High School Lockers Secrets: 10 Things Students Shouldn’t Keep in there

High school lockers are one of the most important things in any high school, whether public or private school. Aside from it serving as a good storage system, it helps to keep the school’s premises organized.

On the student’s side, , lockers help to instill some important qualities like time management, focus and high academic performance abilities in students’ life. Furthermore, it encourages a crime-free campus, paramount to creating a safe environment for the students. 

In short, High school lockers have so many advantages which cannot be overemphasized. Even at that, many still kick against it because most students have abused it. Some abused it out of ignorance while some abused it out of exploration.

They want to do their things!

What they fail to understand is, it’s not all about what you want, but what is necessary and right to do!

It’s on this note that we’ve decide to compile a list of things you are expected to keep in your lockers including things you shouldn’t keep in there. Knowledge of this will help you to appreciate the use of a locker.

Carefully read for proper guidance!

The table of contents below will help you navigate through the content.

What are the Different Types of Locker?

There are different types of High School lockers.

  • Exam hall lockers. These are lockers where students keep their phones, keys, and wallets before entering the exam hall. It is always close to the exam hall.
  • Charge and go lockers. These lockers are basically for keeping tablets, laptops, and e-readers allowing charging access and ventilation. These lockers are arranged in different compartments.
  • School lockers are another type of high school lockers. There are lockers specifically designed for school backpacks, books, and laptop computers.
  • Gym lockers. Gym lockers are another type of high school lockers. These are lockers where students keep their clothes, shoes, and other personal belongings during sports. These lockers are always in the changing rooms.

What are the Pros of High School Lockers?

For High School Students, lockers have helped them positively in their studies. Its importance cannot be overemphasized. Let’s take a look at some pros of lockers to high school students.

Health Benefits

It is widely accepted that carrying too much weight regularly is dangerous and can have significant physical consequences. Students sometimes overpack their bags.

They must take a surprising amount of books and supplies to school each day because they do not have lockers. Investing in lockers would allow them to offload this weight and, hopefully, avoid physical harm.

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Students hardly Misplace their Belongings

These days, it is very popular for students to carry costly cell phones, laptops, and other gadgets to school with them. This raises the possibility of these things being misplaced or stolen.

Installing lockers provides students with a safe place to store their valuables. This prevents them from taking the risk of losing them while in class or during breaks.

Builds up the High School’s Reputation

Investing in lockers not only looks good to current students and parents but also to potential students. They demonstrate high concern for students and will reflect positively on the school.

They also provide an opportunity to enhance the school’s brand. Using different door colors to complement the school colors and enhance the school’s overall appearance.

What are the Cons of High School Lockers?

Cons are the disadvantages of High school lockers.

It’s Expensive

The cost of building lockers in schools is probably the most important impediment. Regardless of whether a facility desires lockers, the budget can not always allow for it. Obtaining an individual locker for each student in a school requires a significant financial investment.

One potential alternative is to limit the use of lockers to specific circumstances. Obtain enough to fit all of the children.

Students most times Keep Dangerous Materials there

There is a growing concern about potentially hazardous products and chemicals being brought into schools. With this in mind, lockers can serve as a safe refuge for these dangerous things. There are a few ways to avoid this misuse.

Make it a rule that all lockers must be empty at the end of the day or week. If these lockers are not emptied, they will be emptied using a sifter. Opt for vision panel locker doors instead. When the lockers are in operation, you can see into the compartments and conduct tests.

Taking Up Your Time

Many people believe that lockers may be a source of extra distraction for students during the school day. They can forget to take stuff out of their lockers, wasting valuable lesson time as they look for their work. They can even neglect to take homework or PE kits from their lockers home with them.

Having gotten the cons and pros of high school lockers, let’s talk about the important things that should be in these lockers.

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10 Things you Shouldn’t keep in Your High School Lockers

Before we put down this list, it’s expedient to talk about what you should store or keep in there. Remember these things are the main reason for lockers in high schools.

So, as a high school student, if you’re don’t use your locker to store any of these things, it simply means that you are abusing it.

There is no two ways about it!

Things you’re expected to keep in your Locker

#1. Studying Materials

This is one of the most important reasons for lockers in school environments. Lockers help students store their study materials (textbooks, notebooks, dictionaries, and other studying materials)and save them the stress of carrying them around. This helps to minimize distractions that might result from them trying to check their heavy backpacks often.

Moreso, it will help them manage their time, discipline themselves, take up responsibilities and be accountable.

#2. Supplies from High School

Every High school has supplies such as pens, pencils, files, folders, charts, posters that they gives its students to help them during their academic year. Aside from studying materials, these supplies are another amenity you can store in your locker as a high school student.

Storing these supplies will help keep you away from embarrassing situations like borrowing and begging because you will have to store them in advance. Furthermore, they will help keep you focus.

