Top Environmental Health Certifications in | How to Get an Environmental Health Certification

Environmental health and safety measures are extremely important for monitoring and reducing environmental hazards, and environmental pollutants diffused in the air, water, or other matter in the home and workplace environment. Let’s talk about the top Environmental Health Certifications and how to get one.

Certifications may not be necessary by law to be an EHS specialist unless it is a prerequisite for the particular path you want to specialize in. Becoming EHS certified provides you with skill sets that make you more qualified for EH&S positions.

If you are inclined to become an EHS specialist, you will find vital information pointing out potential ways to achieve your goal in this post.

The table of content is below.

How Do You Get EHS Certified?

The Environmental Health & Safety Professional Certificate course clarifies your responsibilities in workplace safety and environmental protection. It ensures that you have both the “know-how” and the resources to meet those responsibilities.

Below are the steps you can get to become EHS certified.

Step1: Choose a specialty

EHS is a broad program with different aspects: Environment, Health, and Safety.

Before you think of certification, you must choose an area under these three wherein you can function effectively. And this area must be where you have consistently proven or shown effectiveness.

In choosing a specialty, you must consider your strengths and other certifications that boost your credibility. Ensure it is within these scopes as it is difficult to function effectively in more than a role.

Step 2: Pass the associate safety exam

The ASP examination is a tough examination to pass and everyone who maintains the credential can continue by passing the exam. Furthermore, the ASP as a designation does not demand any continuing education or recertification maintenance.

Because of the toughness of this exam, the Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP) now inputs formulas in all their examinations.

This feature is currently in the right place for the ASP and CSP examinations. It will greatly apply to all certification examinations that demand a formula to get the correct answer.

ASPs must stay up-to-date with concrete changes in professional practice by earning 25 recertification points every five years. The minimum passing score for the ASP exam is 61% with any score below that never making the mark.

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Step 3: Enroll in a certification program

A certification program is a defined group of components or training programs offered by an organization to members to prove that they have achieved a measured level of knowledge within a designated timeline.

In a certification program, everything is specific or a series of learning programs. These programs might adopt different forms which the student must understand and scale through phase by phase.

The student is usually assessed on their mastery of the learning outcomes of those programs. They earn a certificate of completion that depicts their competence. Certificates are not merely for attendance but endorsements of competence and professionalism.

Certificate programs are quite short-term and cost little to nothing in comparison with degree programs. Certificates also grant specialized education and training. Students develop transferable skillsets specific to the work field or job they desire to grow in.

A lot of people make the mistake of thinking a certificate and certification mean the same thing. This is erroneous.

A certificate is evidence of education, while certification is evidence of passing an exam or meeting industry standards. Because National organizations offer certifications, they always pass the industry standard.

Step 4: Pass the Necessary Examinations

A key part of scaling the examinations process is knowing the right study method and implementation strategies. When you study well, you find it easier to scale all your examinations ensuring you always hit the cut-off mark.

Most times, students fail the examination stage of many online certifications such as the environmental health certifications, because they don’t fulfill the study requirements for the course.

According to Wisc.News, key strategies you could adopt include:

1. Know the test format:

Don’t forget to ask your professor what you can expect from the exam layout. Knowing the format will help you study.

If the exam is on multiple-choice and fill in the blank, practice flashcards and know the vocabulary, facts, and dates.

If the exam is more essay-based, practice writing essays about important topics you have learned throughout the semester.

Also, be sure to know if the exam is cumulative or not.

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2. Create a study schedule:

Having a plan of how you are going to study is very important. Make sure it’s realistic and one that you can commit yourself to.

Consider all of your exams, spending more time on the ones that are more challenging or that you need to score higher on.

Also, be sure to include study breaks throughout your days and time for meals and to sleep.

3. Utilize materials from the professor:

If you’re given a study guide or practice exam, complete them throughout your studying time slots.

These materials are crucial, as they were likely created by the professor who also wrote your exam.

4. Eat breakfast:

The most important meal of the day! Whether it’s a bowl of oatmeal, eggs, or peanut butter toast, it will help you stay focused and feel good throughout your exam. It will also help to improve your memory.

