$10,000 Toptal Scholarships for Women | Updated

Toptal is awarding $10,000 worth of Scholarships for Women in 2024 and a year of mentorship to five future female leaders who want to change the world.

This is part of the commitment to empowering the next generation of CEOs, founders, and global leaders who want to change the world and give you what you need to get there. 

These scholarships provide assistance to women from around the world to help empower them to follow their passion and become leaders.

Globally, women are still under-represented in many fields and positions of leadership. Toptal believes in providing opportunities for exceptional women to break through barriers and accomplish extraordinary outcomes.

Scholarship Level/Field

The Toptal scholarship is available for female participants who are or intend to become a young CEO. You can have access to explore other scholarships for women, Just click on the link

Host Nationality

The Toptal Scholarship 2024 is hosted in USA. If you are an international student and you desire to study in USA. Check out the best scholarships obtainable for study in USA

Scholarship Benefits

The winners will receive a grant of $10,000 and one-year support from a Toptal expert!

Eligible Nationality

The Toptal scholarship 2024 is available for international participants who are female CEOs and Leaders. Read also if you wish to study outside your home country Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship.

Scholarship Number

Five (5) females will receive the Toptal Scholarships for Women 2024 award.

Eligibility for Scholarship

  • The scholarship program is only available to people who regularly live and identify as women aged 16 or over.
  • This is an international scholarship program. However, participation in the scholarship program requires that you are legally resident or a citizen of your country of residence.
  • They are looking for leadership potential, no matter your experience or background. That said, we do have a commitment to supporting women from underserved areas or communities.
  • You must apply in the region for which you are legally resident, as indicated in the list attached to this document. The Scholarship Program is not available to residents or citizens of a country that is prohibited or prohibited under US law (eg the Crimean Region of Ukraine, North Korea, Cuba) Iran, Sudan or Syria). You may need to provide proof of residence and any supporting documents during the application process of the application process.
  • Toptal Scholarships for Women is focused on individual women. You are more than welcome to continue collaborating with your team, but the scholarship will be awarded to a single person.
  • Please note that Toptal employees and freelancers, and their immediate families and households, are not eligible for the program.

More information can be found here in the complete list of official rules.

Application Procedures

To apply, paint a picture of how you want to change the world after you complete your education. Formulate your plan for how you would accomplish this and specify the type of mentorship that would make the biggest difference toward that outcome.

All of the following steps must be successfully completed to complete your application:

  • First, write a blog post on your chosen idea to change the world. The blog post (“Blog Post”) must clearly include the following sections:
    • Your vision to change the world
    • How you believe you can accomplish your goals
    • Support and mentorship you need to accomplish your goals
    • It must clearly and unambiguously reference Toptal Scholarships
  • Publish the Blog Post on your personal blog about your idea. The Blog Post must be at least 1,000 words. To be and remain eligible for the Scholarship Program, the Blog Post must remain posted during the entire Scholarship Program, including any period of awards.
  • If you decide to include in your application links to the software you have written, you must link to the GitHub repository in the application form. Any type of GitHub contribution is acceptable, provided that (a) it must consist solely of your own personal work and (b) it must comply with all of GitHub’s requirements, policies, guidelines, and terms and conditions with respect to starting or contributing to an open-source project on GitHub. Any further files (for example, videos or presentations) you create to support your application, must be linked-to in the Blog Post.
  • Submit an application. For your application to be eligible for entry, you must answer all application questions and your answers must be complete and accurate.

For applying for the scholarship, click the following link for More Information

Application Deadline

Application Timelines: Due dates are region-specific, so take note of your region.

One prize will be awarded to current residents of each region listed below. Please refer to the dates indicated for your specific region.

Application deadline: September 29
The winner was announced: November 7
Deadline: 30 November
Winners announced: 21 January
Deadline: 30th November
The winner was announced: February 9
Application deadline: January 31
The winner was announced: March 13
Deadline: March 31
The winner was announced: June 7

Editor’s Recommendation

We have other great scholarship opportunities that might be of help to your search

We hope this writing provided your scholarship necessities. Please share with your friends and leave your question or response on the comment box for us to serve you better.

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