10 Best Boarding Schools In Maryland Boys & Girls | 2024 Rankings

Independence is the greatest gift a parent can offer to their ward, and fortunately, the boarding school has made it very easy for them.

Children who attend boarding schools learn how to manage their affairs and live and deal with others regardless of their cultural background or belief.

Studies have also shown that boarding school students generally score higher on standardized tests and demonstrate excellent problem-solving skills.

Boarding school allows students to learn several life skills while accessing top-quality education.

If you are a resident of Maryland and wondering which boarding school will be suitable for your child. You are at the right place.

This publication contains a list of the best boarding schools in Maryland. These schools are accredited and have great reputations. They even rank in top publications like the Niche and many others.

While you go through the list of schools, you can also learn the benefits of attending a boarding school, why co-educational boarding school is essential, and many other pieces of information. The table below will help you navigate the available contents.

Why Attend A Boarding School?

A recent study by TABS (The Association of Boarding Schools), shows that 91% of boarding students said their school was academically challenging compared to 70% of private day students and 50% of public school students. 

However, the vast number of activities, programs, and challenges they encounter daily give boarding school students an edge over their day students counterparts.

Anyone who can afford a boarding school will want to embrace this vast opportunity where learning and personal growth are top priorities.

Furthermore, a boarding school offers a lot of positive impacts on students, and until you attend one yourself, you may not understand the depth of these impacts.

Are you still wondering if boarding school is worth the struggle? Then, quickly glance at some advantages below to clear your doubts.

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Boarding school students learn how to manage their time and become independent very fast.

They follow strictly the time given to them, perform domestic chores, and complete school assignments by themselves.

This helps them mature quickly and learn to handle any task even without supervision.

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Fewer Distractions

Boarding school curriculum is structured in a way that allows students to focus better on their studies.

They are not distracted by televisions, video games, and other elements that pose distractions, unlike the day students.

This has a positive effect on their studies as they tend to perform better academically.

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Character Development

Boarding school students have a great moral advantage. They live in an environment where core values such as honesty, hard work and respects are emphasized.

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A Global Atmosphere

Boarding schools provide a diverse environment before university. Students in this system gain fluency in other languages as they interact with others.

They also learn how to better relate with people from diverse cultural background. In fact, students who stay in the boarding school for at least three years typically become bilingual and this gives them some significant advantage in the international workforce.

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Alternate Activities

Boarding school students are exposed to a wide range of extra curricular activities ranging from sports, games and music. This help broaden their learning. Sporting activities helps to keep them fit.

There is much to gain from attending a boarding school, regardless of the tuition and fees.

How Much Does Enrolling in a Good Boarding School in Maryland Cost?

The cost of attending a boarding school in Maryland depends on several factors. First is the type of school. Private schools usually charge higher compared with public schools, and this could be due to some benefits they offer.

In summary, Boarding schools in Maryland typically range from $20,000 and $50,661 per year.

If you are resident in Texas, you can choose from the 10 Best Boarding Schools in Texas USA

Why Co-educational Boarding School?

Sending your ward to an all-boys or all-girls boarding is not a bad idea, but on the other hand, the co-educational boarding school has its advantage.

According to research by the American Council for Co-Educational Schooling (ACCES), co-education enhances communication and collaboration among young men and women while building relationships.

Learning how to associate and work effectively with members of the opposite sex is a fundamental skill for success beyond the educational setting.

What are the Best Boarding schools in Maryland?

Below is a list of the best coeducational boarding schools in Maryland. These schools are categorized into private and public subdivisions to enable you to select the one that best suits your demand.

Our selection criteria for these schools include but are not limited to Academic reputation, Accreditation, Tuition, Students to teacher ratio, Acceptance, and graduation rates.

We got our data from reliable sources, testimonials, interviews, and contacting individual schools. Before choosing a school, ensure you read carefully to get every detail about each school. The ranking factors above will guide you.

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  • The Calverton School
  • The Bolles School
  • Asheville School
  • Saint John Paul II Academy
  • Cranbrook Schools
  • The John Carroll School
  • Sandy Spring Friends School
  • McDonogh School

1. The Calverton School

School type: Private
Tuition: $48,900
Accreditation: National Association of Independent Schools, AIMS- Association of Independent Maryland and DC Schools

The Calverton School is elementary boys and girls boarding school in Maryland. The school started in 1967. Calverton is accredited and provides a challenging college-preparatory program in an environment that promotes honesty, tolerance, respect, and responsibility.

Calverton features a small class size with an excellent student-to-teacher ratio, enabling the students to interact directly with the tutors.

What makes Calverton stand out is that they provide students with experiences of diversity and welcomes students of all races, socioeconomic backgrounds, and beliefs.

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2. The Bolles School

School Type: Private
Tuition: $57,580
Accreditation: SACS FCIS NAIS

The Bolles School is a nationally known co-educational boarding school serving grades PreK through 12 on four campuses. This school is accredited and listed among the top 20 boarding schools in the country.