5. Chew gum:

According to some studies, chewing gum will help you concentrate, if you chew gum while you study and that same gum in your exam.

However, don’t let your gum chewing bother other test takers by popping bubbles and be obnoxious.

6. Get a good night’s sleep:

Not only do you not want to fall asleep during your exam, but a good night of sleep will help the retention of information.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, the quantity and quality of the sleep you get throughout the days of study and the night before a big exam will help you with learning and remembering information.

7. Manage your time:

Asking the professor in advance how many questions to expect can help you prepare time allocation to each question. Spend more time on questions that are worth more points. Don’t overthink the simple questions — that will eat up your time.

Wear a watch so you don’t have to search for a clock in the room or be tempted to look at your phone. If you are done early, cover up your answers and rework the problems to see if you get the same outcome.

8. Answer the questions you know first:

Getting the questions that you know the answer to do first will give you confidence and momentum to push through the rest of the exam.

Step 5: Get your Certification

Certification is not strongly required by law, but voluntary certification could boost a professional’s job prospects. For example, the Board of Certified Safety Professionals offers the Certified Safety Professional (CSP) title.

The CSP credential demands a 4-year degree in any discipline or a 2-year degree related to environmental health and safety. Additionally, a minimum of three years of work experience in the environmental health and safety field is vital as well. To earn the credential, CSP candidates must pass two exams on safety principles and practices.

Other specialty certifications are available from various professional bodies. For instance, individuals who consider electricity can pursue a physics certification. Those who consider mechanical bearings and settings might gain certifications too.

How Much Does It Cost To Get EHS Certifications?

The costs of procuring environmental, health, and safety certifications are program-based. However, you can rest assured that an estimated fee of $550 will cover your application and exam fee. 

What Are The Best Safety Certifications To Have?

Pursuing a certification is a great way to strengthen your skills in a particular EHS field and stand out.

Individuals who hold certifications have more professional opportunities and earn a higher salary. Consider working towards gaining EHS certifications to help you do your job more effectively and excel in your career.

The following certifications fall under the best environmental, health, and safety certifications.

#1. Certified Safety Professional( CSP)

CSP is an authorization among professionals in the safety field in the United States of America. Holders of this certificate in EHS enjoy exceptional benefits like higher salaries, taking up leadership roles. And earning salaries higher than the average EHS practitioner.

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#2. Certified Industrial Hygienists (CIH)

CIH is a certification that denotes its holders’ dedication to overseeing that maximum safety around the working environment is maintained. This certification is for those who can successfully handle toxicology, air sampling, etc.

Certified Industrial Hygienist is a great pick if you want to remain relevant and marketable in this field. However, certain conditions are attached to getting this certification like a bachelor’s degree in any science field and a minimum of 4 years of experience and other requirements.

#3. Certified Professional Ergonomist (CPE)

For the past 31 years, this certification has been one of those distinguished certificates awarded by the Board of Certification in Professional Ergonomics (BCPE). This certification is concerned with ensuring that candidates possess an unequivocal knowledge of approaches that improves human factor and meets users’ expectations on the job.

This certification is one of the best safety certifications, and those who consider this certification are in high demand as a lot of employers would choose a certified safety professional over an uncertified one.

#4. Registered Environmental Manager (REM)

The Rem is a certification that is recognizeable by a couple of agencies across the united states including the U.S Department of Energy, the National Park Service, and other notable agencies.

This certification is especially for professionals with the right skills to plan, direct, coordinate, and manage special environmental health and safety projects.

A minimum of five years of experience is required for candidates who want to earn this certification.

#5. Qualified Environmental  Professional (QEP)

QEP is an international certification that tests the ability of individuals to solve “real-world problems” and apply the same experience to environmental, health, and safety practices.

A QEP retains the QEP certificate by paying an annual renewal fee.

Applying for QEP is a rigorous process, and its courses equip candidates with in-depth knowledge to become environmental health and safety specialist.

Candidates who successfully pass the exams set by this body are valued more than their uncertified peers in the environmental health and safety industry.

