Best Advice For Adults Going Back To College In  | Ultimate Guide

According to the Some College, No Degree report from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, over 36 million Americans have some postsecondary education but have not finished a degree and are no longer enrolled in school.

Since more and more adults are going back to school, we must put together a list of helpful advice for college. With it, making plans for a degree and not wasting time is easier than ever.

Are you trying to get the courage to go back to school? Here are the 15 best pieces of advice for adults going back to college. We also included other information we thought you might find necessary. Keep reading!

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Is it Worth it for Adults to Go Back to College?

Before we get on the best advice for adults going back to college, you should first know whether it is worth it. There are many good things about going back to school as an adult.

Adult learners do better when they can see where they want to go with their education and careers. They also gain in some way or another from having work experience under their belts.

Adult learners are more likely than recent high school graduates to work hard in their classes. They also get to set goals for their college journey, manage their time well, and keep themselves motivated while in school.

The top tips for going back to college help adults to be more sure of themselves than younger people. All of this adds up to good grades, more contacts, and a high level of readiness for a career after graduation.

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Adults Going Back to College in 2024- Step by Step Guide

Once you’ve decided to go back to school, what you want to study, and where you want to go, it’s time to get started. Here is a step-by-step guide to getting you started.

Step 1: Figure out your “why.”

Think about what you want to do with your life and how going to college will help you get there. Having a clear goal in mind will help you stay motivated at every step.

Knowing where you want your life and career to go can also help you choose between schools. Figuring out your “why” is the first step and one of the top tips for going back to college.

Step 2: Look at your timetable

Think about how much time each week you can spend in school. That will help you decide if you want to go to school full-time or part-time.

You won’t hear it often but look at your timetable. It is one of the top tips for going back to college.

It can also help you choose between classes on campus and online programs. Online programs usually give you more freedom and let you learn at your own pace, while on-campus classes have a more set schedule.

Step 3: Choose your major and look into schools

Find out what degree you need for the job you want to get so you can choose a college program that will help you get there. This is one helpful piece of advice for college. 

Once you’ve decided on the best degree program, look for colleges that offer that major. At this point, you should think of a few schools that offer the degree you want. You can choose between the schools that meet your needs later.

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Step 4: Talk to experts in admissions

A college admissions counselor can answer questions you have about the school and give you helpful information about what you need to do to get in.

If they accept you, you may have to take a placement test. Placement tests are usually to find out how good you are at math, reading, and writing so that you can start in the right class. It is one helpful piece of advice for college. 

You might have to take different tests if you want to go to graduate school. Therefore, it’s important to talk to people who work in admissions and find out what you need to do.

Step 5: Fill out an application.

It’s pretty easy to apply to college. You may not know which application process to use, though.

Step 6: Skip as many classes as you can by taking tests.

You may also be able to move ahead in your degree program by testing out certain courses or coursework. This is one of the top tips for going back to college. 

Check with the admissions office at your school to see if and how many exam credits they accept. Students who “test out” usually only do it for one or two classes, but many schools will let them do it for up to 30 credits.

CLEP is the most popular and well-known test program. Your school might also give you credit for passing the DSST or Excelsior exams.

Step 7: Start the process of getting financial aid

College can be very expensive, but loans, grants, and scholarships can make a big difference. Fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Start filling out your FAFSA on October 1 of the year before you want to go to college. Aid is usually given to those who apply first, so you should send yours in as soon as possible.

The FAFSA can help you get free grants and scholarships. It can also help you get low-interest student loans that aren’t always based on your income.

Step 8: Send in the forms

Now it’s time to officially apply to the schools on your shortlist by sending in your applications. At the very least, this means filling out a form and sending in your school records.

Some schools also have other requirements. It’s important to talk to the admissions office or look up each school’s different requirements online.

Step 9: Choose a school.

After the application process is over, you’ll start getting letters telling you what to do next.

When you get letters of acceptance, you’ll have to make your final choice. After you choose a school, you should think about the majors they offer, your schedule, and how much money you have. Once you’ve made your decision, you can begin the enrollment process.

Step 10: Register for Classes

Online, a college student signs up for his classes. Pay close attention to your academic plan when you sign up for classes. A full-time course load is between 12 and 15 credits per semester. Since many classes are worth 3 credits, that means you will be taking 3 or 4 classes at once.

A part-time course load can be different, but it may be around 6 credits per semester.

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What Should Adults Go Back to College Pack?

Best Advice for Adults Going Back to College in 2024

#1. Choose a school that works for you.

When adults go back to college, one of the most common problems they face is that they can’t just quit their jobs or put their lives on hold. They might have to take care of a family or work full-time.

