How To Become a Military Police Officer In 2024

The best way to solve the insecurity challenge in society is to know how to become a military police officer, which will give you the license to help curb abnormal behaviors.

So you know, it takes the love for the masses for one to dedicate his or herself to joining the police force.

The passion may not be enough, but knowing how to become a military police officer is the main deal.

Therefore, in this article, we would take you through show all that it requires to become a licensed police officer.

What Exactly Is Military Police Officer?

A military police officer (MP) is a peacekeeper who also serves as a police officer. The tasks and obligations of employment are different from those of a civilian police officer because your employment is on a military base, but they are still the same.

You’re responsible for patrolling the base, maintaining security, solving minor crimes, and upholding military law.

You protect the camp and any outposts during the war, help with security activities like protecting dignitaries and enforcing particular protocols.

You also offer the same service while assisting the neighborhood police with training and support in a populated area.

What Are the Requirements for Becoming a Police Officer? 

A high school diploma or GED, some post-secondary education or a degree, and successful completion of police academy training are the fundamental criteria for becoming a police officer.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, you must be a citizen of the United States and at least 21 years old to work as a police officer. You are to pass both physical and written tests.

Go through a background check and psychological assessment before becoming a police officer.

You need to have a clean driving record and a valid driver’s license, depending on the criteria of the particular employment.

You should possess a four-year college degree or higher.
Must be a citizen of the United States. Officer Basic Leadership Course (Or Additional Special Courses/Qualifications).

A Secret security clearance is possible.
Age range is between the ages of 18 and 34.

How Long is Military Police Training? 

You have 10 weeks for Basic Training
20 weeks for One Station Unit Training, then on-the-job training in police procedures.

This time is splitting between being spent in the classroom and on the field. You’ll gain knowledge of fundamental warrior techniques and weaponry used, among other things.

Do Military Police Go To War?

The police may provide force protection, convoy security, screening, rear reconnaissance, logistic traffic management, counterinsurgency, and detainee handling to support the fighting unit during combat operations.

How Much Is A Military Police Salary?

Like all military personnel, military police are compensated based on their rank and level of experience. The lowest pay grade, E-1, has a monthly salary of $1,680.90. It is uncommon to keep this rank for more than a few months.

A position with an E-5 classification and a monthly salary of $2,804.40 would be typical after four years of service.

A military member’s take-home income can be changed by housing and food stipends, hazard pay for those serving in conflict zones, access to healthcare through the Veterans Affairs administration, and affordable insurance.

Depending on their branch and position, military police officers receive additional compensation like a low-cost healthcare, free accommodation on bases, and prospects for subsidized higher education.

In addition to their base pay, military police officers may get bonuses, hazard pay, or incentive pay to work in particular places.

10 Military Police Officer Skills

Every military agency has the required skills that qualify them in that profession; in the police force we have a list of skills listed below.

#1. Patrol Procedures

The military police officers monitor an area using patrol protocols, which are standard operating procedures.

They include topics like conducting traffic stops, looking for suspects, and handling emergencies. Military police officers can do their tasks more efficiently and safely thanks to patrol techniques.

#2. Law Enforcement

A police officer must be able to uphold the law. They must be able to uphold discipline and order among the ranks, as well as look into and prosecute any criminal behavior that takes place.

#3. Crowd Control 

Police, soldiers, and security personnel utilize a variety of crowd control measures to manage and disperse crowds.

Because they can be required to provide security at public events or to put down riots and other types of civil unrest, military police officers need to be proficient in it.

#4. Report Writing 

To give fact about an incident or investigation, report writing is a necessary ability.

This ability is crucial for military police officers since they must be able to clearly and concisely record the information they have gathered and witnessed.

#5. Investigations 

Report writing is a skill that is required proper presentation of information about an incident or investigation.

For military police personnel, they should be able to write down their observations clearly is simply essential.

#6. Evidence Collection 

For every police personnel, gathering evidence is essential since it can be used to help solve crimes and find suspects.

This competence includes knowing how to properly gather, preserve, and record evidence; explain where and how it was discovered.

