Top 10 Book Publishing Company In Florida

Suppose you live in the city of Florida, and you’re finding it hard to select a book publishing company to publish your book, or you fear falling into the wrong hands. In that case, you are on the right page, as I will be providing answers to many questions regarding running a book publishing company in Florida.

While the greatest pain for a writer is having a book unknown to the readers, talk more of being appreciated. As you know, winning half a war doesn’t mean winning; winning the war is finally getting your book published and prepared for the world.

Why Use a Book Publishing Company?

Florida is a city richly blessed with writers and readers of every genre you can think of anxiously waiting for the newest book to purchase. What more does a writer need when there’s a ready audience waiting patiently for you? 

What Percentage Does a Publishing Company Take in Florida?

When you sell your book to a traditional publisher, you don’t get to pay anything for Editing, design, printing, marketing, and distribution. Instead, you get an advance payment and royalties afterward. The good thing about it is that you don’t have to return the advance if by chance there are any losses or setbacks on sales.
On the other hand, using a self-publishing company is more like a custom publisher that will be doing all the work for you, but in this case, you will be paying for those services, unlike traditional publishers.

How Much Does a Publishing Company Charge in Florida?

Publishing companies are more like investors. They don’t charge to earn. Instead, they invest to earn by helping authors to publish, market, and distribute their books.

Beforehand the author is being paid an advance which might be in half, two-third, or quarter of the total payment and the rest will be paid to inform of royalties based on their agreement but before then the publisher gets to make the cost of producing and the advance payment made before the author gets their royalties.

Royalties are the same everywhere but might differ slightly depending on the company and author i.e big authors have more advantage in requesting for higher royalty percentage. The royalty percentage ranges from; 5-15% for paperbacks, 15-20% for hardcovers, 25-50% for ebooks, and so on. 

What are the Five Big Publishing Houses in Florida?

When we talk about the top five book publishers in Florida, there’s no way we can go without mentioning the likes of 

  • Indigo River publishing 
  • Legacy Book publishers 
  • TriMark Press
  • Atlantic Publishing Group 
  • Rainbow Books 

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15 Book Publishing Companies in Florida

As you know, Florida is a beautiful city with big and small publishing companies/houses scattered around. Making a choice can seem like a challenge but trust me when I say it isn’t. Here is a list of publishing companies to consider and a short review of each

Atlantic Publishing Group

Atlantic publishing group is a hybrid, nonfiction book publisher giving authors the chance to tell their stories. They publish different genres ranging from biographies, self-help books, travel books, health and fitness to business books. The company helps you market and promote your book giving you the publicity you deserve.

For more details visit their page:

Indigo River Publishing

Indigo river publishing company is a publisher of a variety of genres including children’s fiction, entertainment, crime, thriller, self-help books, history, psychology, and lifestyle. Also, Indigo River Company pays attention to first-time authors so aspiring authors can send their manuscripts to publishing.

You can visit their website for more information:

Pineapple Press

Pineapple press is a Florida-based publishing company that publishes books about Florida to promote history, travel, and children’s books. Also, Pineapple press does not publish fiction, but if your script has a salient connection to Florida, you stand a high chance of being considered.

Visit the website for more information:

The Peppertree Press

Peppertree press was launched in 2006. It is a self-publishing company that covers all genres in fiction, non-fiction, children’s books, educational, inspirational, photography, and poetry. Peppertree press also has a magazine called the Peppertree Magazine that focuses on poetry and short stories.

Aspiring writers and authors can visit their website for more information on their submission procedures:

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Oceanview Publishing

Oceanview Publishing is one of the fastest-growing independent publishing companies that publish books of 100% original adult fiction and books of genres ranging from mysteries, suspense, thrillers. They love books that captivate the reader’s attention.

Oceanview publishing company considers authors that are represented by a literary agent, an author who has worked with a traditional publisher before or was invited by an oceanview representative.

For more information on their submission procedures visit their website:

Ricther Publishing

Ricther Publishing company is a popular award-winning self-publishing company that helps you publish, write and even market your book.

For more details on their submission procedures, visit their website

Rourke Publishing

Rourke Educational Media is a publisher of non-fiction children’s books that complies with the national curriculum standard. Also, Rourke partners with leading educational and retail publishers to license and create worldwide educational programs.

You can learn to visit their website at

Breezeway Books

The Florida-based publishing company, Breezeway Books, is a self-publishing company that believes in allowing authors to be in control of their projects giving them room for creativity. They also offer services like editing, proofreading, designing, and printing. Breezeway company publishes different types of books even children’s books.

Fiction or non-fiction authors can visit their website for submission procedures:

Trimark Press

Trimark Press was established in 2003, with most of their authors being doctors, lawyers that chose to write books on titles that are dear to them. They have also printed books on finance, relationship books, children, and fictional books.

For more details, interested authors should visit their website:

Tiny Fox Press

Tiny Fox Press is a small publishing company that publishes books on genres ranging from fantasy, science fiction to young adults. Also, Tiny Fox is currently open for submissions and interested authors.

These authors should visit their page for more information:

Jitney Books

Jitney Books is a Florida-based book publishing company. They are publishers of local fiction, novels, short stories, autobiographies, and screenplays.

Interested authors should visit their website for submission procedures and other details:

Rainbow Books

Rainbow Books was established in 1979 with “Child-Snatched by Margaret Strickland,” based on her true story, the first-ever book they published. Also, Rainbow books publish non-fiction, self-help books, fiction, and murder mysteries. 

Interested authors should visit their website:

World Castle Publishing

World Castle Publishing was founded in 2011. They specialize in different genres ranging from fictional books, young adult, mystery, thriller, fantasy, action, horror. The company also accepts novellas, short stories, and novels.

Interested authors should visit their page for more information and details:

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Xulon Press

Established in 2001, the Florida-based company is a self-publishing company that publishes Christian books. Printing, proofreading, editing, marketing are services Xulon offers.

Aspiring authors can visit their website for more information on their submission procedures and other details:

Canterbury House Publishing

Canterbury House Publishing established in 2009, is the publisher of non-fiction, mystery, romance, young adult, suspense, and fiction. Aspiring authors can visit their page for more information on submission procedures and details:


So there you go, a complete list of a book publishing company in Florida. The key is knowing what you want and knowing how and where to find it. You can use this list to find the right publishing company that works best for you and your book.


Do you need a permit to become a book publisher?

There’s no need for a permit to become a publisher. 

Who are the four top children’s book publishers in Florida?


How long does it take to publish a book?

Publishing a book can take 3 months to 1 year depending on the Editing process. 

What is self-publishing?

This is when an author independently publishes their book without the help of a publishing house.

Is self-publishing easy?

It is not easy because the author is responsible for every process.



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