In this case, it’s important to find a college that can meet these specific needs. Look for a college that gives its students flexibility in the form of hybrid or online classes.

Also check for the ability to start classes at different times of the year, accelerated study formats, and/or the ability to schedule classes in the evenings and on the weekends.

In other words, try to find a school that meets its students where they are. Choosing a school that works for you is one of the top tips for going back to college.

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#2. Look into your future job

If you’re going back to school to change careers, it’s important to know what educational requirements you need to meet. For example, if you want to become a dental hygienist, you’ll need to get at least an associate’s degree. Before you go to college, you should know what degree you need.

This will help you pick a school that not only offers your degree but also has the resources to help you when you start your new career. It is one helpful piece of advice for college. 

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#3. Talk to a college admissions officer

You might want to talk to an admissions counselor before you start the application process. If you’ve already taken college credits, they can help you figure out which ones you can transfer and use for your studies.

They can also help you in general with the application process. For example, they can show you how to upload transcripts from high school or community college.

The college admissions officer tells you whether or not you need to upload test scores (like SAT or ACT). They also show you how many (if any) recommendation letters you need to upload to your application.

An admissions counselor can help make the application process less mysterious. This is one of the top tips for going back to college.

#4. Apply for financial aid

This is one helpful piece of advice for college. After you’ve sent in your college application, you should start the process of applying for financial aid. You’ll need to fill out a FAFSA application and send it in.

This form is for schools to figure out how much money their students need and how much money they should be responsible for. You should also find out what kinds of scholarships your school offers.

For example, if you are a veteran, your future school may have scholarship money set aside to help veterans who want to go to school there. Many schools also give students scholarship money based on how well they do in school.

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#5. Talk to a teacher or professor

Talking to people who know more can never be wrong. It is one of the top tips for going back to college. As an adult who just went back to college, you might find that you have forgotten how to study, write essays, and make presentations. You might also not know how to set up your class schedule.

Set up a meeting with an academic advisor before the start of the school year. An academic advisor can help you plan out your college schedule, stay organized, and make sure you finish on time.

#6. Don’t hesitate to ask for help

As an adult learner, you probably worked and did other things on your own while you weren’t in school. When you go back to school, you might need help from others in a way you haven’t in a while. This may make you feel uncomfortable. However, remember that your school has the resources to help you as you switch from working full-time to studying.

You can work with a tutor through your school’s Office of Student Academic Success. As an adult who has been out of school for a while, working with a professional tutor can help you keep up with your study schedule. It will also help you get ready for tests, research, and more.

You can also get help with planning your career, studying in groups, going to workshops and seminars, and other student services. This is one of the top tips for going back to college.

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#7. Do your homework on the college before you sign up

Take the time to think about what you want most from a college. Are the ones you’re thinking about flexible when it comes to getting a bigger degree or taking classes at night?

Do they offer classes and other services that help adults learn? Is it possible to do homework online and turn it in? Is it easy for you to get to campus? What do alumni say?

The best way to find the right match is to ask the right questions, so make a list of them and get answers as you do your research.

Reading about a campus or looking at pictures of it online can’t compare to going there. After you have chosen your top two or three schools, you should visit them.

Listen in on people in the student center. Talk to both staff and students. Getting a sense of the energy on campus will help you make a good choice.

#8. Get Excited.

You can either dread going back to school or get excited about the new things that will happen in your life. Your success depends a lot on how you think and how confident you are. You can do so much if you are excited. It is one of the top tips for going back to college. 

Positivity will help you pay attention, stay organized, work hard, and keep up with your other responsibilities. It will even help you sleep better at night. Think of your age as a plus.

You’ve got a lot to offer. Younger students can learn from their maturity and life experience, so don’t be shy or afraid to speak up in class.

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#9. Be a social butterfly.

Did you know that being social helps your brain in ways that you can’t measure? Being social alone helps a lot with your cognitive thinking. That means that if you make some friends, you’ll do better in school. This is one helpful piece of advice for college. 

Students of any age get more out of school if they stay involved and talk to other people. Go to important events. Try going to some clubs. Join groups that are set up to study. Don’t forget about your life outside of school. No one can always be studying.

#10. Find people who will help you.

It’s important to make sure your family is on board and understands your goals and why you want to do this. It’s like any other goal: you’re more likely to reach it when other people are there to support and encourage you.

Talk to your family about how much time it will take from you and how everyone can help you reach your goal.

As a bonus, this is a great way to teach your kids how important school is and how much work it takes to reach a goal. It is one helpful piece of advice for college. 

