University of Ottawa Tuition fees  | How to pay

As a freshman or a sophomore at the University of Ottawa wondering how you are supposed to pay your tuition fees, this article on the University of Ottawa tuition fee will satisfy your curiosity on Ottawa and finance.

In addition, you get to find out the mediums on how to pay for your tuition fees.

The University of Ottawa is the world’s largest bilingual (English-French) university, where students can choose to study in French, English, or both. Generally, education at the University of Ottawa is an investment worth it.

So, this article demands you read it judiciously. It will among other important factors provide information on the tuition fee for different faculties alongside how to pay for it.

Click on the table of content to get an overview of what to expect.

About The University Of Ottawa

Founded in the year 1848, the University of Ottawa is the largest bilingual university in the world. It is located in the capital city of Ottawa, Canada.

UOttawa has a wide variety of academic programs, administered through 10 faculties which they offer.

However, the university has made notable progress in the field of social science, health, engineering, science, and humanities, which make it one of the choices and top best universities in Canada

In addition, teaching, learning, and research is another event where the faculty and students do come and discuss their ideas and how to implement them.

The university features more than 400 programs both graduate and undergraduate, along with a boost in placement and work experience, practical experience and develop professional terms for a career in the future.

Read more: 15 Cheapest Colleges in Ottawa for International Students in 2024

Why Study At The University Of Ottawa?

The University of Ottawa offers a recognized degree worldwide and graduates enjoy successful careers.

Also, the university offers the highest quality standards by constantly reviewing all academic programs offered.

Therefore, the University of Ottawa is proud to welcome a large community of international students every year.

How much is the tuition for the University of Ottawa law school?

The University of Ottawa Faculty of Law is the law school at the University of Ottawa. It is located in Ontario, Canada, the nation’s capital.

Established in 1953, the Faculty is divided into Civil Law and Common Law sections. Furthermore, they are formally recognized legal traditions in Canada.

The University of Ottawa law school tuition fee: For undergraduate tuition fee is between $6,088 – $16,000 (Canadian students), $36,161 to $46,000 (International students).

For graduate tuition fee is between $6,367 – $16,798 (Canadian students), $27,519 – $37,519(International students)

What is the University of Ottawa tuition fees for international students?

The University of Ottawa currently has over 150 international students. Hence, this is a true reflection of their interest to promote inter-cultural education.

As an international student in UOttawa, you experience similar campus benefits with other local students but for tuition, you’re on another level.

The tuition fees are based on the statistics of Canada is $36,161(Undergraduate), $16,334 – $27,519 (Graduate).

University of Ottawa: Tuition fee, Ranking and Admission Requirement

What is the University of Ottawa’s summer tuition?

For Spring-Summer tuition fees, tuition fees are calculated based on how far you have progressed in your University of Ottawa program.

Can I get a waiver of Ph.D. tuition fees at the University of Ottawa?

International students enrolled full or part-time in a doctoral program pay the same tuition fees as Canadian students.

There are two ways for tuition fees to be reduced:

Differential tuition fee exemption
Students who receive a differential tuition fee exemption pay the same tuition fees as a Canadian citizen.

International Doctoral Scholarship
International Ph.D. Scholarship, which will reduce tuition fees to the same amount paid by Canadian citizens.

However, the PhD tuition fee is $14,800 $ – $32,400 CA (Non – exempt international student), $8,000 – $15,500 CA (international student with a tuition fees differential exemption).

What is the University of Ottawa graduate program tuition fees?

The tuition fee is paid at the beginning of each session. They can be based on the status of the student and the difference from the program.

Depending on the program other fees may be added such as administrative fees, incidental fees, and ancillary fees.

However, the graduate tuition fee is $6,367 – $7,798 (Canadian students) and $16,334 – $27,519 (International students).

What is the University of Ottawa Health Sciences Tuition?

The University of Ottawa has one of the best health science in Canada. The Faculty of Health Sciences excels in its research and has a reputable aura in the academic world.

Endeavor thanks to the efforts of over 100 researchers working in a variety of disciplines, from molecular biology to metabolism, from human kinetics to the social sciences of health.

Therefore, the tuition fee for health science is 3,647.27 (Local Students & exempt international students) and 14,576.41 (international students (Non-exempt)).

What is the University of Ottawa Engineering Tuition?

