GoAnimate For Schools: How Does It Work | Pros and Cons

GoAnimate is an online animation software that allows users to create and share animated videos. 

The company provides a platform for creating and sharing video content for educational purposes. 

The idea behind GoAnimate is to provide a simple and easy-to-use tool anyone can use, regardless of their level of experience with animation. 

The software is designed to be used by students in the classroom and educators for creating instructional videos.

GoAnimate is a cloud-based software, which means that it can be accessed from any internet-connected device. 

The software is subscription-based, with different pricing plans for personal and business users. GoAnimate for Schools is an education-specific software offering a discounted rate for schools and districts.

Read on to find out more about GoAnimate and how it works.

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What is GoAnimate?

GoAnimate is an animated video creation platform that allows users to create professional-quality animated videos. 

With GoAnimate, users can create and animate characters, add dialogue, and create storylines to produce engaging and informative videos.

GoAnimate for Schools is a cloud-based application that allows teachers and students to create and share animated videos. 

With GoAnimate for Schools, users can access a library of pre-made animations and props, or create their own from scratch. 

Once an animation is complete, users can share it with others via a link or embed it on a website or blog.

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What is GoAnimate used for?

GoAnimate is used for creating animated videos. The user can create an avatar, choose a scene and props, and then record themselves speaking or typing out dialogue. The software then animates the video according to the user’s instructions.

There are many potential uses for GoAnimate in education. Teachers can use it to create instructional videos, show examples of student work, or even create short films with their students. 

It can also be used as a tool for flipped classrooms, where students watch a lesson at home and then do activities related to the lesson in class.

There are some drawbacks to using GoAnimate in education. One is that the videos can be somewhat simplistic and childlike in appearance. Another is that the software can be expensive to subscribe to.

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How To Create A Video For Schools Using GoAnimate

If you’re looking for a way to create videos for your school, GoAnimate is a great option. With GoAnimate, you can easily create animated videos that are both educational and entertaining. 

Plus, there are plenty of options to customize your videos, so they’re just right for your school. Here’s how to get started:

1. Choose a template

GoAnimate offers a variety of templates to choose from, so you can find one that best suits your needs. If you’re not sure where to start, try the Education template.

2. Add your content

Once you’ve chosen a template, it’s time to add your content. The built-in editor can add text, images, and even video clips.

3. Customize your video

Now it’s time to make your video unique. GoAnimate offers a variety of tools to help you customize your video, including adding backgrounds, characters, and props.

4. Preview and publish

When you’re happy with your video, hit the preview button to ensure everything looks good. Then hit publish, and your video will be ready for viewing by anyone who visits your school’s website or YouTube channel.

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Is Using Animated Objects Better Than Using Still Objects?

There are many benefits of using animated objects over still objects. One key benefit is that animated objects can help to engage and motivate learners. 

Additionally, animated objects can provide a more stimulating and visually appealing learning experience. 

They can also be used to create more realistic and lifelike simulations, which can be beneficial for learners who struggle with abstract concepts. 

Additionally, animated objects can be used to create engaging and interactive learning experiences.

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How Can Animation Help Students?

Animation can help students in a number of ways. It can be used to teach concepts that are difficult to grasp using traditional methods, it can be used to engage students in active learning, and it can be used to assess student understanding.

Animation can provide a more concrete and visual representation of concepts when used to teach concepts. 

This can be especially helpful for students who are struggling to understand abstract concepts. 

Additionally, animation can be used to show how something works or how it is put together. This can be helpful for students who are visual learners or who need a more hands-on approach.

Animation can also be used to engage students in active learning. Active learning is when students are actively engaged in the material rather than just passively listening or reading. 

Animation can help hold students’ attention and keep them engaged in the material. Additionally, animation can provide an opportunity for student interaction and collaboration.

Finally, animation can also be used as an assessment tool. By having students create their own animations, teachers can gauge their understanding of the material covered. 

Additionally, by having students explain their thinking process aloud as they create their animations, teachers can further assess their understanding.

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What Are The Benefits Of Using GoAnimate?

There are many benefits of using GoAnimate in schools. One benefit is that it allows teachers to create engaging and interactive learning experiences for their students. 

Additionally, GoAnimate can be used to create short animated videos or presentations, which can be a valuable teaching tool. 

Another benefit is that GoAnimate is easy to use and does not require any special skills or knowledge to create animations. 

Finally, GoAnimate is a cost-effective way to create educational content.

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How Much Does GoAnimate Cost?

There are three different pricing plans for GoAnimate for Schools: Basic, Plus, and Premier.

