived by combining two sections with a low of 400 to a maximum score of 1600.

Programs Offered

Heritage Institute-Ft Myers offers 1 Veterinary Science Degree program. 

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Marion County Community Technical and Adult Education Center

Graduate Rate: 55%

Student Enrollment: 413

Acceptance Rate: 100%

Marion Technical College is an above-average public college located in Ocala, Florida. It is a small institution with an enrollment of 413 undergraduate students.

Marion Technical College alumni go on to earn a starting salary of $20,100.

Programs Offered

Marion County Community Technical and Adult Education Center offers 1 Veterinary Science Degree program.

Other Programs Offered

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  • Fire Science
  • Fire Fighting,
  • Licensed Practical Nurse Training (LPN)
  • Nursing Assistant
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Sarasota County Technical Institute

Graduate Rate: not specified

Student Enrollment: 342

Acceptance Rate: 100%

Sarasota County Tech Inst. is a public college located in South Gate Ridge, Florida.

However, the school first opened in 1967 with about 500 students. At that time, the school offered 13 programs. Now, the school has 75 acres and offers 39 programs in Automotive & Marine Technologies, Business Technologies, Child Care Careers, Drafting, Cosmetology, Criminal Justice Academy, Emergency Medical Services, Fire Science Academy, Health Science, HVAC, Veterinary Assisting, Precision Machining, and Restaurant & Food Services.

The cost of full-time technical programs runs from $3,000 to $5,600. alumni go on to earn a starting salary of $28,200.

Programs Offered

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  • Emergency Medical Technician (EMT Paramedic)
  • Licensed Practical Nurse Training (LPN)
  • Nursing Assistant.
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Veterinary Medical schools in Florida FAQs

Here is a list of veterinary schools in Florida

Hillsborough Community College
Marion County Community Technical and Adult Education Center
Sarasota County Technical Institute
Suncoast Technical College
Daytona State College ……and so on.

The average annual salary for a vet tech in Florida is $30,080, but top earners can get as much as $39,910 working in this field.

Veterinarian, also known as a veterinary surgeon or veterinary physician, is a professional who practices veterinary medicine by treating diseases, disorders, and injuries in non-human animals.

Advising clients on care of their pets
Administering immunizations
Conducting physical examinations
Providing emergency care
Performing surgery and dental procedures
Prescribing medication
Euthanizing anim


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