Top 37 World Universities with the Best Infrastructure

What do you consider when searching for top universities in the world to study? We bring you the top universities with the best infrastructure in the world. Well, certainly, you will consider the fees, the language of the country and the course of study.

However, you can never neglect infrastructure. Top-quality and adequate Infrastructures in universities are critical because they make learning more interesting and fun.

In this article, we made searching for the top universities with infrastructure in the world easy for you with the list of the top 37 universities with the best infrastructure in the Top 37 World Universities with the Best Infrastructure in 2024.

List of the Top 37 World Universities with the Best Infrastructure in Top 37 World Universities with the Best Infrastructure in 2024

1. École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

Address: Lausanne, Switzerland


École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) is well known for education, the advancement of technology, and research.

The university is located near Lake Geneva. EPFL offers students over 250 laboratories in which they can conduct their research. Unlike many schools, EPFL was founded by the federal government as a national center of excellence in science and technology and a hub for interaction between the scientific community and industry.

The university has its unique architecture. EPFL houses about 7,000 students and 3,000 professors, assistants, and entrepreneurs throughout the seven research institutes of the University. In the history of the university, Lausanne has produced 21 Nobel laureates.

2. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology

Address: Zurich, Switzerland

The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology is dedicated to innovation and has personalized workspaces and labs with world-class faculty and mentorship opportunities with external coaches and industry representatives. The university students are also given guidance with funding for their research and, in some cases, their business. Amazing right?

Every year, research at the Institute results in 60 to 80 registered patents from records.

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3. California Institute of Technology

Address: Pasadena, California, U.S.A.


The California Institute of Technology is also better known as CalTech. CalTech is a highly focused science and engineering university specializing in astronomical and aeronautical research.

Although it is a smaller school, with only 2,300 students and 300 faculties, this university with the best infrastructure has produced 32 Nobel laureates among its alumni. CalTech manages the Jet Propulsion Laboratory for NASA and owns and operates a global network of research facilities and astronomical observatories.

4. Cornell University

Address: Ithaca, New York, U.S.A.


Cornell University has one of the country’s most sophisticated research and teaching facilities for nanoscale science and engineering in its Duffield Hall.

The university supports research and instruction in several fields, including electronic devices, microelectromechanical devices, advanced materials processing, and biotechnology devices.

The university has numerous state-of-the-art laboratories and research centers. These have allowed Cornell to bring together students and lead research groups. Cornell University also has a large atrium where faculty and students interact in a relaxed environment.

5. Imperial College London

Address: London, England, United Kingdom


Imperial College London houses the Centre for Bio-Inspired Technology, a leading research institute dedicated to inventing, developing, and demonstrating devices to meet global challenges in healthcare and well-being.

Many postgraduate students work in the Centre, housed within the Institute of Biomedical Engineering. The Centre’s facilities include several state-of-the-art research facilities and laboratories designed specifically for core research in biomedical and electronic engineering.

6. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Address: Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A.


Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT, has a huge history of success in collegiate research and technology. In the 150-year history of the school, it has produced more than 70 Nobel laureates, eight of whom are members of the current faculty.

In addition to its world-class research facilities, MIT has also developed an app and web page called iSpots, through which students on the MIT campus can always inform others of their location. One of the app’s features allows it to show others where the student is based on their laptop’s location on a campus map.

7. Carnegie Mellon University

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.


Carnegie Mellon University was founded in 1900 by an industrialist called Andrew Carnegie. Carnegie Mellon University owns a private research facility that boasts several departments and programs with various aspects of technology.

Amazingly, the University’s Center for Technology Transfer and Enterprise Creations connects the numerous inventions developed by students on campus with companies capable of bringing them to market.

The Quality of Life Technology Center focuses on developing intelligent systems enabling older adults to live more independently.

8. University of California, Los Angeles

Address: Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.


University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) showcases innovation and technological advancement across various departments. UCLA Health has some of the most technologically advanced hospitals in the world.

UCLA Neurosurgery has experienced great success with EVA, the first Robo-doc. Between robotic surgery, robotic telemedicine, and EVA, the medical students of UCLA are given rare opportunities to learn from one of the world’s most successful and innovative medical schools.

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9. Stanford University

Address: Palo Alto, California, U.S.A.


Stanford University’s success in technology and engineering has solidified its spot as one of the most technologically advanced universities in the world. Stanford University has notable alumni, including the founders of corporate giants like Hewlett-Packard and Google.

Without any doubt, the university has played a major role in the development and growth of Silicon Valley, and the University’s main campus is a short drive to large tech companies such as Apple, Google, and Facebook.