#7. Emergency Response 

The capacity to act swiftly and efficiently in an emergency is known as an emergency reaction. For military police officers, who may be called upon to handle a variety of events, from natural catastrophes to terrorist attacks, it is an essential competence.

#8. Firearms 

Military police officers must be effective, be able to handle firearms safely. Carry out their responsibilities for the public’s protection and service.

#9. Arrest Techniques 

The procedures and methods the law enforcement agencies use is to take a suspect into custody as arrest techniques. Military police officers must have this ability since they can be required to make arrests while performing their job.

#10. Self-Defense 

The capacity to defend oneself against physical damage is known as self-defense. This ability is necessary for military police officers to defend themselves against attackers and arrest suspects.

How to Become a Military Police Officer Step By Step Guide

You need to satisfy several educational, physical, and training standards before you may become a military police officer. To join the military police, adhere to these procedures:

#1. Meet Basic Qualifications 

Being at least 18 and no more than 34 years old (39 for the Air Force) Proving to a background check that you don’t have any criminal history Demonstrating your lack of a history of mental illness

Demonstrating that you have less debt

Having a license that is still valid

A high school diploma or GED is preferred by majority of military branches, though none of them demand it.

The Air Force maintains the strictest requirements in this regard, allowing less than 1% of enlistees every year to enlist without a high school education.

The strictest branches schooling are the Marines, Army, and Navy.

#2. Take The ASVAB and Meet Minimum Score Requirements 

Take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test after fulfilling the fundamental prerequisites.

Recruit’s abilities are assessed with exam in several areas, including arithmetic thinking, electronics expertise, word knowledge, and mechanical comprehension.

ASVAB scores are used by the military to decide which job is best for your skills.

#3. Complete Basic and MP-Specific Training 

Next stage is to finish the basic training for your selected branch after taking the ASVAB.

You must be intellectually and physically prepared for the role of a MP during this procedure, which typically lasts between seven and twelve weeks depending on the particular structure of your branch.

Normally, basic training finishes at the main base of your branch. After completing your training, you will be qualified to take the additional MP-specific training exercises like patrolling, providing first aid, performing anti-terrorism responsibilities, and firing a gun.

Training for MPs may take an additional nine weeks to complete.

#4. Choose or Receive an Assignment at a Military Base 

The next step is to select location, or station, for your assignment. This location can be at a base either domestically (like Fort Bragg) or internationally.

You can order your favorites among the tasks at your disposal. However, your final placement and job is decided by your chosen branch based on your skills and staffing requirements.

#5. For Additional Training or Promotions 

The military may provide you with promotion opportunities, educational options, or more training after you have served for a particular amount of time.

For instance, if you are a Marine Corps MP, you might be eligible for an apprenticeship with the Labor Department as a security specialist or a government police officer.

At this stage of your career you can decide whether you want to look into other law enforcement-related options and check which will best serve your career objectives.

#6. Consider Earning an Advanced Degree 

Consider pursuing a master’s degree in criminal justice or forensics if yoou desire to advance in rank as a military police officer.

Your readiness to assist military leaders in criminal investigations or to conduct criminal investigations, accuse and detain criminal suspects, gather evidence, enter it into police databases, and conduct scientific evidence analysis in these degree programs.

#7. Specialize Your Skills by Earning a Certification 

For military police officers, there are 46 qualifications with national recognition. These credentials are obtainable through courses on anti-terrorism evasive driving, domestic violence intervention training, and investigative tactics for child abuse prevention.

Professional skills can grow with a certification, which can strengthen your application for specialized jobs.

10 Best Military Police Officer Certifications 

Promotion and excelling in this career part is dependent on these certifications.

#1. First Aid, CPR and AED Instructor 

One of the most crucial abilities one can have, is the ability to react to a first aid or CPR situation.

The OSHA-compliant Standard First Aid, CPR, and AED course is your tool for educating staff members or the general public on the most recent skills, tactics, and experience in life-saving procedures.

Teaching process incorporates practice and feedback on applying related abilities in a practical setting.

