IELTS Prize Funding For International Students In The UK

Are you an outstanding candidate, and wish to develop your career for the academic session 2024-2024? Whether as an undergraduate or graduate. The IELTS award is attracting outstanding candidates from eligible countries with the motivation to develop their careers for the academic session 2024-2024.

By joining this program, students can improve their English and communication skills. Here you will get real experience of professional environments and equipment within the specialized learning facilities of the University.

Hence, in this article, we will discuss this £3,000 funding initiative for the ten lucky IELTS test takers. Also, we will analyze the step-by-step process to apply for this program.

About IELTS Prize Funding

The IELTS Prize is awarded to high-caliber individuals with the motivation to develop their careers. However, they must demonstrate the potential to contribute to society what they have gained from their undergraduate or postgraduate study experience.

Ten lucky IELTS test-takers in selected countries will be given a cash prize to turn their academic dreams into reality. So, the test that’s trusted by educational institutions and universities globally could also take you even further. Probably, opening doors to your ideal academic field, institution, and destination.

What is the Program Benefit?

The British Council will provide a prize amount worth £3,000 for ten lucky IELTS test takers.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible, the applicants must meet all the criteria below. Hence, applicants must:

.ugb-7dfc8c2 li{–icon-size:17px !important;margin-bottom:12px !important}.ugb-7dfc8c2 li::before{width:17px !important;height:17px !important;background-image:url(‘’)}.ugb-7dfc8c2 li ul{margin-bottom:12px !important}.ugb-7dfc8c2.ugb-icon-list ul{columns:2}
  • be 18 years or above
  • live in the country you’re applying from
  • have taken IELTS with British Council between January 2019 and February 2024
  • have an overall IELTS band score of 5 or above
  • be applying for a first-year under/graduate degree in Fall 2024/Spring 2024
  • be applying to an institution that requires IELTS as part of its admission process.
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Eligible Nationality

The program is open to all international students.

How Do I Apply For IELTS Prize Funding for International Students in the UK?

Below is the step by step process to apply for the IELTS Prize funding for International Students in the UK, 2024:

How To Apply

All the interested candidates must complete the IELTS Prize online application form and submit it together with uploaded copies of your:

  • Supporting Documents IELTS Test Report Form, recent passport size photograph, passport or identification document proving your permanent residency in one of the eligible countries and special requirements certificate (if applicable).
  • Admission Requirements Students must have a minimum overall band score of 5 and attend a higher educational institution that accepts IELTS as part of its admission requirements.
  • Language Requirement All international applicants for whom English is not the native tongue must provide proof of competence in the English language.
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See also the Work-Study in the UK: 5 Types of Visa to Apply for After Graduation

Application Deadline

Deadline for proposal submission: February 29, 2024.

FAQ For the IELTS Prize Funding for International Students in the UK, 2024

The progam is open to all Nationals.

The IELTS Prize is a program awarded to high caliber individuals with the motivation to develop their career. It is also for individuals who demonstrate the potential to contribute to society what they have gained from their undergraduate or postgraduate study experience.

The program is hosted in the British Council, UK.

The progam application is espected to end on February 29, 2024


If you’re an outstanding candidate and passionate about giving back to your society; here is an amazing offer from IELTS.

Aside from having a result that is widely accepted by many schools across the globe; you can also win IELTS Prize worth £3,000. This will definitely aid you to develop your career for the academic session 2024-2024.

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