10. Cambridge University

Address: Cambridge, England, United Kingdom


Cambridge University is founded in 1209. Cambridge University is known to have cast a big shadow in making the modern world. Notable alumni of the institution include Newton and his laws of motion, Rutherford’s splitting of the atom, Darwin’s theories of evolution, and Crick and Watson’s discovery of DNA and so many others.

Cambridge still teaches and conducts research with the same focus on methods and processes today.

Their students learn and conduct research in the many institutions within the school, including the Department of Engineering, Judge Business School, School of Technology, and the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership. Cambridge has produced 90 Nobel laureates since the inception of the award, which is more than any other institution.

11. Georgia Institute of Technology

Address: Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.


Georgia Tech University is one of the U.S.A’s top technology schools. The school’s College of Computing is leading toward the “new face of computing” by implementing programs that have brought more women engineers and establishing a more diversified engineering discipline.

Georgia Tech houses the Advanced Technology Development Center, which has helped entrepreneurs launch over 130 tech companies since it was founded in 1980.

12. Oxford University

Address: Oxford, England, United Kingdom


Oxford University, one of the top universities in the world, provides its students with a vast array of technology services. Oxford University’s IT services and help center act as the initial point of support for students’ personal computers.

This same department manages a Podcasting service through which University talks, lectures, and activities are developed and published. Oxford students also have access to OxFile, a file exchange that allows students and faculty to exchange larger files over the Internet.

13. Purdue University

Address: West Lafayette, Indiana, U.S.A.


Purdue University’s  IT departments have developed multiple social media-related systems that have enhanced Purdue students’ abilities to communicate before, during, and after classes. Their app, “Hotseat,” employs a Twitter-like interface that enables a flow of student questions and answers in a classroom setting.

Also, “Mixable” helps students create their learning networks and study groups, while the “Doubletake App” allows students to capture, share, and watch lecture videos with their cell phones.

The applications have successfully boosted student engagement, collaboration, and success.

14. Technion-Israel Institute of Technology

Haifa, Israel


Israel is growing to become one of the world’s hotspots for tech, and Technion is where many of the country’s brightest minds go to work and train.

Technion is collaborating with Cornell University to build a $2 billion tech campus and startup incubator in New York.

The project is meant to generate 600 start-up companies and $23 billion in economic activity over the next three decades.

It will also allow Technion students to research and create professionally and internationally. The main campus in Israel has 52 research centers and has produced four Nobel laureates.

15. Princeton University

Address: Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.A.


Princeton is the wealthiest university in the world by endowment per student, making it a place of opportunity for ambitious students interested in science and technology or kinds of research.

The Frick Chemistry Laboratory, which is in the University, is a state-of-the-art facility designed especially for research in the 21st century.

The Mass Spectroscopy Facility and the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Laboratory both contain a variety of spectrometers, and they serve a large community of users.

16. Technische Universität München (TUM)

Address: Munich, Germany


Technische Universität München (TUM) among the top universities in Europe. It was one of the first universities in Germany to be named a University of Excellence. The University has multiple Corporate Research Centers where students can conduct research independently of the faculties in anything from life sciences to neutron physics.

With the University’s Emerging Field Policy, researchers and faculty are dedicated to discovering new ways to move society forward. The International Shanghai Ranking rated TUM as the best German university in 2011, 2012, and 2013.

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17. University of Michigan

Address: Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A.


The University of Michigan is Michigan’s oldest and only public research university. Technology is at the forefront of many of the University’s departments, so Michigan students enjoy technological advancements that make their on-campus life easier.

The school has IT Services and extensive Wi-Fi available throughout campus. The students of the Universities are given Cloud storage and access to more than 2,500 Windows and Mac computers, printers, and free security software.

The students in the institution can also use the Community online directory to find contact information for anyone in the Michigan community.

18. Nanyang Technological University

Address: Singapore


Nanyang Technological University (NTU) is a research-intensive public university with over 32,500 undergraduate and graduate students and four colleges, including Engineering and Science.

The University’s College of Engineering has a research output among the top three universities globally, and she is the 5th most cited in the world. In contrast, the College of Science of the University has an award-winning faculty and world-class laboratories.

The University also houses several world-class institutes, including the Earth Observatory of Singapore, the Singapore Centre on Environmental Life Sciences Engineering, and the National Institute of Education. NTU students are employed as research assistants in these various centers.

19. University of Toronto

Address: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

The University of Toronto has become the new focus for those in the tech world and prospective students interested in technology and Artificial Intelligence.

