Best Pharmacy Schools In Ohio |  Programs, Requirements, Cost, Job Outlook

For the past ten years, there has been a significant rise in the demand for pharmacists in Ohio. So, to any high school graduate in Ohio, becoming a pharmacist is an open cheque. Studying in the best pharmacy school is the first step to beginning a career in Ohio.

The general rule states that to be a practicing pharmacist in Ohio, you must first be licensed. And to be approved, you must complete a pharmacy program in an accredited pharmacy school.

However, deciding the right pharmacy school in Ohio is challenging because the school you attend can significantly influence the opportunities that await you upon graduation. It is essential to ascertain a school’s accreditation, graduation rates, and students’ success after graduation.

The list of pharmacy schools is the best option for your study in 2024.

Why Study Pharmacy In Ohio?

Ohio has become one of the top states for pharmacy in the USA, with seven (7) pharmacy schools they have. This makes them a great state to study pharmacy, though many don’t choose to work there because the salary is much lower than the average.

There are four public institutions and three private schools in Ohio. And they were all established during the 18th century, apart from the Northeast Ohio Medical University.

However, only two have religious affiliations; Cedarville University (Baptism, Evangelical) and North Ohio University (United Methodist Church).

Also, the local universities and colleges in Ohio have approximately 170,000 students, of which approximately 3,000 will be studying for their PharmD degree. Comparing it with other states, Ohio’s proportion of students studying in public and private institutions is relatively equal.

The main reason you should choose Ohio as a state to study pharmacy is that demand for healthcare delivery in Ohio is very high. This means upon graduation; you can secure a job immediately. Also, Ohio accommodates lots of hospitals where you can work after studying.

However, you must have excellent communication skills to succeed as a pharmacist in Ohio.

How Long Does It Take To Study Pharmacy In Ohio?

All PharmD programs in Ohio require at least two (2) years of pre-professional coursework, then four(4) academic years of professional study.

Most pharmacy colleges in Ohio admit students directly from high school for pre-pharmacy and PharmD curriculum or after completion of the college course prerequisites.

However, most students enter the pharmacy program with just three (3) years of the college experience.

Generally, it will take four to eight years to complete a PharmD study in any school in Ohio.

How Much Does It Cost To Study Pharmacy In Ohio?

The cost of the study is always an essential factor to consider when making your admission decision to any school in Ohio for your Pharmacy program.

However, the cost of acquiring a Pharmacy degree in Ohio varies by school. Also, in-state and out-of-state status can significantly affect students’ education costs.

Hence, to study Pharmacy in any college in Ohio, prepare your mind that your tuition fees will be high. You can expect to pay tuition fees ranging from $98 560 to $169,470 to study Pharmacy in Ohio.

But on average, the tuition fee to study Pharmacy in school in Ohio is $.

What Are The Requirements To Study Pharmacy In Ohio?

Students must satisfy various requirements to secure admission to study Pharmacy in Ohio. While some schools mandate that students complete an entire undergraduate program, others only want to see that all pre-requisite classes have been completed satisfactorily.

Hence, it is advisable you visit the website of each school to know their respective admission requirements.

Generally, schools in Ohio require students to have at least a 2.5 GPA to be considered for an interview. Also, some schools require the  Pharmacy College Admission Test, letters of recommendation, and an interview session.

Most importantly, the admission committee will admit more of students that demonstrate an interest in the pharmacy profession through volunteer experience and also possess leadership skills.

Here’s a list of the general entry requirements to study Pharmacy in Ohio.

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  • Official copies of all college and university transcripts
  • Letters of recommendation
  • PCAT scores
  • Successfully complete an on-campus professional program interview and writing assessment.
  • English proficiency test scores for all non-native English speakers.
  • All applicants will complete a PharmCAS online application.

How Many Pharmacy Schools Are in Ohio?

Ohio is one of the front-running states in the pharmacy niche. It’s one of the great states in the United States to study pharmacy.

Ohio has four public institutions and three private schools that offer pharmacy. Hence, a total of 7 pharmacy schools.

Comparing it with other states, the ratio of students studying in public and private institutions in Ohio is relatively the same.

Best Pharmacy Schools in Ohio

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Ranking Methodology

In selecting the Best and Accredited Pharmacy Schools in Ohio in 2024, we will be considering several ranking factors. Note that this World Scholarship Forum Ranking of Best Accredited Pharmacy Schools in Ohio puts into consideration these 4 major factors. They include:

Number of Programs: This is one important criterion in this ranking of the Best Pharmacy Schools in Ohio in 2024. Our list of best pharmacy universities has a good number of programs they offer which avails students better options to choose from.

Accreditation: This criterion is very much important. Generally, a school may be considered good with great programs but it is not accredited. So, we consider the body of accreditation as well as certification for each of these schools before ranking them.

Acceptance Rate: This is one aspect that is considered important. Basically, schools with lower acceptance rates are considered one of the best in a given state. The acceptance rate of any universities in Ohio is an indication of the quality of education students receive.

Graduation & Employment Rate: This ranking puts into consideration the graduation rate and employability rate of the universities. How soon students graduates, and how easy they gain employment are determinant factors of this ranking.

Below is the list of the Best Pharmacy Schools in Ohio:

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  • Northeast Ohio Medical University
  • Ohio State University
  • University of Findlay
  • Cedarville University

#4. Cedarville University

Acceptance Rate: 73%

Number of Programs: 3

NAPLEX Passage Rate: 88.34%

Cedarville University offers Undergraduate (Pharmaceutical Sciences / Prepharmacy) and 2 Graduate programs (PharmD and dual program). Above all, they commit daily to making high-quality Christian education affordable and accessible.

