15 Prevention Tips for Sexual Assault on College Campuses | 2024

Sexual assault on campuses is one subject that shouldn’t be heard of. Unfortunately, it isn’t so. Since predators often victimize people they know, it is important for college students to be very careful.

This article covers 15 preventive tips for college sexual assault in 2024. You may wish to read this very carefully. Your safety is our joy!

We are going to take it one step at a time in discussing this subject of sexual assault in colleges.

Statistics show that there has been an increased 13% rate of non-consensual sex.

Because of this, college students and youths, in general, should familiarize themselves with preventive measures to be able to stay safe.

Sexual assault is traumatizing, so college students should avoid it at all costs.

Let’s itemize our main items of discussion.

What Is Sexual Assault?

Sexual assault is defined as forceful sexual intercourse, violence, and rape of a victim.

 According to the U.S. Department of Justice, “Sexual assault is any sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the recipient’s explicit consent. Falling under the definition of sexual assault are sexual activities such as forced sexual intercourse, forcible sodomy, child molestation, incest, fondling, and attempted rape.”

According to a survey carried out by Harvard, sexual assault on women have the highest number, followed by that of transgendered individuals. On average, sexual assault occurs every 73 seconds in America.

I am in no way denying the fact that the male folk also get raped or promote matriarchy. In fact, a named survey showed that male rape victims experience more trauma.

All we want is to reduce and prevent sexual assault on college campuses, irrespective of the gender involved.

Sexual Assault in Relationships on Campuses

It refers to sexual violence in relationships, including intimate partner rape, sexual and domestic violence, or marital rape.

Sexual violence in relationships often transpires alongside emotional or physical abuse. Understanding common warning signs can help victims identify unhealthy behavior and seek help.

For instance, there are reoccurring unhealthy behaviors like extreme jealousy, insults, destroying partners’ properties, or preventing them from going to school.

The bone of contention here is that victims often find it impossible to report abuse. Either because they are emotionally trapped or financially dependent on the abuser.

Well, several organizations exist to help survivors, including the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence.

What are the Different Types of Sexual Violence?

Sexual violence occurs in many forms. Below are just a few common types of sexual violence that students should be aware of. If you notice them, then you are probably assaulted.


This is the most common sexual assault tactic on college campuses.

It does not always take physical form. It could be verbal or nonverbal. If you feel unsafe or uncomfortable in any way, chances are, it’s a form of sexual harassment and should be reported promptly to the authorities.

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The feel of being stalked rather looks maniac. Except for the recent exposure to this subject, the authorities often dismiss college students who report this as illusionary.

It is the feeling that someone is following you often. It always starts as malicious. But walking with friends and not being seen alone can reduce the chances of you getting hurt. Also, you may want to report to the authorities.


It comes in the form of forcing someone to do something. Any force and foul play should not be tolerated by anyone. Experiencing this? It’s time to speak to an authority figure.


Sexual assault can involve anything from kissing or penetration without permission from the victim. It typically involves some coercion, even if the victim is trying to fight him or herself off.

It is an unconscientious act, and many college students struggle to report sexual assault.


This crime can happen anywhere, either in public or private. It calls for you to be alert and be and trust your instincts. Because if something doesn’t feel right, then it probably isn’t.

Actually, a study shows that one out of every five females is acclaimed as a victim of rape.


This form of assault occurs when the victim is in a vulnerable state and is not able to know what is happening or remember afterward.


This is the most frequently occurring sexual assault on college campuses. Friends, boyfriends, and someone you thought you trusted can commit rape. This is why it’s important to stand your ground at the early stages and say no to potentially dangerous situations.

Prevention Tips for College sexual assault on Campus in 2024

The most effective remedy to sexual assault on college campuses is to enlighten and educate students on the preventive measures at their disposal.

In order to discuss this, it may; we will divide the measures to prevent sexual assault into three.

  • Pre-event, before an event with the potential to cause an injury happens (before an assault)
  • During an event that can cause an injury ( during an assault)
  • After the event occurs (after an assault).

Prevent tips before an assault.

Students can practice several precautionary tactics to reduce risks and increase their sense of security. The following are steps for students to consider:

#1 Title IX

Title IX requires colleges and universities to report incidents of sexual violence and to track patterns of sexual misconduct and other behaviors that create a hostile environment for women.

In spring 2011, the Office for Civil Rights offered additional guidance for interpreting Title IX in its “Dear Colleague Letter.” The letter states that institutions are required to “take immediate action to eliminate the harassment, prevent its recurrence, and address its effects.

This is a law by the US judiciary.


Self-defense is not only a good practice for your health, but it’s also a great way to protect yourself when needed. It trains people on awareness. Check if your college has a self-defense course and enroll.


If you’re going out, let someone know where you will be at. This way, they won’t worry that you went missing unwillingly.

Don’t ever leave drinks open to go use the ladies or gents! Many friends and foes alike are potential predators.


Most colleges offer a campus escort service. It is for promoting campus safety. Take advantage of it!


Avoid telling people about your location on social media. Stalkers can easily locate you.

Consider making your profile private, or don’t tag locations to photos you post online until you’re no longer at the location. This way, people cannot locate or even threaten you.

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If you’re going out, go with either a whistle or pepper spray.

A whistle will be great for getting the attention of others while calling for help, while pepper spray comes in handy if you don’t necessarily have self-defense skills. Break a window, pull a firearm, just about anything to get the attention of others.

