TATA Trust Loan Scholarships for Indian Students 

Nominations for the TATA Trust Scholarship Awards are awarded for the 2024 academic year. This Tata Scholarship is awarded to Indian postgraduate students in all disciplines abroad.

The JN Tata Foundation for Indian Higher Education has been supporting Indian students since 1892 by awarding them loan scholarships for higher education. People consider him very proud to be called “JN Tata Scholar.” There are now more than 4,800 JN Tata Scholars in the world.

It was founded in 1892 by Jamsetji Tata, founder of the Tata group, to encourage young people to undertake higher education in some of the best universities in the world. This is Tata’s first blessing in education and probably the first of its kind in the world.

A good GRE / GMAT / TOEFL / IELTS score is significant for those applying abroad. If students have a low GRE score, it may be wise to improve it to increase their chances of getting a grant.

Application for Ratan Tata Scholarship for Engineering Students

Firstly, you can apply online at http://www.srtt.org/(see an email address in contact us) and search for the grant you want to apply for. I had personally applied for a travel grant for a conference in Cologne, Germany.

The following are the documents they expect as part of your application:

1) A written application from the student / professional
2) Statement of purpose
3) Updated resume
4) In the case of students, a confirmed admission letter from the university abroad stating details of admission (no email accepted)
5) In the case of professionals, a letter of invitation from organizers (no emails accepted), along with a letter of leave of absence from employers
6) Also, mention the mode of presentation – oral / poster (Applicable for individuals traveling for conferences)
7)Recent pay slip/s of all earning members of the family
8) Two letters of recommendations

After the submission, the application is forwarded to the trust committee, and it typically takes about a month for them to confirm the acceptance or rejection of the scholarship.

Also, the Ratan Tata Scholarship for Engineering Students amount is based on the financial needs of the task and your financial background.

Other Relevant  Facts About TATA Trust Loan Scholarships

Here in our Forum, we have put down some vital information about Tata Scholarship that can be you as an Indian student who desires to apply.

This information comes in the following areas:

  • Level/Field of Study
  • Host Nationality
  • Eligible Nationality
  • Scholarship Worth
  • Number of awards:
  • Eligibility for TATA Trust Loan Scholarships
  • How to Apply for TATA Scholarship
  • Application deadline for TATA Trust Loan Scholarships

Therefore to avail yourself of this Opportunity, You must carefully read through it.

Level/Field of Study

Tata Trust Scholarship is awarded to complete graduate studies abroad, regardless of the course or training program chosen, or a full master’s, doctoral or postdoctoral program. Tata scholarship is available for higher education in all fields of study, with new areas relevant to the country.

If you are searching for undergraduate scholarships or master’s scholarships, you can click the links to various categories to find out other scholarships available to you in 2024.

Host Nationality

JN Tata Foundation in India hosts TATA Trust Loan Scholarships. Scholarships can be completed abroad and in India.

You can utilize these scholarship opportunities to solve most of your academic problems. Check out other scholarships you can apply for in 2024 to study in EuropeAfricaAsiaAmerica, etc

Eligible Nationality

Indian students can apply for this Ratan Tata Scholarship.

Read also if you wish to study outside your home country Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship.

Aside from the Ratan Tata Scholarship, other scholarships are available to international students to study abroad. You can check our scholarship by country to access all scholarships available.

Ratan Tata Scholarship Worth

The amount of the loan granted to each fellow (between 1.0000 rupees and 10.000 rupees) will be determined by the standards in force and will not cover the total cost of the scholarship.

Not all candidates are necessarily qualified for the maximum amount. Selected fellows can also apply for a Jamsetji Tata Trust Gift Scholarship and a Sir Dorabji Tata Trust Travel Grant. This is at the sole discretion of the trustees of the relevant trusts. A subsidy may reach a maximum of Rs 7.50,000.

Number of J. N. Tata Endowment awards:

The number of Tata trust scholarship awards for each year is unknown.

Eligibility for TATA Trust Loan Scholarships

The eligibility criteria for this JN Tata Scholarship are as follows:

  • The scholarship is available only for Indian nationals.
  • Graduate from a recognized Indian university with good academic results.
  • Students of the last academic year and students waiting for the last year.
  • Academics and other professionals under the age of 45 with some professional experience wishing to spend a period of professional development abroad.

College of admission requirements

Admission Requirements: Students in the last academic year and those who are expecting the last year may apply.

Knowledge of English: A good GRE / GMAT / TOEFL / IELTS score is extremely important for those applying abroad. If the student has a low GRE score, it may be wise to improve it to increase the chances of getting a scholarship.

How To Apply for JN Tata Scholarship

All applications must be submitted online.

The Application Form must be accompanied by a copy of the intended use (800 words maximum) and a scanned copy of a letter of recommendation addressed specifically to the administrator of the JN Tata Endowment at the full address, main telephone numbers, and the corresponding addresses or the corresponding official e-mail address. mail address:

  • A college or university professor or
  • The employer if the applicant works/works.

Application Deadline for TATA Trust Loan Scholarships

There is no exact date for submission, but all completed forms must be submitted at least 45 days before the candidate’s departure abroad. For example: If the candidate must leave on September 15th, the application must be submitted by July 31st.

 Scholarships Link


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