Admission Requirements

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  • Four years of English, Math, and Science
  • A combination of six years of social sciences and foreign language
  • ACT composite score of 23 or new SAT composite score of 1150
  • High school GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (with strength in math, science, honors, AP and college courses)

Other factors that made this Cedarville University one of the Best Pharmacy Schools in Ohio in 2024 are:

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  • Accreditation: Fully accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education.
  • Tuition Costs: $22,641 per semester and $45,282 per year and 99% of students​​ at Findlay receive financial aid.
  • Program Length: 6
  • Graduation Rate: 87.9%
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#3. University of Findlay

Acceptance Rate: 73%

Number of Programs: 1

NAPLEX Passage Rate: 87%

The University of Findlay offers a Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) to 72 freshly qualified high school seniors yearly. The College of Pharmacy admits high school seniors based on their strong academic performance.

Program Overview

The College of Pharmacy at the University of Findlay blends practice, experience, and science to create outstanding knowledge for its pharmacy students. Also, the College extends its expertise by orchestrating research so students can join the faculty and complete their work.

With 16:1 students to faculty ratio, Findlay’s College of Pharmacy prepares you to be a knowledgeable and confident professional. Hence, the small class sizes and knowledgeable professors make Findlay an experience unlike any other.

Above all, Findlay’s College of Pharmacy is a member of the Ohio Alliance for Innovation in Population Health (The Alliance). This means you are joining a community that helps improve the health of all Ohioans.

Admission Requirements

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  • Four years of English, Math, and Science
  • A combination of six years of social sciences and foreign language
  • ACT composite score of 23 or new SAT composite score of 1150
  • High school GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (with strength in math, science, honors, AP and college courses)

Other factors that made the University of Findlay one of the Best Pharmacy Schools in Ohio in 2024 are:

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#2. Ohio State University

Acceptance Rate: 52%

Number of Program: 5

NAPLEX Passage Rate: 95%

Ohio State University offers several pharmacy programs. Including Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD), MS/Ph.D., Continuing education for pharmacists, and online programs.

Program Overview

The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy’s Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) program develops best-in-class care providers as responsible medication experts in the healthcare delivery system.

Also, the College partners with other colleges and pharmacy companies to help the medically underserved in Ohio.

Ohio State University also prepares you to have excellent knowledge in the field. With 10:1 students to faculty ratio, the small class sizes and knowledgeable professors make NEOMED the best to gain experience in this field.

Above all, the College of Pharmacy’s four-year Pharm.D program permits an Early Assurance Program for high school students and college undergraduates interested in a pharmacy career.

Admission Requirements

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  • Bachelors degree in any subject prior to enrollment
  • A 2.7 cumulative grade point average from all coursework from all institutions you’ve attended
  • PCAT Not Required! (Students who have a science GPA below a 2.7 are encouraged to take the PCAT to strengthen their application).

Other factors that made this Ohio State University one of the Best Pharmacy Schools in Ohio in 2024 are:

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  • Accreditation: Fully accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education.
  • Tuition Costs: $55,849 per semester for in-state and $67,638 per semester for out of state students and 99% of students​​ at NEOMED receives financial aid.
  • Program Length: 6
  • Graduation Rate: 95%
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#1. Northeast Ohio Medical University

Acceptance Rate: 50%

Number of Programs: 5

NAPLEX Passage Rate: 93.75%

The Northeast Ohio Medical University NEOMED offers several pharmacy programs. Including Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD), MS/Ph.D., Continuing education for pharmacists, pre-pharmacy programs, and Pharmacy residency training.

Program Overview

The College of Pharmacy at the Northeast Ohio Medical University blends training, experience, and science to create outstanding knowledge for their pharmacy students. Also, the College partners with other colleges and pharmacy companies to help the medically underserved in Ohio.

NEOMED’s College of Pharmacy also prepares you to have excellent knowledge in the field. With 10:1 students to faculty ratio, the small class sizes and knowledgeable professors make NEOMED the best to gain experience in this field.

Above all, the College of Pharmacy’s four-year Pharm.D program permits an Early Assurance Program for high school students and college undergraduates interested in a pharmacy career.

Admission Requirements

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  • Must have an established college GPA of at least 3.2 as determined by PharmCAS standards.
  • Have no grade lower than a “C” in any math, biology or chemistry course completed to date.
  • Apply by February 1 of their first-year (freshman) or sophomore year of undergraduate study.
  • Present an overall college GPA of at least 2.5 for interview consideration (as determined by PharmCAS calculations).
  • Present a science GPA of at least 2.5 (as determined by PharmCAS calculations).

Other factors that made this Northeast Ohio Medical University one of the Best Pharmacy Schools in Ohio in 2024 are:

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  • Accreditation: Fully accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education.
  • Tuition Costs: $55,849 per semester for in-state and $67,638 per semester for out of state students and 99% of students​​ at NEOMED receives financial aid.
  • Program Length: 6
  • Graduation Rate: 97%
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Best Pharmacy Schools in Ohio FAQs

Ohio has become one of the top states for pharmacy in the USA with the seven (7) pharmacy schools they have. This makes them a great state to study pharmacy, though many don’t choose to work there due to the salary is much lower than the average.

All PharmD programs in Ohio requires at least two (2) years of pre-professional coursework, then a four(4) academic years of professional study.

To study Pharmacy in any college in Ohio, prepare your mind that your tuition fees will be high. You can expect to pay tuition fees ranging from $98, 560 to $169,470 to study Pharmacy in Ohio.


A pharmacy career is very lucrative and beneficial. There is a vast range of career opportunities for graduates of top pharmacy schools. If you stay in Ohio, use our list of best pharmacy schools here.


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