Tulane University Acceptance Rate, SAT/ACT scores, GPA

Are you a college graduate that is seeking admission to Tulane? Do you want to acquire a university degree in one of the best schools in the world? Are your college grades good, and do you wish to know about Tulane University’s acceptance rate in 2024?

Tulane University is one of the best universities in the U.S. that offer quality education. Many college students that desire to acquire such quality education apply to this institution.

This is because of the stand-out programs which the school offers. And for this reason, Tulane University’s acceptance rate is now low. 

In this post, I will tell you the most important things concerning Tulane’s acceptance rate, admission requirements, tuition fees, campus life, and much more.

Tulane University is a mid-size private research university in New Orleans, Louisiana. Formerly, it was established as a public medical college in 1834 and later became a comprehensive university in 1847. Tulane University is amongst the ninth oldest private universities in the Association of American Universities.

This school has an enrollment of 6,716 undergraduate students, so the acceptance rate at Tulane University in 2024 is very low. This also made admission to Tulane University to be very competitive.

Why Study At Tulane University?

The cost of education at Tulane University is very affordable. The institution automatically considers every freshman for merit awards ranging from $10,000 to $32,000 annually.

If you wish to continue your education at Tulane, the institution offers several 4+1 Master’s programs in Liberal Arts, Science, and Engineering.

Also, the graduates are above the national average when applying to law and medical schools.

Another reason to study at Tulane is that the university offers one of the most flexible degree programs.

You can take classes in any of the undergraduate schools when you are admitted. Many Tulanians double or even triple-major.

On the other hand, you can take classes like “New Orleans Cities of the Dead” about cemetery architecture or “The Music and Culture of New Orleans.” This is part of TIDES (Tulane Inter-­Disciplinary Experience Seminars) freshman seminars.

What Are The Admission Requirements For Tulane University?

Tulane University requires applicants to have strong academic credentials. Aspiring students should pursue a high school curriculum that includes the following:

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  • 3 years of mathematics
  • 4 years of English
  • 3 years of laboratory science
  • 2 to 3 years of a foreign language
  • 3 years of social studies, with a history focus

On the other hand, some students may be eligible for guaranteed admission to Tulane under the Focus Louisiana program. The requirements for guaranteed acceptance are:

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  • The student must be a Louisiana resident.
  • The applicant should be a Louisiana high school student or graduate.
  • The candidate must earn a minimum ACT score of 31 or the SAT score of 1450.
  • Aspiring student should also earn a core GPA of 3.6.
  • The student must complete the above high school curriculum.
  • An aspirant will have to be a first-time college student.
  • Finally, the student must have a school-record free from suspensions, expulsions, or disciplinary violations.

Tulane University SAT Scores

Tulane usually requires incoming freshmen to be top 8 percent of SAT test-takers. The institution takes SAT composite scores down to 1350 on a 1600 scale.

Studies show that some students could be accepted with SAT scores as low as 1280. The approximate average SAT composite for admitted freshmen is 1420 out of 1600. Tulane University ranks #1 in Louisiana for having the highest average SAT composite score. Twenty-three percent of applicants submit SAT scores to the school.

On the other hand, the 25th percentile New SAT score is 1350, and the 75th percentile New SAT score is 1490. What does this mean? This means that if you score 1350 on the New SAT, you’ll be placed below average. A score of 1490 will also move you up to above average.

The percentiles for the different sections of the SAT are as follows:

SectionAverage25th Percentile75th Percentile
Reading + Writing700670730

Tulane University ACT Scores

Statistics from the last admission show that Tulane always admits students with an ACT score of 30 and above. Successful students typically send ACT scores in the top seven percent nationally.

Applicants that also submit an ACT composite of 32 and above should be in the upper half of applicants. Similarly, prospective students with an ACT score of 33 and above have very competitive chances. Tulane ranks #1 in Louisiana for having the highest average ACT composite score.

Above all, if you score very well, you’ll have a better chance of admission. This is because 77 percent of prospective students submit ACT scores to Tulane University.

Read also: The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) Acceptance Rate in 2024 | Admission Requirement

What GPA Does Tulane University Require?

To gain admission to Tulane University Louisiana, your high school grades must be very good. The median high school GPA for prospective students at Tulane University is 3.5 on the 4.0 scale. This shows that primarily, B+ students are accepted and ultimately attend.

The institution also is amongst the top three in Louisiana for the highest average GPA. These GPA requirements are not enough to gain admission, as Tulane is a very selective school. This is one of the reasons why the acceptance rate at Tulane University in 2020 is low.

The various GPA requirements at Tulane University Louisiana are as follows:

High School GPAFreshmen within rangeCompetitiveness
3.50 to 3.75 24%Average +
3.25 to 3.50 22%Average –
3.00 to 3.25 15%Reach
2.75 to 3.00 8%Reach
2.50 to 2.75 1%Reach
2.25 to 2.50 N/A% Low
2.00 to 2.25 N/A%Low

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What Is Tulane University’s Acceptance Rate In 2024?

