How To Get An Apple Student Discount Fast

Students, parents of students, or those working in an educational institution can save money by purchasing Apple products using the Apple Student Discount.

It can be a purchase of a Mac, MacBook, or iPad. You can even get an apple music student discount from Apple’s Education Store.

Apple is set to bring a game-changer in the education market. To this end, it has an entirely different educational store that offers a great discount on Mac computers and iPad tablets.

Most Apple customers are unfamiliar with the Education store or don’t think the discount applies to them. But this is a mistake because Apple presents the educational network extensively, and there is an excellent chance to qualify.

Read on for a better insight on how to get an apple music student discount.

Now to make things much easier for you, below is a quick navigation table of content.

Does Apple Offer Student Discount?

Apple offers student discounts to current or newly accepted college students, parents of students, and  faculty, staff, and home school teachers of all grade levels.

With the education discount, students, school staff, and students’ parents can save up to $400 on an iMac Pro desktop, $200 on MacBook laptops, $100 on select iPads, and extended trials and discounts on student music and Apple TV +.

Additionally, when you buy Mac and iPad models with education pricing, you’ll get AirPods and 20% off AppleCare+.1

Who Is Eligible For An Apple Education Discount?

Current and newly accepted college students and their parents and faculty, staff, and homeschool teachers of all grade levels are eligible for an Apple Education Discount

You are eligible if you are enrolled in post-secondary education or have been admitted to a post-secondary institution. (Post-secondary means university or any other formal education that takes place after completing high school. Accordingly, it excludes sixth-form colleges, though it may be worth asking at the Apple store to see if the company is willing to relax the rules).

Parents of students are not eligible when shopping for themselves, but they can purchase a discounted Mac for their son or daughter at the education store. Again, this is limited to parents of post-secondary students.

Also, anyone who works in an educational setting is eligible for a discount on Apple computers. It covers not only teachers and professors but also administrative and other employees. Basically anyone who works at a school, college, or university. (This is not limited to higher education institutions. Apple refers to “any educational institution”).

Let’s check those Apple terms and conditions in full:

“Those eligible to purchase from the Apple Store for Education Individuals include teachers, staff, students, and parents as follows:

Anyone working at a public or private K-12 school can get the discounts. Homeschool teachers are also eligible, as they serve school board members elected or appointed to their posts. PTA or PTO executives currently serving and were elected or appointed can also get the deals.

Anyone who works at an institution of Higher Education and any students attending or have been accepted into the Higher Education system can get the discounts.

Parents can get the discounts when they buy devices for their children if their children are currently attending or have been accepted into a public or private Higher Education institution.

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Who Is Eligible To buy from the Apple Education Store?

Luckily for consumers, Apple keeps the Apple promo code student eligibility deliberately wide. The categories of people who qualify for Apple for Students discount are:

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  • Any employees involved with K–12 schools, including parents who homeschool their children, PTA or PTO executives, and school board members
  • Faculty and staff of colleges and universities, as well as students
  • Parents buying Apple products for their children who attend any higher education institution

Apple for Students is for students and anyone affiliated with schools, colleges, and universities. Note: This policy applies to the United States. Eligibility requirements for other countries might differ.

What kind of Apple Student Discount proof might you need to show to buy something? Nothing. Seriously, Apple decided to operate on the honor-system basis and reserves the right to audit random transactions made using the Apple Student Discount. Although, if you try to cheat the system and then get checked, Apple will likely charge you an extra-fine on top of the price difference.

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How Do I Get An Apple Student Discount

There are two ways to buy Apple products with the Apple Student Discount: Apple’s website and UNiDAYS

As mentioned above, seeing Apple education pricing on its website is easy but a bit confusing. You need to scroll down to the bottom of the website, choose Shop for College, and check that Education Store Home bar is displayed at the top.

As Apple doesn’t show the original price of the products, realizing whether you’re buying a discounted product can be perplexing. To start, note that Apple college discount works only for iPads and MacBooks.

So getting a new MacBook Air student discount shouldn’t be a problem. Just make sure to open Apple’s regular store in another tab and double-check that there is a price difference. 

Additionally, Apple sometimes offers special deals on top of discounts. For example, they would give Beats headphones away for free with a laptop purchase or discount AppleCare by 10 to 20%. 

