The Trinity Law School is an academic community that is dedicated to providing a high standard legal education forming its bases from the Biblical Christian perspective. Although all law schools make students think like lawyers, the unique approach which Trinity laws school employs still stands out.
Trinity Law School is where you will not only learn how to become a seasoned lawyer but one that is under God’s law.
You’ll be getting an in-depth review of the Trinity Law School comprising the acceptance rate, admission requirements, tuition fees, programs, and scholarship aids.
Established in 1980 as the Simon Greenleaf School of Law and its original location at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, California, it was the brainchild of John Warwick Montgomery. However, the table of contents below will lead you on to what to expect next.
Why Study at Trinity Law School?
Studying law at Trinity provides you with adequate support to see that you can take your interest in law. Therefore, you would want to study law at this college because of the teaching quality it presents you with.
You would love to make Trinity law school your foundation in legal education because of the small class sizes, supportive Christian environment, and diverse student body.
It may also interest you to know that the professionals in this law school blend their professionalism with a devoted Christian life. Unlike other law schools, Trinity Law School has a low faculty-student ratio which gives room for a more understandable session with your tutors.
If you are one who enjoys every bit of city life, Trinity Law School is the place to be.
Trinity Law School Rankings
Although the US News & World Report’s do not rank this law school simply because, it is not accredited by the ABA, it has so many other rankings as stated below.
In 2014, it ranked second on the National Jurist’s list of Most Devout Christian Law School.
In 2016, the same list ranked them third.
Trinity Law School Accreditation
This law school is regionally accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and the Committee of Bar Examiners of the State Bar of California. There are few exceptions to this though.
One of which is stated in rule 4.30 of the Admissions rules, the completion of a professional law degree program at this law school but the Juris Doctor Program, does not qualify you to take the California Bar Examination.
It also does not give you permission to practice law in the state. The Trinity Law School is part of the Association of California Authorized Law School.
What are the Admission Requirements at Trinity Law School?
Applications into the Trinity Law School go on all year round and an interview is scheduled for the applicants to meet with the Admission officer before it takes an admission decision.
Basically, all law students must have a bachelor’s degree with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or even higher from a recognized college or university.
Also, in accordance with the California State Bar’s pre-legal education requirements, applicants must meet one of the following criteria.
Juris Doctor Program
Master of Legal Studies Program
What Programs they offer at Trinity Law School?
They offer the following concentrations at the Juris Doctor (JD) and Master of Legal Studies (MLS).
Degree | Concentration |
Juris Doctor | Law |
Master of Legal Studies | General legal studies |
Master of Legal Studies | Human rights |
Master of Legal Studies | Human resources management |
Master of Legal Studies | Non-profit organizations |
Master of Legal Studies | Bioethics |
Master of Legal Studies | Church and ministry management |
What is the Cost of Tuition at the Trinity Law School?
As a law student, there are several things you have to pay while you’re still undertaking any program at Trinity law school. At the time of writing this, the cost of tuition for the recent academic session isn’t out yet.
Hence, the availability of the previous one. This will help give you an idea of what you might pay for the Juris Doctor program in the most recent academic session.
Cost of Tuition for Master of Legal Studies
Georgia Bar Scholarships in the USA
Trinity Law School Scholarships
Once an applicant meets the admission requirements to the regular JD program, you are fit for both the merit and non-merit scholarships at that instant.
Interestingly, most scholarships are renewable so long some academic requirements remain constant throughout each semester.
Merit-Based Scholarships
Your LSAT score determines your stance to partake in the merit scholarships. These awards vary ranging from $2,000 to full-tuition and a possibility of receiving stipends.
Dean’s Full Tuition + Stipend
- 100% Tuition Cost + $500 – $1500/yr Monthly Stipend
- LSAT in the 60th Percentile or Higher (155 -180)
Dean’s Full Tuition
- 100% Tuition Cost ($23,850)
- LSAT in the 50th Percentile or higher
- 50-75% of Tuition Cost ($12,000–$18,000)
- LSAT in the 40th Percentile or Higher (149-151)
- Scholarship of $5,000–$7,500
- LSAT in the 33rd Percentile or Higher (147-148)
Legal Studies
- Scholarship of $2,000-$5,000
- LSAT in the 26th Percentile or Higher (145-146)
The Most Expensive Universities in the World
Non-Merit Scholarships
Only those who may have graduated from Christian schools and are members of NACCAP, EFCA, and are coming to the law school with only an AA/AS degree qualify for this scholarship. Applicants who also have a history of public service qualify for this scholarship.
Here’s a tabular representation of the different non-merit scholarships.
MLS Program Scholarships
Students who display a deep understanding of the benefits Master of Legal Studies can offer them in their different fields and courses are automatic beneficiaries of the scholarships. It covers up to 20%-50% of tuition over the duration of the entire program.
The good news is that you can renew this scholarship if you continue to meet the academic standards every semester.
Bar Study Aids
Basically, the maximum loan at the Trinity Law School is $15,000. So, credit-free students are eligible to apply for bar study loans. This loan can offset bills related to bar preparation courses and bar exam expenses.
Although there are varying requirements, interest rates, and limit you can’t exceed, you can carry out in-depth research for it, apply for it, and buy it.
Click on some links below to direct you to bar loan lenders.
Trinity law School Website
For more information on the Trinity Law School’s admission, programs, tuition, you can visit the official website.
I have provided all the information you need to know about Trinity Law School in this article. I’ll urge you to read with keen interest.
I hope this helps!
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