University of Illinois College of Pharmacy School: Requirements, Admission, Cost & Program

No doubt, the University of Illinois College of Pharmacy is every prospective pharmacy student’s dream academic destination. However, before a dream comes to reality, some realistic questions will not just be asked but answered too. That being said, the World Scholarship Forum has carefully outlined answers to every question surrounding or related to the University of Illinois School of Pharmacy. Stay with me!

In this article, we carefully looked into UIC College of Pharmacy background, admission requirements, reputation, programs offered, tuition fees, and a whole lot more. Do well to read till the end.

The UIC College of Pharmacy (UIC COP) is a public pharmacy school with two campuses located in Chicago and Rockford, Illinois. Its professional degree program that leads to the PharmD spans for four years. Additionally, the College also offers programs leading to six master’s degrees and four doctorate degrees, covering a spectrum of research areas within the pharmaceutical sciences.

See the table of contents below

About University of Illinois College of Pharmacy

The University of Illinois at Chicago College of Pharmacy established in 1859 has always been at the forefront of the ever-changing world of Pharmacy. Right from its humble beginnings in rented halls in Downtown Chicago to its current spot as a world-renowned teaching and research institution with campuses in both Chicago and Rockford, Illinois, the institution has always been reputable.

After it’s founding in 1859, the lectures were held in either the facilities of the lecturer or in halls rented just for the purpose of the lecture. Nevertheless, the College graduated its first class in 1861. The class consisted of 2 people.

The educational offerings of the College of Pharmacy have changed over the years in order to advance the practice of Pharmacy. Originally, the coursework comprised of a 4-year apprenticeship and 20 weeks of evening lectures. In 1932 a four-year course was proposed with one year of college education and a three-year professional program. Moreso, in 1960, 5 years of Bachelor of Science degree program was introduced, and in 1984 the Doctor of Pharmacy Degree was introduced as the only professional degree awarded.

Furthermore, the University of Illinois School of Pharmacy has a 160-year history dedicated to the practice of pharmacy. With one of the biggest and most complete clinical pharmacy programs in the nation, it provides student adventure not available elsewhere.

In a nutshell, the purpose of the UIC COP is to train the current and next generation of pharmacists, pharmaceutical scientists, and pharmacy leaders; to conduct effective and cutting-edge research, and to provide innovative patient care to serve the people of US and the world at large.

UIC housing 3 departments, offers PharmD and graduate programs in Msc and PhD areas. In 2015, 203 students graduated in the study area of Pharmacy with students earning 203 Doctoral degrees.

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University Of Illinois College Of Pharmacy Rankings

According to reputable rankings, the Chicago State University School of Pharmacy has been giving an excellent scorecard. This comes as e result of its excellent academic inputs, output, and working system.

University of Illinois College of Pharmacy school is…

  • The top-ranked college of pharmacy in Illinois according to US News & World Report.
  • Ranked number seven in the nation according to US News & World Report.
  • UIC ranks in the top ten in total research grant funding according to the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP).
  • According to, UIC goes with the number 1 spot as the best Pharmacy school in Chicago.

Programs Offered At UIC College of Pharmacy

The University of Illinois school of Pharmacy offers the following programs;

  • PharmD
  • Graduate programs
  • Residency & Fellowship
  • Continuing Education

PharmD in UIC College of Pharmacy

The College of Pharmacy offers the Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) degree. The PharmD is the highest level of professional education in pharmacy and has been approved by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) as the sole entry-level degree for the profession. The program stresses a patient-centered course of study and gives a structure that will enable students to advance into reflective practitioners with relevant skills and attitudes to anticipate change, criticize, evaluate, and modify practice in a changing healthcare arena.

See Also: List of Pharmacy Schools in Canada for Masters (MSc) Students

Graduate Programs In UIC College of Pharmacy

UIC offers 3 MS programs, 2 PhD programs and 2 online graduate programs.

MS programs offered

  • MS in Forensic Science
  • MS in Forensic Toxicology
  • MS in Comparative Effectiveness Research

Doctorate programs offered

  • PhD in Pharmacy Systems, Outcomes, and Policy 
  • PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences

Online graduate programs offered

  • Pharmacoepidemiology Certificate program
  • MS in Comparative Effectiveness Research

Residency and Fellowship

The UIC College of Pharmacy, in conjunction with the University of Illinois Hospital & Health Sciences System, is proud of the over 40-year history of training post-graduate pharmacists in clinical service and research through our two staged residencies(PGY1 and PGY2) as well as our clinical research fellowships. This residency and fellowship expose one to intensive research and practical training.

Continuing Education

The CPE goal of the UIC College of Pharmacy Office of Continuing Education and Meeting Services (OCEMS) is to render the highest quality Continuing Pharmacy Education (CPE) activities to pharmacists and pharmacy technicians to sustain and enhance competency, and/or improve patient outcomes using the expertise and excellence of our faculty.