#11. Set specific goals.

Create short-term goals that will help you stay motivated until you reach your long-term goal of graduating. Set goals for the grades you want to get. Setting and writing down your goals will help you reach them and help keep your mind on them.

You can also break up class projects into smaller parts to help you stay on track. This is one of the best pieces of advice for adults going back to college. 

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#12. Set up a place where you can study comfortably.

Having a nice desk lamp for studying late at night and a comfortable chair in a place away from most distractions will help you stay on task.

If you have a place you like to go to get work done, you are more likely to do your work there. People won’t tell you this often, but it is one of the best pieces of advice for adults going back to college.

#13. Get in touch.

When they look around and see the younger, more traditional students studying together, many adult students can feel alone. Social media sites like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook make it easy to connect with people in your classes or around the world who are taking similar classes. This would help you a lot and is one of the top tips for going back to college. 

You can connect, share content, or ask questions on Twitter by using hashtags. You can set up private groups on Facebook and LinkedIn to share resources. Google Hangouts is a great, free way to have group video chats with up to 10 people.

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#14. Get your coworkers involved.

If you are working, you can offer to share or give a presentation about anything you are learning that might help your team. You might be taking a course on management and have just learned a great way to make meetings more productive.

Sharing what you know or teaching others helps you remember what you’ve learned. It can also give you real-world experiences you can talk about in class. It is one helpful piece of advice for college. 

#15. Stay organized

Staying organized is one helpful piece of advice for college. When you start school, you’ll have more things to do, so getting and staying organized will help you do well. If you are good with technology, you might want to use apps like Evernote to keep track of your projects and make notes.

It’s free and can store text, photos, and audio notes. If you prefer paper and pencil, get some colorful binders and organization tools to get you started on the right foot. Not only kids can use fun school supplies.

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#16. Take the time to learn about everything your university has to offer.

Whether you take classes on campus or online, your university has a lot of ways to help you study and learn to make sure you do well. You should use every resource you have, such as the library, guidance counselors, and financial aid resources. This is one helpful piece of advice for college. 

#17. Learn to multi-task

If you are a working parent, you already need to be able to do more than one thing at a time. When you add schoolwork to the mix, you may need a few new tools to keep everything going.

You can learn while walking the dog or waiting in line to pick up your kids if you download as many audio course files as you can find. Learning to multitask is helpful advice for college. 

#18. Don’t be hard on yourself.

Some days you will wonder what you were thinking, and some nights you will wonder if you took on more than you could handle. Don’t be hard on yourself. Don’t forget why you began. You won’t hear this often but it is one helpful piece of advice for college. 

Your main goal might be to graduate, but you’ll also learn, grow, and become more interested in life along the way. Celebrate the fact that you have promised yourself and your future something!

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Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to do before I go back to school?

Set goals for school and work.
Choose a degree and career path.
Fill out the FAFSA.
Apply to any college you want.
Plan for tuition and other college costs with a budget.
Try to get grants and scholarships.
Take any required tests
Learn how to study even when other things are going on.

How old is too old to go to college?

You can always go back to school. A college degree is a good investment that you can make at any age. Adult and returning students give colleges and universities a great chance to teach and learn. There is no age too old so far you can understand, read and write.

Is 40 old to go back to school?

Those who want to go back to school in their 40s can get a bachelor’s degree even while working full-time. You can still do well at your day job if you take classes in the evening or sign up for hybrid classes that meet in person and online.

How old should you be to go back to school?

College at age 18 is a good way to get a feel for higher education and adult life. College in the 20s and 30s, on the other hand, helps students build career focus.

How can an adult get ready to go back to college?

Here are seven tips that will help you get ready for college again.
Have a goal in mind. Most adults who go back to school don’t do it “just because.”
Get your plans together.
Get Your Finances in Order.
Leverage Your Life Experience.
Connect with other people.
Plan for the real world.
Have a Positive Attitude.

What are the best courses to study in college as a 40-year-old?

Industrial organization psychologist.
Personal financial advisor.
Specialist in training and development.
Recreation Therapist
Health records and health information technician
Mental health technician

Is it worth it to go back to college?

The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) says that 56.6% of employers look at a candidate’s GPA when deciding whether or not to hire him or her. If you go back to college, you can not only get your degree, but you can also raise your GPA and stand out to top employers.


So, you’ve finally decided to go to college or finish a degree program you started years ago but never finished because life got in the way. Everyone finds it hard to keep up with school, work, and family life.

The best advice for adults going back to college in 2024 on our list above aims to help. We hope you take them seriously to excel in your coursework and win in college.

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