#7 Utilize multiple routes and well-lit areas

 Campuses have multiple routes to get to the same destination. To reduce the risk of sexual assault on college campuses, switch routes. While dark shortcuts reduce travel time, students should also stay in well-lit areas at night.

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During the Assault Tips

Having this knowledge below can give you the confidence to step in when something isn’t right. But it should never put your own safety at risk.

#8 Create a distraction

Do what you can to interrupt the situation. A distraction can give you a chance to escape.

Suppose you find yourself confronted by an assailant. In that case, you must remember that while screaming and struggling may, in some instances, frighten off an assailant, in other instances, such action may further antagonize him/her and bring a more violent action.

Distraction is very important.

#9 Ask directly

Talk directly to the person who might be in trouble. Ask questions like “Who did you come here with?” or “Would you like me to stay with you?”

#10 Refer to an authority

Sometimes the safest way to intervene and prevent sexual assault is to refer to the authorities to check the situation, like an RA or security guard.

Don’t hesitate to call 911.

#11 Enlist others

It can be intimidating to approach a sexual assault scene alone, especially as an unarmed female. Enlist another person to support you.

Ask someone to come with you to approach the person at risk. When it comes to expressing concern, sometimes there is power in numbers.

After an Assault

#12 Get to a safe place

Because victims of sexual assault often experience fear and disorientation. They, however, need to immediately leave the location where the attack occurred and find a safe place.

#13 Document what happened

 Since predators often know their victims. Therefore, survivors should get evidence. Where difficult to ascertain, victims should not change their clothing or shower because authorities can use kits to confirm the predator’s DNA.

#14 Reach out for help and support

 Victims can go straight to the hospital and get to file a report. However, they can also contact the National Sexual Assault Hotline, where a trained representative can provide assistance and direction.

College sexual assault victims who feel uncomfortable calling the police can use their smartphones to report assault through apps such as JDoe and Callisto.

Seek counseling.  Contact your campus health service office and inform them you need a crisis counselor who specializes in sexual assault. You can also contact the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-HOPE to speak with a counselor over the phone immediately.

#15 Seek medical attention

Receiving medical attention provides many benefits.

For instance, health practitioners can collect samples to confirm the identity of predators. In fact, many facilities only allow 72-96 hours for collecting forensic evidence. They also screen for STIs or offer medicine that can prevent HIV. Medical practitioners can also help drugged victims.

 By law, colleges and universities that receive Title IX funding must respond to reports of sexual violence immediately. If schools do not follow through, students can take legal action.

While taking legal action requires the victim to come forward and expose their experience to other people, it also creates awareness for other students and holds the predator accountable.

Students who experience sexual violence outside of rape should still seek medical assistance. Responses to sexual violence include suicide and severe anxiety.

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How to Recover from a sexual assault on college campuses?

Survivors often struggle with resuming their normal daily activities in the aftermath of a sexual assault.

They should work with their physicians, counselors, and instructors to take the appropriate time off to recover from their trauma.

Even after physical wounds heal, psychological and emotional scars seldom heal easily. And they serve as painful reminders. They may suffer the risk of chronic emotional distress.

RAINN lists the following as some of the most common aftereffects of sexual violence:

  • Depression
  • Disassociation
  • Eating disorders
  • Flashbacks
  • Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Pregnancy
  • Self-harm
  • Sexually transmitted infections
  • Sleep disorders
  • Substance abuse
  • Suicidal thoughts

With the right help, there are ways to cope with these after-effects.

It is very important those sexually assaulted seek professional help. They might not feel like they need counseling; however, emotional and mental distress can manifest, especially during periods of high stress.

Because of this, they need their non-critic loved ones around at this crucial moment.

Sexual Assault on Campuses in 2024 FAQs

What is the survey on sexual assault

A 2019 Association of American Universities survey on sexual assault and misconduct polled over 150,000 students at 27 universities.

Data revealed a 13% non-consensual sexual conduct rate. Statistics provided by the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network also indicate that female college students between 18-24 remain three times more likely to experience sexual violence.

What is rape culture?

Rape culture exists when sexual violence becomes normalized and excused in society.

What are the common traits of rape culture?

Common traits of rape culture include objectification of women’s bodies, encouraging male sexual aggression against women, and condonation of physical or emotional abuse against women.

Behaviors may include victim-blaming or criticizing women’s appearance.

How can I prevent rape on campus?

Students can increase their safety on campus by locating the campus police station, storing the campus police phone number, and finding emergency phones around campus.

What are the things to do to prevent rape?

– Students should also avoid posting their location and consider traveling in groups in the evening. Many campus security patrols offer to escort groups to their destinations.

What do colleges do to rape viticms?

– Victims should go to their campus health center for an exam and file a police report. Victims can also file a civil protection order as a temporary restraining order. Universities often provide support services to address the mental and emotional impact commonly associated with sexual assault.
– While initiatives vary by university, the Clery Act requires postsecondary schools to disclose security procedures and campus-related crime statistics.
– The government also issued the Title IX law, which prohibits sexually-based discrimination for federally funded programs. Amendments to Title IX include regulations for campus sexual assault.


It has been proven that strangers only perform 19% of sexual assaults.

So, you probably need to be careful of that friend or acquaintance who is becoming somewhat too friendly.

To prevent sexual assault from even happening, we need to be super careful in our environments.

We wouldn’t want you to be a victim; hence, adhere to the these we have talked about.

Most importantly, follow your instincts. Staying back at its promptings can remedy a soar situation that may have arisen.

World Scholarship Forum cares! Your safety is our Joy!



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