#6. Certified Hazards Materials Manager (CHMM)

This certification is one of the easiest and the best safety certifications those working in the Environmental, health, and safety field should get in 2024.

CHMM covers dealing with hazardous elements, water, and soil waste, responding to unplanned hazardous breaks outs and more.

The body responsible for providing this credential is the Institute of Hazardous Materials Management (IHMM).

You can apply for this certification if you have a bachelor’s degree in any science-related field and four years of experience.

#7. Safety Trained Supervisor Construction (STSC)

The Safety Trained Supervisor Construction (STSC) is structured for leaders at different levels within an organization because all employees have responsibilities for a safe work environment. This certification is perfect for executives, directors, managers, supervisors, superintendents, and employees.

To gain a certificate of completion, students must successfully pull through each knowledge checkpoint with a minimum score of 70% and complete the course evaluation.

STSC has a mandate of acquainting every single member of the workforce with safety and health knowledge. For staying safe, STSC ensures that managers, directors, supervisors, and employees are properly grounded enough to know how to apply safety approaches to emergencies within the organization.

#8. Certified Environmental and Safety Compliance officer

CESCO – Certified Environmental and Safety Compliance Officer® certification is for distinctively pick professionals who believe to understand the basic and most significant laws and regulations about air, water, wastewater pollution, solid/hazardous wastes, and safety.

This is a certification that shows that professionals have garnered a fundamental understanding of environmental laws concerning water, solid waste, air, and safety.

Holders of this certification earn an attractive salary compared to uncertified ones. Indeed, this is one of the best environmental health certifications.

#9. Occupational Hygiene and Safety Technician (OHST)

This certification is for professionals who are majorly concerned with carrying out occupational hygiene and safety activities on their job.

Some duties they carry out are, hazards identification and mitigation, investigating incidents, and determining potential risks, and much more.

#10. Construction Health and Safety Technician (CHST)

This certification is for persons who work in health and safety activities to prevent potential job hazards on site.

CHST is one of the best EHS certifications, and safety professionals with this certificate use it to progress in their careers.

Arguably, this is one of the best environmental health certifications you can get today.

#11. Certified Professional Environmental Auditor(CPEA)

BGC offers everyone the Certified Professional Environmental Auditor (CPEA®) designation. The CPEA credential evaluates and reflects one’s understanding of the constantly changing environmental, health & safety regulations.

The Council on Engineering and Scientific Specialty Boards (CESB) fully accredits this certification.

CPEA is a certification that covers a few tracks of EHS discipline. Professionals seeking this certification select from Responsible care, Management Systems, Health & Safety, Environmental Compliance.

#12. Certified Environmental Professional (CEP)

The Academy of Board Certified Environmental Professionals (ABCEP) offers the Certified Environmental Professional In-Training (CEP-IT) Program that sets people who are pursuing advancement in the environmental profession ready to pursue their goals.

This certification affirms that professionals in the environmental industry are knowledgeable, experienced, and dedicated to their profession.

Holders of this credential have a prime chance of being employed as leaders and they lead as qualified and disciplined professionals.

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#13. Certified Hazardous Materials Manager (CHMM)

If you are looking for one of the best safety certifications, this is one of them.

For the past 37 years, CHMM has been awarding certification to professionals to show that they are skilled at dealing with hazardous materials like soil contamination, water contamination, sampling air, etc, and countering emergencies in this area of safety.

The Institute of Hazardous Materials Management (IHMM) is the body responsible for the accreditation of this certification.

Those who want this certification do not meet a mountain of requirements on the way.

Just a bachelor’s degree and a minimum of 4 years are the only requirements in getting this certification.

Hence, this is one of the top environmental health certifications you can get today.


Safety is those measures we take to stay away from situations capable of harming us. For staying safe, it is valid to say that safety should be treated as a personal obligation.

Being safety conscious helps to prevent bodily damage and health disorders in the environment. And there are credible certifications for those who want to become professional Environmental health and safety practitioners.

In addition, we implore you to pay attention to health and safety as it is a personal obligation that everyone must bear.




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