IS PSYCHOLOGY B.A. or B.S.? 2024

In this article, we have prepared what you need to know about Psychology, whether a BA or BS, Psychology courses, and some ongoing Psychology scholarships for students.

The student should not be blamed if they do not know the difference between a BA and a B.S. because most Universities and colleges give this degree invariably; some Universities would see a course as a BA, and another University would see the same course as a BS, so the confusion is now left for the students to deal with.

For many reasons, it is inevitable to be confused at some point in whatever a person does. These assertions cannot be overruled in academics and other related endeavours.

So many people, even graduates, sometimes get confused about some academic terms and abbreviations. I don’t think anyone should feel inferior or ashamed because it happens to almost everybody.

There are things we see in academics, but we don’t fully understand what they mean or the difference between them. We take them the way we see them.

It is not unconventional or new to know that many people, even graduates, do not know the difference between a BA and a BS. Many people see these two things as the same on the platform of being a degree. But there’s a huge difference between them.

What’s the Difference Between a BA and a BS


What differentiates a bachelor of Arts and a bachelor of science is the content of the course, and whether one is awarded a BA depends on the course combination a person offered during their undergraduate studies.

A bachelor of Arts is simply a bachelor’s degree awarded for an undergraduate course or program in the liberal arts, sciences, or both. Bachelor of Arts programs generally takes three to four years depending on the country, institution, and specific specializations, majors, or minors.

A Bachelor of the Arts degree program offers students a more expansive education, requiring fewer credits directly linked to a particular major. Instead, students are expected to earn credits in various liberal arts subjects.

Courses in the humanities, English, the social sciences, and a foreign language are typically part of this degree program.

Students can choose from a broad array of courses to fulfil these requirements, allowing them greater flexibility to customize their education to match their individual goals and interests. A Bachelor of Arts degree is commonly offered in fields like English, art, music, modern languages, and communication.


A bachelor of science is an undergraduate academic degree awarded for completed courses that generally last three to five years or a person holding such a degree.

Whether a student of a particular subject is awarded a Bachelor of Science or a Bachelor of Arts degree can vary between universities. For example, one university may give an economics degree as a Bachelor of Arts (BA) but as a BS another. Some universities offer the choice of either.

Some liberal arts colleges in the United States offer only the BA, even in the natural sciences, while some universities offer only the BS, even in non-science fields.

Programs resulting in a Bachelor of Science degree are generally more strictly focused on their subject matter, requiring more credits directly linked to the major. Students are expected to concentrate their academic energies on mastering their field’s technical and practical facets.

They have fewer opportunities to explore topics outside of the subject of their major. A Bachelor of Science degree is usually offered in technical and scientific areas like computer science, nursing, mathematics, biochemistry, and physics.

What is Psychology?

The confusion students have concerning psychology is bred by the tertiary institutions’ misappropriation of this Particular course and the complexity that comes with it.

Psychology is the scientific study of mind and behaviour. Psychology is a multifaceted discipline that includes many subfields of study, such as human development, sports, health, clinical, social behaviour, and cognitive processes.

Psychology is a very new science, with most advances happening over the past 150 years.  However, its origins can be traced back to ancient Greece, 400 – 500 years BC.

The emphasis was philosophical, with great thinkers such as Socrates influencing Plato, who in turn influenced Aristotle.

This is one of the most important courses in the universe because it deals directly with the human mind; a good manipulation of this course can change a person’s life or doom a person; yes, it is as sophisticated as this.

Because psychology is a science, it attempts to investigate the causes of behaviour using systematic and objective procedures for observation, measurement, and analysis, backed up by theoretical interpretations, generalizations, explanations, and predictions.

It cannot be overlooked or denied that psychology is applied every day of our lives,  just that most of us do it unconsciously.

The study of Psychology would have a person apply for this course in the right dimensions to get the desired results.

The classic contemporary perspectives in psychology to adopt these strategies were the behaviourists, who were renowned for relying on controlled laboratory experiments and rejecting any unseen or subconscious forces as causes of behaviour.

And later, cognitive psychology adopted this rigorous, scientific, lab-based scientific approach too.

Most of us have seen in movies where psychologists are appropriating this course to help a person get through depression, loss, or tragedy which further showcases how important this course can be.

With its broad scope, psychology investigates an enormous range of phenomena: learning and memory, sensation and perception, motivation and emotion, thinking and language, personality and social behaviour, intelligence, child development, mental illness, and much more.

A psychologist cannot be hidden in any environment because he or she has this way of discerning people psychologically and easily takes charge of the environment because they can predict people’s actions after discerning them.

Each psychological perspective is underpinned by a shared set of assumptions of what people are like, what is important to study, and how to study it.  Some conduct detailed biological studies of the brain, others explore how we process information, others analyze the role of evolution, and still others study the influence of culture and society.

What is the difference between BA and BS in psychology?

Now to further expose the complexity of this course,  unlike other courses, this can be studied under the science and art dimensions. This is basically an amazing thing about this course.

One can b a psychologist under art and also a psychologist under science, these are differentiated by the course combination of the student during their undergraduate study.

Therefore, this shows that this course can be a BA or a BS, depending on the course combination of the student during undergraduate studies.

