Study At The University of Groningen: Fees, Ranking, Tuition Fees, Courses, Scholarship Opportunities,

Here at the World Scholarship Forum, we bring you detailed information about Universities around the world. If you want to study in the Netherlands, then read through this well-written article on the University of Groningen, its history, admission process, faculties present in the school, tuition fees, courses offered, scholarship opportunities, and brief information about the School.

About the University of Groningen

The University of Groningen is a public research university that was founded in 1614 in the city of Groningen in the Netherlands., it is one of the oldest universities in Europe; the University has 11 faculties, nine graduate schools, 27 research centers, and institute and more than 175 degrees programs.

The University has graduated more than 200,000 students since its founding and is a member of the distinguished Combira group of European universities, an association of European universities founded in 1985; the Combira group is made of members of older multi-disciplinary research institutions, the Combira group has its headquarters in the University of Brussels.

The University of Groningen is in the top 3 European research universities in the fields of Ecology, Material Sciences, Chemistry, and Astronomy.

Other strong research groups are in Nanoscience, Physics, Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Medical Sciences, Neurosciences, Sociology, Philosophy, Theology, Archaeology, and Arts.

The campus of the University is scattered across the city, with the main building housing the administrative unit of the school; most of the faculties, including the faculty of law, faculty of arts, and faculty of philosophy, are located in the center of the city.

The facilities of Economics, Sciences, Spatial Science, Business, and Engineering is located on the Zernike campus, named after the Dutch Nobel Prize winner, Fritz Zernike. The University has libraries in three locations scattered across the city. The University recently opened a Campus Fryslan, which offers multiple disciplines in both undergraduate and postgraduate studies.

Alumni of the University include 4 Nobel Prize winners and five Spinoza prize winners; the Spinoza prize is an annual award of €2.5Million to be spent on new research given by the Netherlands organization for scientific research. The award is the highest scientific award in the Netherlands; it is named after the philosopher Baruch de Spinoza, and other notable alumni include a Secretary General of NATO(North Atlantic Treaty Organization).

The University of Groningen’s motto is “The word of the Lord is a light for our feet”. The University is popularly abbreviated as UG, and its Dutch name is Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. In 2014, the University celebrated its 400th anniversary.

  • The current rector of the University is Prof Elmer Sterken.
  • Prof Sibrandes Popema is the president of the University.
  • The academic strength of the University is at 5,680 employees.
  • Students at the University of Groningen number 30,041.
  • Postgraduates in the University stand at 1,758 postgraduates.
  • The address of the University is 9712 CP Groningen, Netherlands.

University Of Groningen Website:

The website of the University of Groningen is

University Of Groningen Location:

The University of Groningen is located in the City of Groningen in the Netherlands.

University Of Groningen Rankings:

The University in 2017 was ranked 59th in the world according to the Academic ranking of world universities(ARWU)

The international student barometer rated the University of Groningen as the best university in the Netherlands for the third straight time.

The University of Groningen is ranked 72nd in the world by Times Higher Education World University Ranking.

Ranked 113th in the World by QS World University Rankings.

The University of Groningen holds the 14th position in the European ranking and ranked 87th worldwide, according to Webometrics.

Ranked 72nd in the world by the National Taiwan University in 2016.

University Of Groningen Faculties.

The University of Groningen is categorized into Eleven faculties offering courses in various fields ranging from arts and humanities, law, medicine, social sciences, economics, sciences, etc. Each faculty is a collection of academic degree programs ran by the University, schools and institutes, research centers, and a general combination of two or more courses. Each faculty runs a Bachelor’s degree, Masters’s degree, Ph.D., and exchange courses while also some faculties offer certifications in short courses.

Faculties in the University are:

  • The Faculty of Economics and Business
  • Faculty of Arts
  • Faculty of Law
  • The Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies
  • Faculty of Philosophy
  • Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences
  • The Faculty of Medical Sciences
  • Faculty of Science and Engineering
  • Faculty of Spatial Sciences

`University College Groningen

  • Campus Fryslân.

Brief Facts and figures on the University of Groningen.

The University has an annual turnover of €800Million.

€160Million in research contracts.

11 faculties and nine graduate schools.

300,000 students enrolled as of September 2016, of this 300,000 students, 6000 international students, and 6500 Ph.D. students. The University has individuals from 120 countries currently studying or working at the University.

120,000 Alumni.

Of its 167 Master’s degree programs, 126 are taught in English.

Of its 48 bachelor’s degree program, 29 are taught in English.

16 Research Master’s program.

6,000 research publications.

400 professors, of which 100 are female professors.

5,900 academic staff.

22 patent applications in the year 2016.

 University of Groningen Courses:

The University of Groningen, with 11 faculties, offers over 45 bachelor’s degree programs, some of which have variants, and over 160 Master’s degree programs. Below are some of the bachelor’s degree programs offered at the University.

  • Applied physics.
  • Applied mathematics.
  • Computing science.
  • Dentistry.
  • Dutch language and culture.
  • Econometrics and operations research.
  • European language and culture.
  • Global responsibility and leadership.
  • History.
  • Human movement sciences and many more can be found on the school website.