The basic costs $39 per month and gives you access to the software’s core features. Plus costs $59 per month, and gives you access to additional features like animated characters and more advanced tools. 

Premier costs $79 per month and gives you access to all of the software’s features, including a library of pre-made animations that you can use in your projects.

You can also purchase an annual subscription to GoAnimate for Schools at a discounted rate. 

Basic annual subscriptions start at $349 per year, while Plus and Premier annual subscriptions start at $499 per year.

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How Does GoAnimate Work?

GoAnimate is a cloud-based, animated video creation platform. It allows users to create animated videos using a library of characters, props, and backgrounds.

Schools have used GoAnimate to create educational videos, classroom presentations, and student projects. 

The platform is simple to use and does not require any prior animation experience.

Once a video has been created, it can be exported to various formats or shared online.

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Why is Animation good For Schools?

Animation can be a great tool for schools, providing a fun and engaging way for students to learn. 

There are a number of reasons why animation is good for schools, including the fact that it can help to bring subjects to life, make complex concepts easier to understand and provide an opportunity for students to be creative and express themselves.

Animation can help to bring subjects to life:

One of the advantages of using animation in the classroom is that it can help to bring subjects to life. 

This is especially useful for topics that might be considered dry or boring by some students. Seeing characters and events come to life on screen can make learning more enjoyable and interesting.

Make complex concepts easier to understand:

Another benefit of animation is that it can make complex concepts easier to understand. This is because pupils can see how things work together in a visual way, which can be much simpler than trying to explain things with words alone. This is particularly beneficial in science and mathematics lessons.

Provide an opportunity for students to be creative and express themselves:

Finally, animation provides an excellent opportunity for students to be creative and express themselves. 

When making their own animations, pupils can let their imaginations run wild, creating stories and worlds that are limited only by their own creativity. 

This type of activity can also promote teamwork and problem-solving skills as students work together to plan and produce their animations.

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What Are The Pros of Using GoAnimate?

There are several benefits of using GoAnimate in schools. First, it is a great way to create engaging and interactive content for students. 

With GoAnimate, teachers can easily create videos that capture their students’ attention and hold them throughout the video. 

This is a great way to keep students engaged in a lesson and allows for more personalization in the classroom setting. 

Secondly, GoAnimate is an excellent tool for differentiating instruction. With this program, teachers can easily create different video versions for different learning styles or levels. 

This is extremely beneficial for students who learn best through visuals or those who need extra support in understanding a concept. 

Third, GoAnimate is extremely user-friendly and easy to use. Even teachers with little to no experience with technology can quickly learn how to use this program to create high-quality videos. 

Finally, GoAnimate offers a free trial so that educators can try out the program before committing.

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What Are The Cons of Using GoAnimate?

There are some cons to using GoAnimate, such as the fact that it is not eco-friendly. Animation takes a lot of energy to create, and this energy comes from electricity. GoAnimate also uses a lot of paper in the production process.

Another con is that animation can be very time-consuming. Creating just one minute of animation can take days, weeks, or even months. This is why most animations are only a few minutes long.

Lastly, some people find animation to be repetitive and boring.

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Is GoAnimate eco-friendly?

As more and more schools look for ways to go green, many are turning to GoAnimate for Schools. 

GoAnimate is a cloud-based platform that allows users to create animated videos. The videos can be used for various purposes, including educational ones. But is GoAnimate eco-friendly?

The short answer is yes! GoAnimate is a carbon-neutral company, which means they offset all the carbon emissions from their servers and employee travel. 

They also use wind power to offset any emissions from the electricity they use. In addition, they have planted over 1,000 trees to help offset their carbon footprint.

So if you’re looking for an eco-friendly way to create animated videos, GoAnimate is the way to go!

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is GoAnimate for Schools?

GoAnimate for Schools is a web-based animation tool that allows users to create animated videos. The videos can be used for a variety of purposes, including classroom projects, presentations, and more.

How does GoAnimate for Schools work?

GoAnimate for Schools is easy to use. First, users select a character from the GoAnimate library. 
Then, they add dialogue and actions for the character to perform. Once the video is complete, it can be shared with others via a link or embedded on a website or blog.

What are the pros and cons of using GoAnimate for Schools?

There are both pros and cons to using GoAnimate for Schools. Some of the pros include:
It’s easy to use
There’s no need to download anything
Someone can share easily videos
It’s free to sign up
Some cons include:
The free version is limited in terms of features and characters
The characters may not be appropriate for all audiences
There have been reports of glitches with the software

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So, what do you think? Is GoAnimate for Schools a tool you would consider using in your classroom? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

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