10 Homework Helper Apps For International Students

Homework is a huge part of the learning process. Through homework, the student is exposed to hands-on practicals and research on what was taught in class.

The task of getting homework done perfectly and on time might be a difficult one for international students. This is because adapting to a new country, culture, and probably educational system doesn’t come easily.

For this reason, science and technology enthusiasts devised a means to help by inventing homework apps.

We will take you through the top 10 homework helper apps for international students.

What is Homework?

Homework is tasks assigned to students by school teachers intended to be carried out during non-school hours.

It is intended to give students firsthand practical exposure to what was already taught in class. Through homework, learning is reinforced in a bid to foster mastery.

Homework can be an efficient instructional device. However, the relationship between homework and achievement solely depends on the student.

In recent years, three studies have examined the relationship between homework and academic achievement.

One type compares students who receive homework with students who receive none. Generally, the study proved homework to be a positive influence on achievement.

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What Is The Purpose Of Homework?

Tutors often give assignments that involve reading, problem-solving, or writing that the students must do after class at home.

However, the main purpose of homework is to help bolster what was taught in class. Furthermore, it helps students gather extra information beyond what was taught in class.

Therefore, homework serves the following purposes;

  • Homework reinforces knowledge.
  • It teaches students responsibility.
  • It makes students go beyond what was taught in class.
  • Also, it is intended to keep students busy at home.
  • Homework is intended to instill great reading habits in students.
  • Establish communication between parents and children.
  • Fulfill directives from school administrators.
  • It is also used to assess students’ academic performance.

What Are The Benefits Of Homework?

Homework plays a critical, long-term role in developing students’ achievement motivation. That is to say, homework provides students with time and experience to develop a practical approach to learning. It also fosters a belief in achievement and strategies for coping with mistakes, difficulties, and setbacks.

That being said, here are the benefits of homework to international students;

  • Homework teaches students about time management.
  • It teaches students how to set priorities.
  • Homework helps teachers determine how well the lessons are being understood by their students.
  • It teaches students how to solve problems.
  • Also, it instills a sense of independence in students.
  • Homework gives the student another opportunity to review class material.
  • Through homework, students develop the habit of playing active roles in their academic development.
  • Homework also imbibed in students the importance of planning, staying organized, and taking action.

What Is The Easiest Way To Do Homework?

Ideally, there are no easy ways to do homework. However, proper planning and strategy can make your homework overload easier.

For your homework to be done perfectly, you have to do the following;

Set Up A Study Area

You must create a study area in your home. It should be a particular area devoid of distractions and noise. Furthermore, this will encourage great reading habits and a focused spirit.

Prioritize Activities

You have to set your daily agenda and schedule to accommodate time for homework.  It can be tempting to do the easy work before anything else. However, be encouraged to tackle the tougher assignments first. This will also help you regulate the amount of time you spend in front of the TV.

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Make Materials Available To The Homework Zone

It is also necessary for you to get the relevant materials needed to get homework done. You can use a container or box to keep all supplies handy. This will help avoid the unavailability of homework materials.

Try As Much As Possible To Eliminate Distractions

Distraction comes in various forms, from thoughts to the physical presence of people and technologies. These distractions can lead to a poor understanding of the material and probably a loss of concentration.

Therefore, you must limit the number of distractions to accomplish a given task.

Set A Time Limit

This can also be said to be scheduling. All life activities are meant to be timed as it helps with planning and retaining focus. Setting a time limit for your homework builds consistency and gets the work done on time.

In addition, incorporate study breaks while you work on your homework. Learning how to take a study break that works are the best way to manage a busy homework night.

A 5-10 minute break every 30 minutes allows you to regroup and avoid boredom or frustration.

Make Good Use Of Homework Apps

The presence of homework apps is of great benefit. Because homework apps make work easier and faster. Here’s a look at the 10 best homework apps that can assist you with your homework.

10 Homework Helper Apps For International Students

In today’s world of educational technology, some apps might be getting too smart.

More and more apps deliver on-demand homework help to students, who can easily re-purpose the learning tools to obtain assistance and answer questions. As an international student, these apps also aid in language learning too.

Even though these apps are helpful, it is also worth noting that they won’t and can’t do all the work for you.


This modern language-learning application sits at the top of the iOS and Android app stores as an excellent solution to increase foreign language skills.

Whether you want to learn outside of their curriculum or wish to practice what you were taught earlier that day in class, Duolingo is an outstanding addition to any digital device. 

With over thirty different languages to choose, you can practice their German, Italian, Spanish, French, or other language skills. If you are currently enrolled in ESL courses, Duolingo will also strengthen your English skills from the bottom-up.

Unlike other language learning options that focus on remembering vocabulary, Duolingo combines reading, writing, and speaking practice exercises to create a more natural learning experience.

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To some students, mathematics can be one of the most challenging courses, with complicated steps that are quickly forgotten after a long school day. The app Photomath is a unique solution for struggling mathematicians.

Using the Photomath app, international students can easily scan complex or simple math problems, learning how to solve them thanks to step-by-step instructions.

A built-in calculator enhances the experience, providing smart on the fly calculations and 2D graph plotting abilities.

Linear equations, logarithms, trigonometry, functions, and basic algebraic expressions are only a few of Photomath’s vast capacities.


Whether you’re a high schooler with eight periods of classes or a college student undertaking dozens of credits, there are always assignments for you. iHomework can help you keep a record of all your work, slicing and dicing it in various ways. Sorting it by the due date, week, month, or course, the app is highly organized.

To integrate data from Questia, you can link your reading material to your assignments, so you don’t have to dig through a pile of papers to find the right information.