#2. OSHA Safety Certificate 

This 40-hour course covers the General Industry 1910 and the Construction 1926 Standards, how to effectively interpret the Federal Register, health issues in workplace.

Identifying physical risks associated with OSHA violations, and employer implementation of their proactive safety and health procedures.

#3. Security 5 Certification 

Anyone interested in learning the fundamentals of computer networking and security should start with the Security5 Certification.

The Security5 program equips participants with the fundamental networking literacy needed to start advanced IT programs.

#4. Military Fitness Specialist Certification 

The knowledge and abilities of personal fitness trainers and group exercise instructors are in the Military Fitness Specialist Certification.

It will be helpful for anyone who organizes, carries out, and/or directs physical training sessions and programs for military members.

It is designed to support active-duty military members and civilians working with military members while also increasing participants’ knowledge of fitness and programming skills.

In addition to leading specific group fitness programs and unit physical training sessions, the trained Military Fitness Specialist will give group members and individuals the proper orientations and program designs. The certificate is good for two years.

#5. Apple Certified Trainer (ACT) 

Professionals in the business can become certified to teach the Apple curriculum through the Apple Certified Trainer (ACT) program.

Aperture, Color, DVD Studio Pro, Final Cut Pro, Logic Pro, Motion, Shake, and Soundtrack Pro are just a few examples of the professional applications offered by Apple.

Other topics covered include Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server administration.

#6. Basic Life Support for Healthcare and Public Safety (BLS) 

A scenario-based methodology is used in Basic Life Support for Healthcare Providers (BLS) to build critical thinking and problem-solving abilities that improve patient outcomes.

By the AHA CPR/ECC guidelines. Covers CPR, AED use, and obstruction of the airway for patients who are adults, children, and infants.

After passing the course, you’ll receive a free, digital, two-year “Basic Life Support for Healthcare Providers” certificate.

#7. Physical Security Certification (PSC) 

For DoD, industry, and federal personnel conducting physical security tasks, the Physical Security Certification (PSC) is perfect.

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#8. Certified Personal Trainer 

The Cooper Institute Personal Trainer (CI-PTr) Certification Examination goal guarantee mastery and application of information and abilities specifically relevant to performing the duties of the “Personal Trainer” employment through a rigorous, valid, and tenable process.

After passing the CI-PTr Certification Examination, candidates receive credentials that guarantee they have the knowledge, abilities, and resources necessary to offer customers solid fitness and health programs, reassure clients and employers, safeguard the public, and progress their profession.

#9. Certified Corrections Officer (CCO) 

All employees who deal directly with offenders fall under this group.

#10. Amusement Operators Safety Certification (EPA)

A complete equipment, and specific safety program created to give operators and their staff a comprehensive awareness of optimum risk management techniques.

Industry incidents, which can draw attention to future problems, can be prevented by using effective risk management strategies.


How can I Become Military Police?

You must be 18 years old and enlisted in one of the four branches to join. One can enlist in the reserve or active military and yet become an MP.
You must complete military police training after basic training to be qualified for the position.

What Do You Do As a Military Police?

You uphold military laws and regulations, defend people’s lives and property on Army sites.

In addition, you’ll manage traffic, deter crime, and attend to any emergencies. You’ll run operations for force protection, counterterrorism, local security, and police intelligence.

Is it Hard to Get Military Police?

Although MP is a mediocre Branch, climbing into the top middle third or bottom top third of your Battalion’s MS class does need much effort on your part. Of course, a lot of cadets enjoy MP and think that it is a step toward an OGA, particularly the FB

Is Military Police Different From Army?

The key distinction is that whereas police can give assistance and security without using force, soldiers’ primary duty is to use force on behalf of the polity.


Reading through all these, you see that becoming a military police officer has been made easier and knowing what it entails before going into it.

Ever had an interest to protect your people, apprehending criminals, controlling traffic, and much more, becoming a military police officer is the best decision.

Even without having the training, with the right mindset, you can be trained to become one. Find this information helpful let us know in the comment session below.


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