The University of Ottawa has the best engineering faculty in Canada. In fact, they have a good infrastructure and a friendly atmosphere for learning.

However, the university offers many international mobility opportunities, allowing students to gain diverse experience in engineering and computer science.

Therefore, the tuition fees for engineering is 4,614 (Local Students & exempt international students (Canadian Dollars)), 17,807 (International students (Non-exempt)).

What is the University of Ottawa Medical School Tuition fees?

UOttawa medical school selects a culturally and socioeconomically diverse group of medical students who are ready to pursue academic and personal excellence and who maintain multifaceted interests and personal qualities.

These students will be able to, in an ethical and professional manner, provide and respond to, the changing demands of society by:

  • Providing exemplary and compassionate patient care
  • Advancing the public’s health
  • Conducting ethical medical research and
  • Maintaining their personal wellness

However, the University of Ottawa is the only medical school in North America that offers the MD Program in both official languages, English and French.

On average, 166 students are registered in each new academic year, comprised of roughly 118 in the Anglophone stream and 48 in the Francophone stream.

Therefore, the tuition fee for medical school is 3,704(Local Students & exempt international students(Canadian Dollars)) and 13,231.10(International students(Non-exempt.) (Canadian Dollars)).

How is the University of Ottawa tuition paid?

Payment can be made by phone or online which is easy and convenient for you. However, you can make payment using any of these methods.

Payment made online, by phone or in person at your financial institution

To make your payment, visit your financial institution’s website. Choose the University of Ottawa as your account name and enter your student number as your account number.

If your financial institution does not offer this service, you can pay by phone or online through TelPay. Normally, payments you make by phone or online appear on your statement within 72 hours.

Housing: If you are paying for your housing fees only, you may choose “the University of Ottawa–Housing” as the beneficiary and enter your student number as your account number.

To pay the full balance of your student account, including tuition fees, housing fees, and any other fees rising on your statement of account, choose “University of Ottawa” for the payee.

International Payments

As an international student, the most efficient way to pay your student fees is through Western Union Business Solutions’ bank-to-bank transfer.

This option allows you to securely pay student fees (which are in Canadian dollars) in the currency of your choice.  Furthermore, there are no administrative banking fees.

Steps to follow:

Step 1:  Log in to uoZone from the Students page. Under Finances and jobs, select Bank-to-bank transfer for international students.

Step 2: Process your payment

  • Your name and student number are automatically entered.
  • Enter the amount to be paid in Canadian dollars.
  • Select the currency you’re paying in.*
  • Finalize the transaction.

Step 3: Initiate the bank transfer.

  • Take the confirmation page to your local bank.
  • Your bank then transfers the funds to Western Union Business Solutions.

Step 4: Track your payment.

Note: If your local currency is not on the list of payment options, you must choose another currency for your bank-to-bank transfer.

Please note that the exchange rate quoted is valid for 72 hours from the time indicated on the confirmation you receive after clicking on the Submit button.

Payment through cheque, bank draft, money order

Most importantly be sure that your student number is written on each cheque, bank draft, or money order, to the order of the University of Ottawa.

You can put your payment in an envelope and deposit it in the Express Payment box. The University of Ottawa does not accept postdated cheques.

FAQs University of Ottawa Tuition Fee

How many programs does the University of Ottawa offer?

Ottawa offers over 450 programmes across Arts, Education, Engineering, Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, Health Sciences, Medicine, Science, Social Science, Civil Law, Common Law and the Telfer School of Management. The university is home to the largest law school in the country.

Is the University of Ottawa expensive?

The University of Ottawa is expensive, even if you’re a domestic student. If you’re an international student, it’s even more expensive – tuition will cost you double that of a domestic student.

Can I pay cash for college?

Yes you can, there is also a little sense of pride in paying cash for college

What is included in a tuition fee?

The things included in a tuition fee can include room and board fees, facilities fees such as books, transportation, and commuting provided by the college.

What is the tuition cost per credit at the University of Ottawa?

The tuition cost per credit is $720 (Undergraduate Courses numbered 100 to 599, per credit) and $1710 (Graduate Courses numbered 600 to 999, per credit)


In conclusion, The University of Ottawa offers a recognized degree worldwide, and graduates enjoy successful careers. Also, I believe this article has provided you with information on tuition fees for different faculty and how to pay them with ease.



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