A scheduling characteristic can help you keep track of those random bi-weekly Thursday labs, and you can even mark the location of your courses on a map, so you don’t end up on the wrong side of campus.

Wolfram Alpha

Wolfram Alpha is more like PhotoMath, only that it solves high levels of math and doesn’t support photos. The app also outputs step-by-step clarifications to topics as advanced as vector calculus and differential equations, making it a popular tool for college students.


Slader is a crowdsourcing app for high school and college students to post and answer questions in math and science.

The app provides user-generated answers to questions from thousands of textbooks. The Slader app is fixed for users of all ages and does offer in-app purchases and advertisements. It is accessible for download from the App Store and the Google Play Store.

Homework Helper

Chinese Internet search company Baidu launched an app called Homework Helper this year, with which students can crowdsource help or answers to homework.

To access the app, users post a picture or type their homework questions onto online forums, and those who satisfy the questions can win e-coins that can be used to buy electronics like iPhones and laptops.


The Socratic app is for students with problems with homework. Instead of Googling, you can use this app to try to solve your question. The best part is that it is free to download and use.

The app allows you to take a photo of the problem and ask the app to find the right answer. Also, it uses a special search engine that uses AI to scan all subjects like math, physics, or chemistry to find the right answer for you.

However, do not expect to get 100% correct answers, but expect your time for homework to be reduced. It is available both for iOS and Android devices.


iMathematics Pro is a useful reference tool that helps students learn about a wide range of math topics. Two main options are on the home screen: Form and Utilities. The form section has the app’s main content, which is organized into topics within chapters.

Each topic is further organized into relevant categories. For example, in the chapter about arithmetic, students can find a section on prime numbers. Within that section, students can find a definition, a list of properties, a link to useful resources, and a quiz.

From the home screen, the utility option takes students to interactive points such as a fraction approximator, a graphic calculator, and a systems solver. The Form and the Utility alternatives have a link that takes you to a blank page for taking notes.

You can also create a list of favorites, and they can share their quiz results using social media links within the app.

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Got It Study

This is one of the most useful apps that will definitely help you with your homework. It will handle all the basic queries that your teacher might ask you. You do not need to bother anymore, as your homework will be completed every time!

The different subjects have many problems and questions you must answer. Got It Study app is packed with chemistry, math, physics, history, language, and many more data and topics, so you will likely find your answer.

The app allows you to choose any subject you are having a problem with, so the app could solve your problem. If you are not satisfied with the answer you receive, you can ask for professional help.

A professional tutor is there to help you with every single step in the problem-solving procedure.

Scanner Pro

Students face many writing assignments: essays, research papers, term papers, dissertations, etc. Find a paper sample you wish to use and let Scanner Pro scan it to change it into a PDF file. The main advantages of this homework app include the following:

  • Synchronization with Dropbox & Google Drive;
  • A feature that allows discovering created docs + receipts the user has scanned and converted these files to PDF.

Students may obtain free solutions to scan necessary study materials, but Scanner Pro, which comes for $3.99, wins in terms of PDF file accuracy.

Advantages Of Using Homework Apps?

Homework apps are highly beneficial for the following reasons;

They Help You Save Time

The homework help app instantly comes up with ideas and answers to questions. In addition, we can do revisions and edit instantaneously. As a result, we can have more time for other things, such as spending time with our family or even other leisure activities. Most importantly, we have more time to read.

They Provide Highly Accurate Checking

These apps are used to check or avoid mistakes. And the good thing is that most homework apps are reliable in this area. They can easily recognize errors, no matter the subject, and correct or provide corrections for those. These help students thrive at doing assignments.

Easy To Understand Features And Explanation

Homework apps are made for students of all ages and levels. Also, if you didn’t have enough time to catch up with your class or couldn’t fully understand it, you can rely on some homework apps. They will give information that will not require you to use any dictionary.

Always Available

Homework help apps can be used anytime and anywhere. That is to say, learning and doing our tasks will not be limited to the corners of our classroom. So when an opinion comes to you, you can open your homework help app and continue doing your work. 

It Can Be Modified

One of the best things about homework apps is that they can be changed easily. Customizing your learning platform is one of the ways that make learning practical and efficient. Therefore, customizing the homework app teaches you to organize your tasks. 

They Provide Help From Real Professionals

In some apps, you can seek and get information from real people who are knowledgeable of the subject that you are learning. With this, you can get professional and factual information from very reliable sources.

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What Are The Disadvantages Of Homework Apps?

Some Apps Don’t Work On Everything

We must become particularly selective with the apps we install to avoid disappointments. Some apps need a lot to be used at all times. Some apps are selective with devices and location. Also, some of the answers to some tasks can’t be solved automatically.

Cost Intensive

Not everything is indeed free. Most homework apps can be used for free but with limited services. And these apps require you to update to their premium version, which will require you to spend monthly or yearly.

It Causes Laziness

Sometimes, the availability of homework apps inhibits laziness in students. That is to say, students now totally rely on homework apps to solve their assignments without making conscious efforts to develop their academic skills.


The common aim of homework is to have students practice what has already been presented in class to strengthen learning and promote mastery of specific skills. Therefore, utilizing the necessary homework apps is not a bad idea. Remember, good grades start with a good solid homework strategy.

FAQs On 10 Homework Helper Apps For International Students

What is homework?

Homework is tasks assigned to students by school teachers intended to be carried out during non-school hours.

What is the purpose of homework?

However, the main purpose of homework is to help bolster what was taught in class.

Why is homework important for kids?

Homework provides students with time and experience to develop a practical approach to learning.

Are there homework help apps?

There are homework-help apps like iMathematics, Duolingo, Photomath, iHomework, Slader, and more.


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