NYSTCE Practice Tests : Study guide, Tips, Dates, Results, Login, Requirements

One great way to prove that you can make an incredible impact as a teacher in New York is to pass the NYSTCE test. A good score in your NYSTCE proves that you’re ready to step into the classroom.

It takes a lot of time to prepare for the NYSTCE test, and it’s important you know that the time you put in determines the outcome of your results.

This piece will give you important tips and study guides that will enlighten you on the facts and logic behind the NYSTCE test.

Teaching is one of the most respected and rewarding careers, but not just anyone can function in the profession. Therefore, it’s important to plan out your teaching career path, and one of the great ways to do this is to put in maximum effort to excel at any opportunity presented to you.

What are NYSTCE Tests?

New York State Teacher Certification Examination (NYSTCE) is a group of exams created by the State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) and administered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS) designed to assess an individual’s general and specific teaching skills and are required in order to become a certified educator within the state of New York.

What is the Nature of NYSTCE Tests

The NYSTCE test series are mostly computer-based and include a wide range of exams related to specific educational topics as well as exams related to specific careers within the educational system.

Each NYSTCE exam typically consists of 90 – 150 multiple-choice questions, but some tests also include essays, short open-ended responses, and other similar types of questions.

Also, each exam session and each exam has one or two sessions depending on the exam, and the time to take them ranges from roughly three to four and a half hours. The testing for NYS teacher certification exams takes place at Pearson Testing Centers.

Furthermore, as a candidate, you are expected to arrive at the testing center at least half an hour before their scheduled test time. Ensure you report at the testing center with a valid, government-issued, photo ID.

You are not allowed to bring in any personal items like cell phones, hats, bags, and unauthorized testing aids as there’s no provision at the testing center.

How much Does it Cost to take NYSTCE Test?

The NYSTCE exam fee is $131, and exam appointments are available year-round at Pearson testing centers.

What is the NYSTCE Test Passing Score?

The results for each of these NYSTCE tests are reported as a score in the range from 400 to 600. The minimum passing score for each test is 520. If your total test score is 520 and above, you have passed the test.

NYSTCE Test Dates and Sites

As seen on the NYSTCE official website:

Most NYSTCE tests are available year-round by appointment, Monday through Saturday (excluding some holidays), at flexible times and locations. You may access your score report online beginning at 10:00 p.m. on the score report date indicated.

NYSTCE Tests-Success Tips

The NYSTCE test prep requires time and effort. Your goal should be to pass the exams on your first attempt and to achieve this, you have to prepare adequately.

The following tips will guide you on how to best prepare for the forthcoming NYSTCE test.

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  • Purchase the relevant materials and study guide; The first time students see NYSTCE shouldn’t be the first time they take the test.
  • Arrive at the testing center at least half an hour before their scheduled test time. 
  • Work Smart and avoid every form of distraction.
  • Read the instruction carefully before you attempt any questions.

No matter how long you prepare for this exam; be certain that you are not spending your time on your books just staring at them. Make sure you are spending quality time studying. Your goals should be to cover all the requirements for the test.

You can access great writing tips here

NYSTCE Tests Sample Questions

The sample practice tests for each of the assessments are available below for you to use to familiarize yourself with the kinds of items and format used for the NYSTCE assessment.

Instructions: Attempt all questions.

Math Test

  1. When estimating to the nearest tens, which answer corresponds with the number below?
  2. In the following number, which digit is in the tenths place?
  3. It is currently 59 degrees Fahrenheit outside. What temperature is it currently when measured in Celsius degrees?
    (A)18 degrees
    (B)15 degrees
    (C)21 degrees
    (D)25 degrees
  4. Which of the following is the appropriate metric unit of measurement for a newborn baby?
  5. In the book title below, which word should NOT begin with a capital letter?
    A Tale Of Two Cities

NYSTCE ATAS Practice Test

  1. “I’ve seen him taking nips backstage between acts,” declared Rowena. “Nonsense,” replied Margaret. “Why, he’s the most abstemious fellow I’ve ever met.” Based on the context of this dialogue, what is the best meaning for the word abstemious?
    (A)Not rehearsing
    (B)Not drinking
    (C)Not spontaneous
    (D)Not violent
  2. “In this case, the rats did not encroach on our territory; we were the ones who encroached on their territory.” In this sentence, what is the meaning of the word encroach?
  3. Which of the following is an appropriate synonym for the word specious?
    (C)A genus class
    (D)Falsely pleasing
  4. Of the following, which word is synonymous with marriage?
  5. Which of the following choices correctly completes this sentence? “_ are many people who share _ opinion.”
    (A)There; there
    (B)There; their
    (C)Their; their
    (D)Their; there

NYSTCE Social Studies Practice Test

  1. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
    This paragraph appears in which historic document?
    (A)The Declaration of Independence
    (B)The Freedom of Information Act
    (C)The Mayflower Compact
    (d)The Magna Carta
    (E)The U. S. Constitution
  2. What does the acronym NAFTA stand for?
    (A)North American Federal Tariff Association
    (B)North African Free Trade Agreement
    (C)Non-American Final Territory Agreement
    (D)North American Free Tariff Agreement
    (E)North American Free Trade Agreement
  3. Women, such as Susan B. Anthony, fought for suffrage and were finally successful in 1920. What does suffrage mean?
    (A)Right to free speech
    (B)Right to get an education
    (C)Right to vote
    (D)Right to work
    (E)Right to get divorced


All the information provided in this article will give you a better understanding of the NYSTCE exam. Take advantage of this valuable resource, it will benefit you a lot.

NYSTCE TestsFrequently Asked Questions

NYSTCE practice test contains a total of 400 to 600 questions.

Over 150 questions.

520 and above.


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  • https://www.mometrix.com/academy/nystce/
  • https://study.com/nystce/nystce-practice-tests.html
  • https://study.com/academy/exam/course/nystce-atas-practice-study-guide.html
  • https://www.testprepreview.com/nystce_practice.htm

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