The acceptance rate of Tulane University ranks #1 in Louisiana for the institution with the lowest rate of acceptance. In the previous year, 6,725 out of 38,816 applicants were admitted.

This, however, makes Tulane University Louisiana a highly competitive school to get into, with a low chance of acceptance for typical applicants. 

In academics, Tulane has very high requirements for admission test scores, generally admitting applicants who score in the top 8 percent. Tulane University also accepts and attracts “B+” average high school students. About 28% of admitted students choose to enroll in Tulane.

Above all, the acceptance rate at Tulane University is 26%.

Read also: University Of Maryland(UMD) Acceptance Rate SAT/ACT Scores, GPA In 2024

How can I make my application to Tulane University stand out?

To make your application stand out and be sure of guaranteed admission, kindly do the following:

  • Use the optional statement: For instance, describe when you were in charge of a leadership position at your place of work or society. The aim is to demonstrate to Tulane that you’re good enough to study there.
  • Engage with Tulane University: You can attend college fairs, meet with admissions reps, and send emails to the admissions counselor.
  • Tell the Institution about your day job: Tulane desires students that have held down part-time jobs. This is according to the Director of Admissions at Tulane University. If you have done some job to finance your high school education, make sure you state your experience in your application form.

Academics at Tulane University 

Tulane University Louisiana’s student-faculty ratio is 8:1, and the school has 62 percent of its classes with fewer than 20 students. This institution has about 1,192 instructional staff teaching 7,871 undergraduate students. If you add the part-time students, the result is the “full-time equivalent” (FTE) count. 

Moreover, the undergraduate and graduate programs at Tulane University include:

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Financial Aid At Tulane University

Tulane awards several need and merit-based scholarship opportunities for international students.

Merit-Based Scholarships

Tulane University considers all freshmen applicants for partial merit scholarships ranging up to $32,000 annually. In addition, some merit scholarships need supplemental materials and have additional application procedures, such as the Deans’ Honor Scholarship, the Paul Tulane Award, the Stamps Scholarship, and the Community Service Fellowship.

Need-Based Financial Aid

Tulane awards about $23,000 in need-based scholarships to international students who qualify and have not received that amount or more in merit scholarships. Several need-based grants, including a no-loan program for middle-income families, are available through the Office of Financial Aid.

Also, eligible students completing the FAFSA will be reviewed and considered for all federal student aid programs. The school requires that both the FAFSA and the CSS Profile and all necessary validation documents, be submitted for students seeking a need-based grant from Tulane.

Tuition Fees at Tulane University

Tulane University’s undergraduate tuition and fees are $54,820 for in-state students, and the graduate school tuition fee is $54,896. About 72.95% of the enrolled undergraduate students receive scholarships; the average is $30,371.

After receiving the financial aid, the final price for the Tulane University of Louisiana is $41,925, which includes tuition, fees, books, supplies costs, and living costs. In conclusion, Tulane’s undergraduate tuition and fees are around the median amount of similar schools’ tuition ($53,423 – Private (not-for-profit) Research University (very high research activity)).

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Student life at Tulane University

Here, students enjoy a vibrant on-campus life, participating in many student clubs and organizations.

This university has more than two hundred student-run clubs and organizations on campus.

Tulane University also lays particular emphasis on extracurricular activities that are important to the school’s curriculum.

With club sports, Greek life, radio stations, performing arts organizations, student government, community service clubs, and NCAA competitions, Tulane University students can never get bored.

In this school, students describe the lifestyle in New Orleans as both active and comfortable. Finally, the institution has 377 student-athletes, 182 men and 195 women, who compete in NCAA.


What could be better than attending Tulane University in New Orleans? The truth is that this school has more than enough to offer its students.

According to the U.S. News & World Report, Tulane University is ranked #40 on its list of the Best National Universities and No. 45 on Best Undergraduate Programs.

Also, with more than 75 majors at this school, students don’t have to worry about finding a program they want. With all these, you can see why the acceptance rate at Tulane University in 2024 is very low.

While Tulane is a great place to study, getting into the school can be very challenging.

FAQs On Tulane University Acceptance Rate In 2024

What SAT score range is allowed at Tulane University?

The middle 50% of admitted applicants have SAT scores ranging from 1350 to 1490. 23% of students also submit SAT scores during the application process.

What is the ideal ACT score at Tulane university?

The middle 50% of admitted applicants have ACT scores ranging from 30 to 33. The percentage of students that submit ACT scores when applying is 77%.

What is the admission rate at Tulane University?

Only 17% of those who apply to Tulane University Louisiana are granted admission. Admission to this institution is highly competitive, and the university has one of the best admission standards.

SAT VS ACT? Which is preferable?

About 23% of students submit their SAT scores, while 77% of applicants send their ACT scores when applying to Tulane University.

Is Tulane University ranked the #1 Party School in Princeton’s ranking?

Yes. Tulane University is the #1 Party School in Princeton’s ranking.


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