University of Illinois College of Pharmacy Department

UIC college of Pharmacy houses 3 departments;

  • Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • The Department of Pharmacy Practice
  • Department of Pharmacy Systems, Outcomes, and Policy

Each of the departments is filled with award-winning faculty, innovative researchers, and the latest information in their fields.

UIC College of Pharmacy Tuition Cost and Fees

UIC’s tuition and fees differ according to the program. However, the University of Illinois College of Pharmacy offers world-class education and competitive tuition rates. See the tuition and fees below;

Professional Tuition Per Semester

  • Range 1 – $12,522 for In state students and $20,281 for out of state students.
  • Range 2- $8,348 for In-state students and $13,521 for out of state students.
  • Range 3 – $4,174 for In-state students and $6,760 for out of state students.
  • Range 4 – $2,087 for In and out-state students.

Other fees

Professional Fees Per Semester

Range IRange IIRange IIIRange IV
General Fee$481$481$481$481
Service Fee$350$350$233$233
Student to Student Fee$3$3$3$3
Sustainability Fee$6$6$6$6
Health Service Fee$92$92$92$92
Health Insurance Fee (estimated). With proof of insurance, this fee can be waived.$673$673$673$673
CTA U Pass Fee. Assessed for full time study defined as 12 hours.$163Not assessed for less than full time
Subtotal fees$1,768$1,605$1,488$1,488

Assessment Per Semester

Range IRange IIRange IIIRange IV
Academic Facilities Maintenance Fund Assessment$339$226$113$57
Library and Information Technology Assessment$220$147$73$37
Subtotal assessments$559$373$186$94

University Of Illinois College of Pharmacy Admission

According to Wikipedia, nearly 70 percent of applicants to the PharmD program hold a bachelor’s degree prior to admission. To obtain the PharmD, students are to complete a minimum of six years of study: The first two years of Pre-pharmacy coursework can be fulfilled at any accredited college or university, the final four years of professional education are completed at the UIC College of Pharmacy.

Furthermore, high school students may seek admission to the College of Pharmacy through UIC’s Guaranteed Professional Program Admissions initiative; these students are required to successfully complete their Pre-pharmacy coursework at UIC prior to entry into the College of Pharmacy.

The college of Pharmacy awards a PharmD/PhD program, in which the professional doctor of pharmacy degree can be earned concurrently with any of the PhDs offered. Both degrees can be accomplished in less overall time than would be required to complete the programs separately. However, some graduate programs authorize applications to the master of science degree, usually from students who have the aim of continuing on to the PhD.

Each graduate (MS/PhD) program has its own admissions specifications and handles its own admissions process. See the admission requirements below.

University of Illinois College of Pharmacy Admission Requirements

Admission requirement into PharmD programs

To be deemed for admissions to the UIC PharmD program in Chicago or Rockford, proposed students must do the following.

Due to the COVID 19, the following changes have been implemented for anyone seeking Fall 2024 admission to the UIC College of Pharmacy PharmD Program.

No PCAT – Applicants with no PCAT scores will be evaluated and considered for Fall 2024 admission.

PharmCAS Application Deadline Extended – The UIC College of Pharmacy PharmCAS application ends by July 1, 2024.

Prerequisite Courses – The following changes have been implemented for prerequisite courses.

  • CR (credit) or P (pass) grades in prerequisite courses taken during the Spring and Summer 2024 will be accepted.
  • C- grades in prerequisite courses will be taken and will not need to be repeated.
  • Summer 2024 prerequisite courses, including online courses, will be affirmed.

Admission Requirements For Regular International Applicants

Regular international applicants apply to the PharmD Program through PharmCAS.

Additional Requirements for international applicants:

  • International applicants are to tender a copy of a WES (foreign coursework evaluation) course-by-course report to the Office of Student Affairs (submit to prior to applying to determine if GPAs and requirements have been met.  When applying, a WES report will also need to be provided to PharmCAS so that it’s part of the PharmCAS application.
  • International students are to take TOEFL.

Requirements For Transfer Admission

To be considered for transfer admission to the UIC College of Pharmacy, candidates must meet the following criteria:

  • Be in good academic status at an ACPE-accredited pharmacy school
  • Have a minimum grade-point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale
  • A successful conclusion of UIC basic science pre-pharmacy prerequisites or equivalents


To cap it all, the University of Illinois School of Pharmacy is indeed an epicenter of learning. I believe this article left no question concerning the University of Illinois School of Pharmacy unanswered. Good luck!

FAQs On University of Illinois College of Pharmacy School: Requirements, Admission, Cost & Program

The University of Illinois school of Pharmacy offers the following programs;
Graduate programs
Residency & Fellowship
Continuing Education

Yes, you need to tender two letters of recommendation.

The UIC College of Pharmacy PharmCAS application ends by July 1, 2024.

UIC requires the submission of valid English proficiency test scores for all non-native English speakers. However, it may be waived under certain circumstances.


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