Google Rise Award Program 2024 | APPLY NOW

Google is happy to announce that application for the Google Rise Ward 2024 to help students who are computer enthusiasts or intending to be.

The Google Rise Awards is open to a good number of countries. If you meet the requirements, waste no time sending in your application, as this might be the opportunity you have been looking for.

About Google Rise Award 

Google knows how important computer intelligence can be, and if you watch their operations closely, you’d know that they’ve invested much in making sure that youths are equipped with a stable knowledge of the internet through the use of a computer.

They are on a proper mission of making sure that minority and underrepresented youths are equipped with the necessary resources to broaden their knowledge of computers.

Google needs more students from diverse backgrounds to have access to computer science (CS) education so that they can be creators, not just consumers, of tomorrow’s technology.

Yet we know that many students need access to CS learning opportunities in school (in the US, for example, only 1-in-4 schools offer to program).

One of the ways they’re working to address the need for more diversity in the tech industry and the lack of access to CS education is through the RISE Awards.

Apparently, the rice award is a product of the hunger to improve the computer science world, focusing on minority and underrepresented youths; this clearly justifies why the rise award is worth up to $10,000.

Unlike so many awards, this award has its main concentration on computer science and how the knowledge of computers could be funded so as to improve the efficiency of work done by computers.

Learning about CS promotes valuable problem-solving skills that students can apply to any field of study. Unfortunately, many students have a negative perception of what CS is and who it’s for.

By partnering with nonprofits that are providing students with access and exposure to CS, Google hopes to change this perception and encourage more students to pursue CS.

Google has been inspired by the creativity and passion we’ve seen from our past RISE awardees, and this year they’re excited to expand the reach of the RISE awards by opening two rounds of funding applications for nonprofit organizations.

This award is one of a kind because its criteria are not dependent on the level of academics or field of study; it is just focused on funding computer science education, most times for This year, our community welcomed more than two dozen organizations from around the world, from Denmark to Uganda and California to Romania.

The RISE grants have helped these groups to scale their reach by allowing for more scholarship recipients, to deepen their impact by providing hands-on robotics kits, and ultimately inspire their students by creating a community for CS outreach.

Now, the RISE Awards have expanded to include applicants from Latin America and the Asia Pacific region, bringing our total to six continents and 243 countries. All eligible nations are listed.

This is for organizations that want to explore more about computer science. This education could be done under an organization, and it doesn’t necessarily require a university education.

The RISE Awards are now accepting applications through February 19, and more information on the application process is listed on the scholarship website.

Visit to learn more about Google’s other CS resources, including our CS teacher professional development awards and Computer Science for High School (CS4HS), which is also currently accepting applications for the 2024 year.


Application for the annual Google Rise (Roots in Science and Engineering) Awards will be open from February to September 2024.

The RISE Awards are an annual grants program for nonprofit organizations that promote CS education opportunities with a specific emphasis on outreach to girls and underrepresented minorities.

The RISE program supports and connects not-for-profit organizations around the world that are working to increase equity and access to CS education. The winners will get financial support of $10,000- $25000.

Why Google Rise Award? 

The Google Rise Award is a University affair, and the Scholarship award was to be a USA Package, but the whole world is on it now. Each winner gets $10,000- $25000 Operational Support for the Google Rise Scholarship. Here are the Details in Full.

Level & Field of Study

The Google rise award 2024 is not really a university award; the aim is to fund computer education and merge nonprofit computer science organizations around the world; therefore, all the organization needs is to make its interest in computer science known. The award is for organizations in every part of the world that are fanatic about computer science education.

This award does not offer money only; it also merges the organization with other organizations and brings the operations of the organization to the limelight.

The aim is to embrace computer science education at different strata. Rise award 2024 is not really a university award; the aim is to fund computer education and merge nonprofit computer science organizations around the world; therefore, all the organization needs is to have its interest in computer science known.

The award is for organizations in every part of the world that are fanatics in computer science education.