Professor Geoffrey Hinton began an Artificial Intelligence company that was incubated at the university before it was purchased during its first phase. Another professor, Steve Mann, has also made good progress with his smart devices, known as wearable technology.

The University of Toronto has become notable for its innovative idea in recent years.  It has also produced ten Nobel Laureates to prove it.

20. University of Sussex

Address: Brighton and Hove, England, United Kingdom


The University of Sussex takes research as the main focus of its academic activity. The University is ranked as one of the most influential institutions in the world.

Also, the University is on track to double its research income to £54m and create 3 interdisciplinary research centers.

Top-class research is conducted within the Education and Social Work, Engineering and Informatics, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Sussex Schools of Business and Management, and others.

21. University of Bologna

Address: Bologna, Italy


There are over three million accesses to the University of Bologna’s web portal every month, making it the most visited university website in Italy.

The University of Bologna’s website’s success results from the University’s computerized library services through which end-users can perform electronic searches in the University’s catalog and other national catalogs.

The University’s library provides access to the very best in scientific and academic publications from all over the world.

22. Washington University — St. Louis

Address: St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A.


Recently, Washington University has embarked on the task of integrating technology into all aspects of campus life, from academics to research and as well as administration.

Suppose you are interested in technology as a major. In that case, the Computer Science and Engineering department of Washington University offers students more than 80 courses which range from business ethics to team formation, to finance, and then intellectual property.

However, some Washington students complain about high internet and television access fees.

A high-speed campus network connects all the Washington University’s campuses and provides easy links to the Internet and the National Lambda Rail research networks.

23. Academy of Art University

Address: San Francisco, California, U.S.A.


The Academy of Art University offers twenty-three (23) different art and design schools that range from Architecture and Advertising to Fashion and Web Design.

Virtually every school in the University is located in its building throughout San Francisco. It offers its students access to state-of-the-art equipment, software, recording booths, film sets, and just about everything students need to study.

At the Academy of Art University, all the computers are leased and replaced every two years to ensure students use the latest equipment. Each school led by working industry professionals tries to keep its equipment and teachings six months ahead of its various industry.

24. University of Tokyo

Address: Bunkyo, Tokyo, Japan


The University of Tokyo is also known as Todai. The University is a world-class research university with five campuses throughout the region of Tokyo.

The University houses several research laboratories, each sectioned by the student’s age.

The University of Tokyo is regarded as the most prestigious university in Japan. According to the Academic Ranking of World Universities, the University of Tokyo ranks 1st in Asia and 21st globally.

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25. University of Waterloo

Address: Waterloo, Ontario, Canada


The University of Waterloo is considered to be Canada’s most innovative university. Waterloo undergoes multiple advanced research and teaching programs in engineering, science, health, environment, arts, and social sciences.

The students in the University conduct research in everything from quantum computing and nanotechnology to clinical psychology and health sciences.

The University of Waterloo tries to bring brilliant minds, state-of-the-art laboratories, and research centers together to advance science and technology. The University also boasts additional education centers on other continents and worldwide academic partnerships.

26. Montana State University

Address: Bozeman, Montana, U.S.A.


Montana State University developed its technology transfer program in 1990. Being one of the top universities with the best infrastructure is equipped with incubators and accelerators to foster entrepreneurship and innovation. It offers students access to the state of the art facilities and mentorship.

Through TechLink, the students of the University are given opportunities to develop start-up companies and conduct research with funding from the Department of Defense, NASA, and other government buyers.

Technological advancements of the University have successfully transformed university-level innovation into local companies and jobs.

27. Auckland University of Technology

Address: Auckland, New Zealand


Auckland University of Technology is dedicated to providing its students with the ability to provide unique solutions to the world’s many problems.

Being one of the top universities with the best infrastructure, it owns Auckland UniServices Limited, Australasia’s largest research and development company.

UniServices manages the intellectual property of the Auckland University of Technology as well as the University’s students. They are also responsible for all research-based consultancy partnerships.

UniServices provides students unique opportunities for success and commercial organizations with innovative technologies by connecting companies and other clients with the University’s brightest minds.

28. University of Melbourne

Address: Melbourne, Australia


The University of Melbourne has a long history of technological development and continues to have a curriculum built based on innovation.

Being one of the top universities with the best infrastructure, it has numerous laboratories at the forefront of international scholarship.

Their students and faculties research diverse topics, including human rights law, telecommunications, climate change, and medical research. Bionic Ear was created in the 1970s in the University Lab.

