SunTrust Scholarship 2024 | IN USA

Are you a college student looking for a way to fund your studies? Here is a grand opportunity for you. The Sun Trust Scholarship is open now, and you can begin your 2024 application.

Basically, the sole mission of the sun trust scholarship is to offer college students the opportunity to compete for college scholarships.

This scholarship is open to any college student. This program is called the sun trust off to college scholarship sweepstakes.

To be successful in your application, we have made this article for you. Hence, to be among the one-tenth of those who will win this scholarship, I will advise you carefully read through this article.

An Overview: The Sun Trust Scholarship 2024

Over the years, college students have constantly been trying to find money to help reduce the cost of their college education. One of the most challenging aspects of finding money for college is knowing where to look.

Many websites often recommend first completing the Free Application Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is a form that can be prepared annually by current and prospective college students (undergraduate and graduate) in the united states to determine their eligibility for student financial aid.

This form will quickly show whether you qualify for federal or state funding.

Another popular way to find funds for college is to register with a scholarship search engine, as you complete one profile and then matched it with all scholarship opportunities that you are eligible to apply for.

After that step, the best resource is to apply for a scholarship at the university you plan to attend. For the students who have completed all those steps and still need money, it can be hard to know where to look next.

Sun Trust Scholarship Eligibility Requirements

One of the reasons that the SunTrust scholarship award is so popular is that there are no restrictions on the grade point average (GPA) required to compete.

As such, any college student or university student can apply. The scholarship opens each year, and students can apply once every two weeks. Applications are accepted through e-mails or online processes.

In total, thirty different recipients will be chosen to receive the award. A new winner is picked every week. The winner is chosen randomly, so every applicant has an equal chance of winning.

However, students are advised to enter once every two weeks to maximize their chances of winning the scholarship.

Students must be at least 13 years of age or thereabouts to be considered for this scholarship. Additionally, students must attend an accredited two or four years of high school or college.

Level/Field of Study

This scholarship is open to any college student. This program is called the sun trust off to college scholarship sweepstakes.

Eligible Nationality

This SunTrust scholarship award is open to students who live in one of the eligible states, which include: Washington, D.C., Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Maryland, Virginia, Tennesse, or West Virginia. Students will have to compete in a contest to receive this scholarship.

Sun Trust Scholarship Worth

The sun trust scholarship provides the recipients with an award valued at $500- $1000 to assist in reducing the cost and difficulties faced in their college education.

The scholarship is open to students who are in their last year of high school.

Application Deadline

The application for the SunTrust scholarship varies. An insight into the application and its deadline is as follows:

  • Updates on the application deadline will be communicated as soon as it is available. Please stay tuned.
  • The scholarship check will be payable to the winner’s college of attendance.
  • Read the official rules for the sun trust 2024 off-to-college scholarship sweepstakes on the website:

When is it suitable to apply for SunTrust Scholarship

There is no specific time slated for applying for a scholarship. However, students are advised to be on the lookout because many scholarships come out often.

Nevertheless, suppose you have missed some chances of gaining a scholarship. In that case, there are still lots of scholarships out there which are open for application by college or university students. So the Suntrust scholarship is here for you.

General Tips to Applicants


Endeavor to constantly apply for scholarships every year in your college. Most scholarships are for students who are in college or University.


When applying for a scholarship, be honest enough not to increase your grades or qualifications because you want an excellent remark or state a good impression.

Be transparent and sincere with what you have; you never know, you might receive a scholarship that matches your skills and interest.


On no account should you make payment for the scholarship because it is made accessible for U.S. citizens who need financial assistance.


Learn to be open to scholarships no matter how little it seems because it can help you to sort out some bills.


On applying for any scholarship, ensure you get acquitted with every helpful detail. Be sure to send in what is needed and offer good typo techniques to avoid loss of scholarship.


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