This award does not offer money only. It also merges the organization with other organizations and brings the operations of the organization to the limelight. The aim is to embrace computer science education at different strata.

Host Nationality

One would be right if they said that this award has a global nationality considering its operation.

Google has its nationality as the united states of America. But has become a thing of the world, but the United States of America still has the credit as the host nation.

Eligible Nationality

This year, our community welcomed more than two dozen organizations from around the world, from Denmark to Uganda and California to Romania.

The RISE grants have helped these groups to scale their reach by allowing for more scholarship recipients, to deepen their impact by providing hands-on robotics kits, and ultimately inspire their students by creating a community for CS outreach.

Now, the RISE Awards have expanded to include applicants from Latin America and the Asia Pacific region, bringing our total to six continents and countries. All eligible nations are listed as:

AD – Andorra

AE – United Arab Emirates

AF – Afghanistan

AG – Antigua and Barbuda

AI – Anguilla

AL – Albania

AM – Armenia

AO – Angola

AQ – Antarctica

AR – Argentina

AS – American Samoa

AT – Austria

AU – Australia

AW – Aruba

AZ – Azerbaijan

BA – Bosnia and Herzegovina

BB – Barbados

BD – Bangladesh

BE – Belgium

BF – Burkina Faso

BG – Bulgaria

BH – Bahrain

BI – Burundi

BJ – Benin

BL – Saint Barthelemy

BM – Bermuda

BN – Brunei

BO – Bolivia

BR – Brazil

BS – Bahamas, The

BT – Bhutan

BV – Bouvet Island

BW – Botswana

BY – Belarus

BZ – Belize

CA – Canada

CC – Cocos (Keeling) Islands

CD – Congo, Democratic Republic of the

CF – Central African Republic

CG – Congo, Republic of the

CH – Switzerland

CI – Cote d’Ivoire

CK – Cook Islands

CL – Chile

CM – Cameroon

CN – China

CO – Colombia

CR – Costa Rica

CU – Cuba

CV – Cape Verde

CW – Curacao

CX – Christmas Island

CY – Cyprus

CZ – Czech Republic

DE – Germany

DJ – Djibouti

DK – Denmark

DM – Dominica

DO – Dominican Republic

DZ – Algeria

EC – Ecuador

EE – Estonia

EG – Egypt

EH – Western Sahara

ER – Eritrea

ES – Spain

ET – Ethiopia

FI – Finland

FJ – Fiji

FK – Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)