#3. Food and Snacks

Some students are allergic to school canteen foods or fast foods. They prefer coming to school with homemade food and snacks (cakes, Salted peanuts, Potato chips, Popcorn, or Trail mix), which taking to classes won’t be convenient for them.

And the fact that they will have to put them in their lunch boxes make it more inconvenient considering the weight of boxes. Keeping these boxes in school lockers saves the day!

The only thing here is that precautionary measures must be taken in storing foods in lockers. First is not storing foods that could attarcts ants and them not store foods or snacks that are not neatly wrapped or packaged.

#4. Electronic Gadgets

Electronic gadgets like phones, phone chargers, laptops, flash drives, disks, and other electronic devices are another set of things you should store in your high school locker. Note, this could only be if the school allows electronic gadgets.

In fact, this is one of the reasons most high schools instill lockers on their campuses. They believe that lockers can help to create a secure and theft-free environment, thereby limiting distractions that could have been caused due to fear of theft.

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#5. Locker Supplies

Locker supplies like locker carpet, shelp, mirrior, and even handy calendars are some of the stuffs that can legally be found in your locker as high school student. Things like these can be used to beautfy or decoration your locker.

#6. Personal Clothes

Another stuffs you can keep in your locker are some of your personal clothes like some party wears swimming suits and some other accessories. You can also store your sports accessories like badminton rackets, balls, indoor games, and sports shoes to name but a few. 

Having all these in your locker makes things easier and more convenient for you anytime.

Other Personal Items

Harmless personal items such as a student’s diary, photographs, toothbrushes, An umbrella, Sunscreen, etc. could also be stored inside the locker. A student does tend to carry things other than the books and school supplies.

Moreover, a student is accompanied by cash and stored in the locker. By doing so, they could evade the thoughts of their cash being stolen, allowing them to concentrate on their studies. Hence, these personal items could very well be stored in the locker so they need not carry them wherever they go.

Having gotten the like of things that are expected to be in your locker, let’s now look at things you shouldn’t think of having in your high school locker. Note some of these things are harmful and illegal while some are detrimental to either your health or comfort.

Follow me closely…..!

Some Things you Shouldn’t keep in Your High School Locker

#1. Hard Drugs/Substances

This is one of the numerous things you shouldn’t keep in your high school locker. In fact, you shouldn’t have it at all because it is both illegal and detrimental to health.

Statistics show that as many as 20% of high school teens have sold, been offered, or received drugs on school property.

#2. Television

As a student, having a television in your locker is very silly!

You can come with your laptop if necessary, but having a television connected in your locker, it’s not acceptable. Now not just that it’s illegal, it will inconvenience you so much considering its size and weight.

#3. Electrical Connection

You are not expected to have an electrical connection in your high school locker. Doing that is risky and can blow up the whole building if there is any electrical bridge. And you know what that’s means?

#4. Nude Pictures

Although this is common among high school students, it’s advisable to have nude or porns in your locker as a high school student.

#5. Stolen School Property

To start with, stealing is illegal and has a consequence. And to store stolen things especially school property, comes with a higher consequence. Either you get a detention, suspension or expulsion. So, it’s advisable to don’t indugle in any theft activities at all not to mention storing it in your school locker.

#6. Highly Expensive Things

As a student, you’re not expected to keep costly items in your locker. Things like pure Gold, Diamond rings or any other ostentious things are not expected to be found in your high school locker.

#7. Weapons

In a 2009 Youth Risk Behavior Survey by the National Center of Education Statistics, 6 percent of students brought weapons inside school property which they store in their lockers. This isn’t good!

Lockers are not meant for storing or hiding weapons. So, you should not keep weapons in your high school locker. In short, don’t enter school premises with any at all!

Bottom Line

Those mentioned above are some of the basic things that you’re deemed to keep as a high school student in your locker and things you are not expected. Moreover, the management has every right to monitor what high school lockers can freely accommodate within itself.


What should I keep in my high school locker?

Must-Have Locker Supplies:
Deodorant – For after a gym class run. Hair Ties, Clips and Headbands – Everything you need for a sudden bad hair day. Extra pens, pencils, markers and notebooks. A water bottle and HEALTHY emergency snacks to stay energized all day long.

What are lockers used for in high school?

The primary reason for installing a locker in the school premises is to provide a space to store all the study materials that the students are deemed to carry. By storing all the study materials inside the locker a student need not carry heavy backpacks.

What are the disadvantages of lockers in school?

The first and most obvious impediment is often location. A student’s assigned locker can be on another floor of the school or even on another campus.

Are backpacks better than lockers?

backpacks are easier to use than lockers are. If you have a backpack you won’t be late for your next class. You won’t get detention because you are not late. You also will have everything with you the whole day.

Bottom Line


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