Admission Requirements into the University of Groningen.

To be considered for admission into the 2024/2024 academic session of the Universities, prospective students should be able to meet the minimum requirements that the University College board of admission has stipulated, which are,

1) Secondary school diploma.

All students should have been able to complete a secondary education which would have prepared them for university education. Secondary school diploma requirements vary according to countries’ secondary education systems. For example, students applying from the UK should be able to Average grade of B or higher before such students are given admission into the UG.

2) English proficiency(written and spoken)

The ability to speak English is a minimum requirement for students seeking admission into English-taught degree programs. This means you need to submit proof of proficiency in spoken and written English as part of the application process.

3) Mathematics Proficiency.

Mathematics is a minimum requirement for studying in the University of Groningen. Students are supposed to have passed mathematics as a graduating exam course or must have completed mathematics with a passing grade.

4) Extra Requirements.

Chinese students must have a NUFFIC certificate. This requirement only applies to students who are  Chinese nationals.

Exchange Students Programme:

The exchange students program varies from a week to six months. The University of Groningen accepts exchange students from all over the world and offers a wide range of courses. These courses are for students who are in their final year of their bachelor’s program and for those taking a Master’s degree program. The exchange usually happens from September-February and from February-July. An exchange student willing to study at the University of Groningen will have to present an exchange certificate from his/her university to the University of Groningen. More details on the exchange through faculties can be found on the school website.

Application Deadline:

Application deadline for admission into the University of Groningen varies from faculty to faculty and from course to course, application deadline also varies according to nationality. A detailed deadline for every program in the University can be found on the University’s website,

University of Groningen Application

When a prospective student applies through the Online Application Process, the student has to upload digital copies of the required documents in a PDF format. Documents required for admission vary depending on the faculty. For instance, in the application for admission into the faculty of Arts for a bachelor’s degree, a prospective student should have the following document ready.

  • copy of valid passport.
  • diploma/statement of graduation.
  • transcript/grade list/report card.
  • English proficiency test.
  • curriculum vitae.

In the Master’s degree program, the faculty of arts require an applicant to have the following documents.

  • copy of valid passport.
  • copy of diploma.
  • transcript/grade list/report card.
  • letter of motivation.
  • curriculum vitae.
  • two letters of recommendation.
  • English writing result test.
  • sample of academic writing.

For other requirements, check the University website.

University of Gronigen Masters Degree Programs :

Below you can find every Master’s degree program run by the University. The University offers ten programs for its Master’s degree.


  • Archaeology
  • Archaeology (research)
  • Arts and Culture
  • Arts, Cognition, and Criticism
  • Film and Contemporary Audiovisual Media
  • Arts, Policy and Cultural Entrepreneurship
  • Art History
  • Curatorial Studies
  • History of Architecture and Town Planning
  • Music, Theatre and Performance Studies
  • Arts and Culture (research)
  • Cultural Leadership (research)
  • Arts, Media and Literary Studies (research)
  • Classics and Ancient Civilizations
  • Ancient History
  • Classics
  • Communication and Information Science
  • Digital Humanities
  • Information Science
  • European Studies
  • Euroculture, Erasmus Mundus
  • History
  • History Today
  • Medieval
  • History (research)
  • Classical, and Early Modern Studies (research)
  • International Relations
  • East Asian Studies
  • European Integration
  • International Relations and International Organization
  • International Political Economy
  • Geopolitics & Connectivity
  • International Security
  • International Relations 120 ECTS
  • Linguistics
  • International Humanitarian Action (NOHA)
  • International Relations (research)
  • Modern History and International Relations (research)
  • Applied Linguistics
  • European Linguistics
  • Multilingualism
  • Linguistics (research)
  • Clinical Linguistics / EMCL+ (research) Erasmus Mundus
  • Language and Cognition (research)
  • Language and Communication Technologies (LCT) (research) Erasmus Mundus
  • Literary Studies
  • English Literature and Culture
  • European Literatures and Cultures
  • Writing Editing and Mediating
  • Media Studies 90 ECTS
  • Journalism
  • Middle Eastern Studies
  • North American Studies
  • American Studies

Behavioural and Social Sciences

  • Behavioural and Social Sciences (research)
  • Educational Sciences
  • Evidence-based Education
  • Pedagogical Sciences:
  • Communication and Deafblindness
  • Ethics of education: history, philosophy and law
  • Youth 0-21, Society and Policy
  • Psychology
  • Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology
  • Applied Social Psychology
  • Clinical Psychology
  • Clinical Neuropsychology
  • Cognitive Psychology and Psychophysiology
  • Clinical Forensic Psychology and Victimology
  • Traffic Psychology and Sustained Mobility
  • Environmental Psychology
  • Reflecting on Psychology
  • Talent Development and Creativity
  • Sociology
  • Social Networks in a Sustainable Society