FM – Micronesia, Federated States of

FO – Faroe Islands

FR – France

FX – France, Metropolitan

GA – Gabon

GB – United Kingdom

GD – Grenada

GE – Georgia

GF – French Guiana

GG – Guernsey

GH – Ghana

GI – Gibraltar

GL – Greenland

GM – Gambia, The

GN – Guinea

GP – Guadeloupe

GQ – Equatorial Guinea

GR – Greece

GS – South Georgia and the Islands

GT – Guatemala

GU – Guam

GW – Guinea-Bissau

GY – Guyana

HK – Hong Kong

HM – Heard Island and McDonald Islands

HN – Honduras

HR – Croatia

HT – Haiti

HU – Hungary

ID – Indonesia

IE – Ireland

IL – Israel

IM – Isle of Man

IN – India

IO – British Indian Ocean Territory

IQ – Iraq

IR – Iran

IS – Iceland

IT – Italy

JE – Jersey

JM – Jamaica

JO – Jordan

JP – Japan

KE – Kenya

KG – Kyrgyzstan

KH – Cambodia

KI – Kiribati

KM – Comoros

KN – Saint Kitts and Nevis

KP – Korea, North

KR – Korea, South

KW – Kuwait

KY – Cayman Islands

KZ – Kazakhstan

LA – Laos

LB – Lebanon

LC – Saint Lucia

LI – Liechtenstein

LK – Sri Lanka

LR – Liberia

LS – Lesotho

LT – Lithuania

LU – Luxembourg

LV – Latvia

LY – Libya

MA – Morocco

MC – Monaco

MD – Moldova

ME – Montenegro

MF – Saint Martin

MG – Madagascar

MH – Marshall Islands

MK – Macedonia

ML – Mali

MM – Burma

MN – Mongolia

MO – Macau

MP – Northern Mariana Islands

MQ – Martinique

MR – Mauritania

MS – Montserrat

MT – Malta

MU – Mauritius

MV – Maldives

MW – Malawi

MX – Mexico

MY – Malaysia

MZ – Mozambique

NA – Namibia

NC – New Caledonia

NE – Niger

NF – Norfolk Island

NG – Nigeria

NI – Nicaragua

NL – Netherlands

NO – Norway

NP – Nepal

NR – Nauru

NU – Niue

NZ – New Zealand

OM – Oman

PA – Panama

PE – Peru

PF – French Polynesia

PG – Papua New Guinea

PH – Philippines

PK – Pakistan

PL – Poland

PM – Saint Pierre and Miquelon

PN – Pitcairn Islands

PR – Puerto Rico

PS – Gaza Strip

PS – West Bank

PT – Portugal

PW – Palau

PY – Paraguay

QA – Qatar

RE – Reunion

RO – Romania

RS – Serbia

RU – Russia

RW – Rwanda

SA – Saudi Arabia

SB – Solomon Islands

SC – Seychelles

SD – Sudan

SE – Sweden

SG – Singapore

SH – Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha

SI – Slovenia

SJ – Svalbard

SK – Slovakia

SL – Sierra Leone

SM – San Marino

SN – Senegal

SO – Somalia

SR – Suriname

SS – South Sudan

ST – Sao Tome and Principe

SV – El Salvador

SX – Sint Maarten

SY – Syria

SZ – Swaziland

TC – Turks and Caicos Islands

TD – Chad

TF – French Southern and Antarctic Lands

TG – Togo

TH – Thailand

TJ – Tajikistan

TK – Tokelau

TL – Timor-Leste

TM – Turkmenistan

TN – Tunisia

TO – Tonga

TR – Turkey

TT – Trinidad and Tobago

TV – Tuvalu

TW – Taiwan

TZ – Tanzania

UA – Ukraine

UG – Uganda

UM – United States Minor Outlying Islands

US – United States

UY – Uruguay

UZ – Uzbekistan

VA – Holy See (Vatican City)

VC – Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

VE – Venezuela

VG – British Virgin Islands

VI – Virgin Islands

VN – Vietnam

VU – Vanuatu

WF – Wallis and Futuna

WS – Samoa

XK – Kosovo

YE – Yemen

YT – Mayotte

ZA – South Africa

ZM – Zambia

ZW – Zimbabwe

Award Requirements

They are small and mighty, with the potential to scale through programmatic expansion or achieve broader reach by sharing information with other organizations.

Operate with clearly defined objectives, viable plans to achieve them, and a track record of success that the program can be executed as described.

Have deep roots in the community the program seeks to benefit, including partnerships or collaboration to continue engaging youth. Implement a program that is connected to a compelling problem, and there is evidence that the project is needed in the community.

Our data-driven and can provide evidence of quantifying impact or have a clear plan in place for measuring impact in the future.

Meet all funding criteria, including CS programs in out-of-school time: They fund organizations that currently run extracurricular computer science programs. Increasing equity: Programs must serve girls, underrepresented minorities, or youth in low-income communities.

Pre-university age youth: Programs should benefit youth up to the age of 18 and are not open to programs for students already enrolled in a university or above.

Not-for-profit organizations: RISE Awards are limited to not-for-profit organizations with charitable registration status or a fiscal sponsor from one of the eligible countries.

How to Apply:

You can apply online through the given link for Google Rise Awards:


The Google RISE award program accepts applications through September 23 and February-September Yearly.

Application Link

Official Link


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