Students interested in earning a psychology degree have the choice of whether to work toward a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science degree. Both are undergraduate degrees, and both are offered in the field of psychology. Deciding between a BA and a B.S. hinges on how a student wants to study psychology and depends on their ultimate career goals.

The primary difference between a BA and a B.S. is the focus of the coursework necessary to graduate. A Bachelor of Arts entails psychology-focused courses; students earning a BA will take more courses in the social sciences. A B.S. degree has a course load emphasizing technical studies in science, math, and statistics.

Now studying psychology can lead to so many other things depending on which area of psychology the students decide to major in, which might be a BA or BS in psychology.

BA in Psychology

Students best suited to pursue a BA in Psychology are those interested in a career in psychology. For instance, students considering specialized psychology fields such as child psychology, forensic psychology, or organizational psychology would do well to work toward a BA degree, as they’ll have the flexibility to take classes on those topics.

Earning a BA in Psychology can lead to careers in law, social work, counselling, journalism, political science, education, or business. This freedom to choose is typically seen as one of the chief benefits of choosing a BA over a BS — the BA allows students the option to tailor their experience based on specific interests.

BS in Psychology

This degree is a great choice for students preparing for careers in science. It is also the path to take if a student plans to attend medical school or graduate school for psychology or a related field.

Students earning a BS. in psychology should expect a course load that includes biology, chemistry, and calculus classes. People with a BS in Psychology typically pursue graduate school or entry-level positions in mental health facilities, government, or business.

Should I Choose a BA in Psychology or BS in Psychology?

Now after reading this article, a person might get confused about which one to choose. Whether to go for a BA in psychology or a B.S. in psychology.  But I think this shouldn’t be a problem when a person knows his abilities and the courses he can handle.

Academically, the two degrees are valued. Each degree has advantages, so students deciding which to pursue should consider their post-graduation plans.

For example, students who want to join the professional workforce immediately upon graduation should choose a Bachelor of Arts.

Those who enjoy math and science, who want to go on to graduate school and who tend to be more technical and analytical will probably find the Bachelor of Science to be the better option.

Look inward and figure out yours, to make the right choices.

Bonus: 5 Psychology Courses Psych Majors Should Take

Here are 5 psychology courses you can take as a psych major:

#1. General Psychology

This is just an introductory course that offers an overview of the entire field of psychology. It may seem overwhelming at first, due to the sheer volume of information you’ll learn, but this important class lays the groundwork for your future studies.

Remember, however, that this class aims to provide an introduction to the history of psychology and the scientific study of the human mind and behavior. While it may seem like you are skimming over huge topics, you’ll be able to delve deeper into these subjects in a later course.

#2. Abnormal psychology

Courses in abnormal psychology focus on the biological, environmental, and cultural influences on abnormal behavior.

Some topics studied in this course might include mood disorders, personality disorders, psychosomatic disorders, and substance abuse. In addition to exploring the background, assessment, and diagnosis of these disorders, students also explore some of the available treatment approaches.

#3. Physiological Psychology

To form a full understanding of the mind and behaviour, it’s important to develop your knowledge of the brain, neural actions, sensation and perception, basic neuroanatomy, and physiological processes.

A course in physiological psychology serves as a good introduction to the field of neuropsychology. However, it may be listed under an alternate course title, such as behavioural neuroscience, biopsychology, or biological psychology.

#4. Cognitive Psychology 

In this course, you will learn more about the cognitive process that forms the foundation of human behaviour. Cognitive psychology involves the study of internal mental processes all of the things that go on inside your brain, including perception, thinking, memory, attention, language, problem-solving, and learning.

#5. Experimental Psychology

A course in experimental psychology is an essential foundation for any psychology major. In this course, you will learn about basic research methods and experimental design.

While course requirements may vary from one school to the next, most experimental psychology courses require students to carry out experiments.

Available Psychology Scholarships VA

Let’s take a look at some of the Psychology scholarships available:

Undergraduate Scholarship Program (CIA)

Students can maintain full-time status at their host institution while gaining valuable work experience by working with the CIA in Washington, D.C., during their summer breaks. Successful program completion requires its recipients to continue agency employment for a period 1.5 times longer than the duration of the college sponsorship.

High school seniors and college freshmen and sophomores enrolled in a four- or five-year college program and seeking work experience are eligible to apply for this Psychology Scholarship.

$18,000 is awarded annually for tuition and fees, covered transportation, and benefits package.

APA Student Travel Award

The American Psychological Association (APA), the largest scientific and professional psychology organization in the U.S., offers an annual psychology scholarship designed to help graduate psychology students travel to the APA convention in order to present their research.

Students whose research the APA has already accepted papers or posters are invited to apply for this Psychology Scholarship.

Around 100 students are awarded $300 to support travel expenses to the convention in Toronto.

Elizabeth Munsterberg Koppitz Psychology Graduate Student Fellowship

Sponsored by the American Psychological Foundation (APF), this psychology scholarship offers recipients the chance to be awarded up to $25,000 in support of graduate-level study in child psychology, particularly doctoral students of child-clinical, educational, developmental, pediatric, and school psychopathology. 

Apply Here

Roy Scrivner Research Grants

This grant targets graduate students or recently licensed psychologists just beginning their careers. This Psychology Scholarship is also open to researchers working in any of the behavioural or social science fields, although preference is given to dissertation candidates. Its benefits accrue to about $15,000.

Apply Here


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