Bolles prepares young people for the future by providing them with challenges that promote growth and development in academics, arts, activities, and athletics.

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3. Asheville School

School Type: Private
Tuition: $60,525
Accreditation: NAIS, TABS, SACS

Another top-ranked boarding school in Maryland is Asheville School. The school offers 22 Honors courses and 16 Advanced Placement (AP) courses-helps give their students a competitive edge.

Students of this school learn skills, including critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity. Graduates of Asheville are accepted to the most prestigious institutions in the country.

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4. Saint John Paul II Academy

School Type: Private
Tuition: $66,950
Accreditation: Southern Association of Colleges & Schools

Saint John Paul II Academy is one of Maryland’s best boys and girls boarding schools. The school curriculum features fine arts and competitive athletic programs, along with various co-curricular activities for students to develop leadership skills learned in the classroom.

The school provides a dining hall and auditorium with a fully equipped stage, a gymnasium with weight rooms and locker rooms, a media center with a television studio, a state of the art science wing with fully equipped labs, and newly renovated fields for all sports teams.

Graduates of this school are admitted into schools like the University of Michigan – Ann Arbor, Michigan State University, and many other top institutions.

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5. Cranbrook Schools

School Type: Private
Tuition: $58,050
Accreditation:  Independent Schools Association of the Central States (ISACS)

Cranbrook Schools features a comprehensive college-preparatory education. Little wonder it made it to the list of top boarding high schools in Maryland.

According to one of the alumni, this school offers a well-rounded educational team that makes students feel at home while providing an excellent academic schedule.

Furthermore, Cranbrook has an average class size of 16 students with an impressive student-teacher ratio of 1:8.

In addition to the academic programs, this school also offers financial aid to deserving students. With these fantastic features, every parent will want their child to attend Cranbrook.

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6. The John Carroll School

Tuition: $17,950
School Type: Private
Accreditation: Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools

The John Carroll School is a highly-rated private boarding school in Maryland. The school offers a variety of activities for students to get involved in and show off their impressive talents.

The school features an impressive class size with a student-teacher ratio of 12:1. More than 90% of students from this school attend college after graduation.

Students of  John Carroll participate in community service events as part of their extracurricular activities.

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7. Sandy Spring Friends School

Address: 16923 Norwood Road, Sandy Spring, Maryland
Tuition: $59,500
School Type: Private
Accreditation: Association of Independent Maryland Schools and approved by the Maryland Department of Education

Sandy Spring Friends School (SSFS) is a coeducational boarding school founded in 1961. SSFS offers an advanced curriculum, character education rooted in universal Quaker principles, and a diverse and international student body that reflects today’s global community. 

The school curriculum integrates academics, arts, athletics, and community service in a supportive, friendly, and diverse environment. According to Niche, SSFS ranks #5 out of 13 best boarding schools in Maryland, making the school a great choice.

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8. McDonogh School

Address: Owings Mills, MD 21117
Tuition: $42,310
School type: Private
Accreditation: Association of Independent Maryland Schools, Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools

McDonogh School is another excellent boarding high school in Maryland. This school has talented and caring teachers and about 1,399 student enrollment.

McDonogh presents opportunities for students to learn how to think deeply, become innovative, collaborate, and discover passions. Graduates of this school gain admission into top universities and colleges.

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If you have a passion for Arts, you can enroll in one of the 10 Best Performing Arts Boarding High Schools 2024

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What Are the Drawbacks of Boarding School?

Amidst the numerous advantages and unique educational opportunities that boarding school offers, parents should be very selective about the type of school they send their children to.

Although the drawback of boarding schools are opinion-based, one should be aware of some potential disadvantages or concerns.

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  • Bullying and related problems.
  • Boarding school is expensive compared to other education options.
  • Lack of personal space and privacy
  • Moving aware from home at a young age can lead to boarding school syndrome

Any child with some traits that make it difficult for them to relate well with others can attend one of the Best Boarding Schools for Students With Learning Disabilities.


Boarding school offers some significant benefits, but there are still a couple of drawbacks, which is why parents should investigate properly before enrolling their kids. when choosing a school, make sure you focus on your child. Reflect on their most critical traits and how these impact their ability to function in various school environments. 

Frequently Asked Questions For Boarding Schools in Maryland

What is the cost go attending a boarding school in Maryland

The average cost of attending a boarding school in Maryland ranges from $20,000 and $50,661 per year.

List the five top boarding schools in Maryland

The Calverton School
The Bolles School
Asheville School
Saint John Paul II Academy

Why should i send my kids to a boarding school?

The following are reasons you should attend a boarding school;
Character development
Personal growth
Fewer Distractions

When is the ideal for boarding school?

The psychologist recommends 12 years is the best age for a child to attend boarding school.


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