Another way of getting an Apple Student Discount might be already familiar to many students — UNiDAYS. Essentially a free exclusive deal portal for students, UNiDAYS features hundreds of discount offers for anything, from Nike to Ray Ban and Apple.

How does it work? 

  • Register for a new account on and present your student credentials
  • Browse exclusive deals either through the website or mobile app (Apple is in the Tech category)
  • Click “Get now” when you find a deal you like
  • UNiDAYS will then generate an Apple promo code students can use
  • Go back to Apple’s website and add a MacBook or iPad to the cart
  • Apply the Apple education discount during checkout. Done!

Good news — Apple is not the only provider of educational discounts. So you can get much more with minimum extra effort.

What discount will I get on the Apple Store for Education?

Apple does not offer a one-time general discount. Different rates are established for each group of products.

Discounts are currently only available for Mac computers (iMac, MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, and Mac mini) and iPads, with no special discounts for other Apple products.

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Mac Student Discounts

You can save hundreds on MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, iMac, or iMac with Retina 5K display when purchased with AppleCare through Apple Education store UK or American Education Store.

iPad Student Discounts

Depending on the model, you can also get a small discount on iPads at the Education UK store, between £20 and £50. You can look at prices at the Apple UK educational store.

The savings on the iPad in the US Education Store are also relatively small at up to $50. Take a closer look at Apple’s US Education Store.

If you’re thinking of buying an iPad for college or university, you might like to take a look at the Best iPad for students.

There are no discounts on the iPhone, Apple TV, or Apple Watch or accessories or software for these items.

Apple Education Pricing

Apple Education pricing is available to current and newly accepted college students, their parents, faculty, staff, and homeschool teachers of all grade levels.

This education pricing allows you to purchase specific apple products at a discounted rate. It also simplifies the payment process by accepting installment payments.

What Can I Do With the Apple Music Student Discount?

The Apple Music student discount affords you the same benefits of an individual Apple Music subscription at about half the price.

You can stream over 70 million songs, including songs from your personal iTunes library, access across all your devices, offline listening, and more. You can also access Apple TV+, the company’s streaming service, which features original content.

How Do I Sign up For A Student Membership Discount For Apple Music?

The Apple Student Membership System offers Apple Music a 50% discount for full-time educational enrollment. (You can still get three months of streaming your music for free, but students will pay less after the trial period expires.)

In the UK, this discount reduces the monthly cost of Apple Music membership from £9.99 / $9.99 to £4.99 / $4.99. But identical schemes exist in Ireland, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, and Denmark, each offering half the usual price.

You’ll need to prove that you’re enrolled at an eligible university or college to qualify for the student discount.

The Student Membership tier is the third membership tier Apple has offered to UK consumers, alongside Individual Membership (£9.99/$9.99 per month) and Family Membership (£14.99/$14.99). Visit Apple’s site for more details and to sign up.

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How To Sign up For An Apple Music Student Membership Discount

If you’re a student subscribing to Apple Music on your iPhone or iPad, tap where it says, “Are you a University student?” You’ll be directed to the verification system: if your college or university qualifies, you will get a reduced subscription rate.

And that’s it – enjoy your discounted Apple products! If you’re undecided about which Mac you need, here is a guide to the best Mac for students.


Catering to this technological shift, companies like Apple create timely incentives for buying their latest products.

An Apple education discount is a big deal and could save you hundreds of dollars on new MacBooks and iPads simply because you’re a student.

FAQs- How to Get An Apple Student Discount

How does Apple verify student discount?

Apple checks student’s official current school transcript or tuition bill indicating name of school and student.

In addition, an official current report card indicating name of school and student. Student course schedule or tuition bill with a valid date and printed with the educational entity’s logo or seal.

How does Apple know you are a student?

Apple’s US Education Store Now Requires Institution Verification to Buy Discounted Products.

Apple now requires customers in the United States to verify that they’re active students, teachers, or staff members at an educational institution to access education discounts on products.

How much is Apple student discount?

If you’re a student, you can save some money on products like Apple’s MacBooks and iPad at a discount through Unidays or take advantage of Apple Tutorials directly through Apple. The price of education is available to college students, teachers, and even home school teachers.

You can usually expect to save about 10% off the listing price as a rough guide. Now, 10% may not sound like a lot, but considering how expensive Apple products usually are, it’s nothing to sniff at: especially if you’re a new student who has a tighter budget!




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