Research advancements are being made with the Bionic Eye, which is said to provide high-resolution images to thousands with severely impaired vision.

29. National University of Singapore



The National University of Singapore (NUS) is a top global university that has over 37,000 students who are from 100 different countries.

NUS offers a global approach to both education and research opportunities.

Being one of the top universities with the best infrastructure, it has about three Research Centers of Excellence and 23 university-level research institutes. It shares a close working relationship with about 16 national-level research institutes. The National University of Singapore is well known for its research in engineering, life sciences and biomedicine, social sciences, and natural sciences.

The students of the University have participated in major research thrusts in various fields like quantum technology, cancer medicine, digital media, and the environment.

30. University of Texas — Austin

Address: Austin, Texas, U.S.A.


The University of Texas has established a name for itself in science and technology. With help from the University, the city in which the University is located has hosted the annual South by Southwest Interactive festival, where panel discussions on various technological breakthroughs draw thousands.

Recently, university students and researchers at the Cockrell School of Engineering successfully built the world’s smallest and fastest nanometer, which they hope will lead to the ability to deliver insulin to people suffering from diabetes or focus on individual cancer cells.

31. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan


Al-Farabi Kazakh National University is one of Central Asia’s oldest and most established universities. The University offers 14 science, Engineering, Humanities, and social sciences schools.

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University has developed close relationships with several leading universities worldwide and is a member of the Indo-US Collaboration for Engineering Education. In 2011, this top university with the best infrastructure launched a Global Classroom with the support of Columbia University. The University houses the Hewlett-Packard training and research center.

32. Australian National University

Address: Canberra, ACT, Australia


The Australian National University (ANU) has two Research Schools in their Engineering and Computer Science College. Being one of the top universities with the best infrastructure, research groups focus on Algorithms and Data, Applied Signal Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, and Robotics.

The University staff and students also participate in Innovation ACT, a program designed for learning entrepreneurial skills in scientific and technical industries. The program consists of workshops and seminars and concludes with a business planning competition with a whopping first prize of $20,000.

33. Delft University of Technology

Address: Delft, the Netherlands


The Delft University of Technology, also known as TU Delft, was established in 1842 by King William II of the Netherlands. The Delft University of Technology is a well-known research institution.

Well, this top university with the best infrastructure houses more than 3,300 scientists and 2,200 support staff members in the university’s numerous research institutes. The research institutes in the University combine cutting-edge education, training, and research opportunities for postgraduate students, Ph.D. candidates, and postdoctoral researchers in various fields.

34. Wake Forest University

Address: Winston-Salem, North Carolina, U.S.A.


Wake Forest University has a student-to-computer ratio of 1.08 to 1, one of the highest in America. This university with the best infrastructure also boasts of the Wake Forest Campus Life app, which updates 24 hours a day and keeps students, faculty, and parents connected to what is happening on campus.

The students enjoy the benefit of extensive Wi-Fi throughout both campus buildings and residence halls to access the app. Google recently awarded Computer Science and Physics departments at Wake Forest University a grant to organize computation-thinking workshops for local schools.

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35. Aalborg University

Address: Aalborg, Denmark


Aalborg University is one of the world’s leading universities in health technology research, wireless communication, energy, computer science, innovation economics, and comparative welfare studies.

Research is conducted within all faculties in the University. With the best infrastructure, this top university has established additional research centers in various countries such as India, Indonesia, Italy, and China, allowing for study abroad opportunities for its students and cross-cultural research ability to their researchers and faculty.

36. Rochester Institute of Technology

Address: Rochester, New York, U.S.A.


The University was founded in 1829. Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) differentiates itself from other institutes of technology by its focus on career education and experiential learning.

RIT ranks third nationally among schools top companies prefer when recruiting and hiring for positions in the aerospace and defense industry.

Leading organizations such as Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and General Electric employ graduates from this top university with the best infrastructure. Many of these graduates of the University got their start in RIT’s student incubator, the Simone Center for Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

The Incubator is ranked first in the nation for incubator programs.

37. Brigham Young University

Address: Provo, Utah, U.S.A.


Brigham Young University (BYU) strives to emphasize mentorships and research opportunities for its undergraduates.

Faculties in the University are provided with strong incentives to make money from tech innovations and are offered 45% of royalties which creates ample opportunities for research positions for students.

Also, BYU has a Creative Works Office that licenses BYU-created software, videos, instructional materials and a Technology Transfer Office. Brigham Young University has ranked near the top of the list for the number of patents applied for.

Editor’s Recommendation

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