Economics and Business

  • Business Administration
  • Change management
  • Organizational and Management Control
  • Small Business and Entrepreneurship
  • Strategic Innovation Management
  • Health
  • Econometrics, Operations Research, and Actuarial Studies
  • DDM China and the World Economy
  • Economics
  • DDM China and the World Economy
  • DDM Economics and Economic Analysis
  • Finance
  • DDM Finance
  • DDM China and the World Economy
  • Human Resource Management
  • DDM Advanced International Business Management and Marketing
  • DDM China and the World Economy
  • International Business and Management
  • DDM Managing Multinationals
  • International Economics and Business
  • DDM Central-East European Economies
  • DDM China and the World Economy
  • Supply Chain Management
  • DDM International Development Economics
  • DDM Economic Development and Growth (MEDEG)
  • International Financial Management
  • DDM International Financial Management
  • DDM China and the World Economy
  • Marketing
  • DDM Strategic Marketing Intelligence
  • DDM Marketing and finance
  • Research Master in Economics and Business
  • DDM China and the World Economy
  • Technology and Operations Management
  • DDM Operations Management

Campus Fryslân

  • Sustainable Entrepreneurship

Health and Life Sciences

  • Behavioural and Cognitive Neurosciences (research)
  • Biology
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Biomedical Sciences
  • Clinical and Psychosocial Epidemiology (research)
  • Ecology and Evolution
  • Evolutionary Biology
  • Energy and Environmental Sciences
  • Human Movement Sciences
  • Marine Biology
  • Medical and Pharmaceutical Drug Innovation (research)
  • Innovative Medicine
  • Medical Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
  • Biomolecular Sciences
  • Sport Sciences


  • Energy and Climate Law
  • European Economic Law
  • Global Criminal Law
  • Governance and Law in Digital Society
  • International Business Law
  • International Commercial Law
  • Public International Law
  • International Human Rights Law


  • Philosophy
  • Research Philosophy
  • Philosophy, Politics and Economics
  • Philosophy of a Specific Discipline

Science and Engineering

  • Applied Mathematics
  • Applied Physics
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Astronomy
  • Behavioural and Cognitive Neurosciences
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Biomolecular Sciences
  • Chemical Engineering (J)
  • Chemistry
  • Computing Science
  • Energy and Environmental Sciences
  • Human-Machine Communication
  • Industrial Engineering and Management
  • Mathematics
  • Mathematics and Science Education and Communication
  • Medical and Pharmaceutical Drug Innovation
  • Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
  • Nanoscience (top master)
  • Physics
  • Water Technology

Spatial Sciences

  • Cultural Geography
  • Tourism Geography and Planning
  • Economic Geography
  • Economic Geography: Regional Competitiveness and Trade
  • Environmental and Infrastructure Planning
  • DDM Development Planning and Infrastructure Planning
  • DDM Water and Coastal management
  • Population Studies
  • DDM Social demography
  • DDM Demography and Social Inequality
  • Real estate studies
  • Socio-spatial planning
  • Spatial Sciences (research)

Theology and Religious Studies

  • Religion and Pluralism, Ancient & Modern
  • Religion and Cultural Heritage
  • Theology and Religious Studies
  • Religion, Conflict, and Globalization
  • Religion, Health, and Wellbeing
  • Theology and Religious Studies (research)

University of Groningen Tuition Fees

The University tuition fees are divided into three parts, the statutory tuition fee, the University tuition fee I and II.

A student can pay a statutory tuition fee if they have satisfied all nationality requirements and have not earned a similar degree they are running. This applies to Dutch nationals, EU nationals, Swiss nationals, Surinam nationals among others.

The statutory tuition fee for a full-time student for the 2024/2024 session amounts to €2,060, €1,517 for part-time students.

A student qualifies for the University tuition fee if they didn’t meet the requirements for the statutory tuition fee. A student qualifies for university tuition fee I if the following applies to him/her, recognized as a student refugee by the UAF or recognized by their faculty as a participant of the Erasmus Mundus degree program. University tuition fee I full-time fee falls into the range of €2,006 and €2,060 for part-time students.

A student who does not qualify for the statutory tuition fee or the University tuition fee I must pay the higher University tuition fee II, this higher university tuition fee II is determined by the selected bachelor’s degree and master’s degree program.

University of Groningen Scholarships Opportunities

The University of Groningen offers scholarship grants to students who want to be part of the University community. The grants are awarded only to students enrolling into the BA and BSc liberal arts and sciences for every academic year.

The scholarship grant is awarded on the basis of academic merit, social engagement, and financial need. The University of Groningen scholarship award is divided into two, the USP scholarship for Non-EU students and the stepping stone scholarship for non-EU and EU students.

The USP scholarship grant which is meant only for non-EU students is €12,000 while the stepping stone scholarship grant is €4,000.

The application deadline for the USP scholarship is February 1st, 2024, while that of the stepping stone is April 1, 2024.

When applying for a scholarship, an applicant is to write a maximum 500-word motivation letter detailing why they need a scholarship and an assessment and providing proof of the financial need for funding.

Detailed methods of application for the scholarship grants can be found on the school website.

University of Groningen International Students

The University of Groningen offers programme for students coming in from other countries who want to run a programme in the University.

For admission into the University, international students also have to go through the same requirements process already discussed above.

However, tuition for international students at the University of Groningen is €8,200, different from the tuition paid by those of Dutch nationality who pay statutory tuition fees and university tuition fees I and II.


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