Top 10 Public High Schools In Polk County District  | Updated

Polk County is home to some of the best public schools in the United States. With each school determined to bridge the education gap in their community, you are guaranteed quality education that will open several employment opportunities and also meet several job requirements for you. All this is equally dependent on your dedication to achieving high grades while enrolled in order to increase your chances in a competitive job market.

Florida public schools have continuously grown to become the go-to for many parents in recent years and we shall look at why. Academic excellence is a priority for every student and with a great school, the dream becomes easier for you. We shall also let you in on the best public high schools in Polk County district later on.

What Are Public Schools?

Public schools just like private schools are learning institutions which however are funded by local, state, and federal governments. Polk county public schools provide learning opportunities from kindergarten through grade 12 for your child.

The far more common education your child will receive in Polk county public schools focuses on science, technology, and arithmetic. Students with a passion for social studies, fine art are not left out.

While most of the students get to narrow down on their area of interest in their studies when they are joining secondary level, you should also expect this option of picking electives in your journey through high school.

This includes foreign languages, advanced studies in science and mathematics, or vocational topics among other opportunities. Public schools also offer extracurricular activities as part of their school programs.

What Is The Polk County Public High Schools Curriculum Like? 

The curriculum for public school education in most cases is developed at the district level but they must follow the rules and regulations of the state and federal government. These regulations include testing the intelligence of the students following the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 where each state must develop the basic skills assessment to be given to the public school students in certain levels of education if they are to receive federal funding.

The fact that public schools which receive Title I funding from the federal government should show their annual yearly progress (AYP) should not be left out. Schools that don’t show AYP are expected to complete particular tasks aimed at improvement, such as offering free tutoring, extending school time, or replacing staff.

And yes! Most parents and students are interested in public school education with extracurricular activities and public schools are the best option on the menu. These activities are held especially before or after school, helping you build your skills in areas like music, drama, speech, etc.

Many Polk County public schools give you the chance to compete in teams and individual sport. Teachers in public school education should be certified by the state as far as the curriculum goes.

This certification also requires ongoing education and periodic renewal of credentials. Private and charter schools on the other hand do not have this requirement.

Should I Join Polk County Public Schools?

The cost of public school education in Polk county public high schools is so affordable compared to the private schools. Here in public schools in the Polk County district, every child in the community stands a chance.

There is no discrimination of students whether they are academically poor in performance or are financially weak. This ensures that every student in the community and the neighborhood gets a chance to education. Thus students of different cultures are exposed to each other whether they are rich or poor.

This also provides a chance to work with other students who have physical and mental disabilities. This diversity of the student fraternity is vital in the learning experience of all students attending the Polk county public schools.

Why Attend A Public School In Polk County?

There is a diverse of resources needed in offering education opportunities like advanced classes and special courses relating to technology and arts in Florida public schools. The chances of excelling in Polk county public schools are so high not only in academic performance but also in other areas not inclined to academic acceleration like extracurricular activities.

This helps you to find choices at your ability as well so that you can supplement their choices in the classroom. After school, the various options in extracurricular activities keep you learning and excelling in your areas of interest. The extracurricular activities range from athletics to music and theatre and all these are offered in Polk county public schools.

Public schools in the Polk County district are held accountable by the state in terms of academic performance and are answerable to the higher authorities. This prevents abuse and leads to the management of failing public schools since they are accounted for.

Students in Polk county public high schools score comparably to those in private ones and the public schools being preferred by many as their first choice for education is not a surprise.

Read: Fairfax County Public Schools Review| Admission, Tuition, Requirements, Scholarship

How Is The Learning Environment?

Funding for Polk county public schools is often dependent on the number of students in a school, with consideration for smaller, more manageable classroom sizes. Typically, class sizes in public schools tend to remain smaller in the early years, from kindergarten through about third grade. At that point, classes may gradually grow in accordance with the student’s age and ability to work independently.

Public schools often outscore students in charter schools. While some public schools turn up relatively poor results, the general performance of public schools is great. In the comparison of student demographics, public schools are right up there with other types of schools.

While many are complaining about the state of public schools today – and some with good reason – these schools are still working effectively for the majority of students in the system.

How Do I Get A Public School Scholarship In Polk County District?

Though public schools are free and open for everyone, some parents may need financial support to access better opportunities in certain areas of study like science and sports. This financial support also covers other expenses at a campus like a residence, lunch, books, etc.

Therefore applicants need to consider various sets of skills that are admired when considering the best options to take up the scholarship. One of them is a leadership skill.

The leadership skills make the applicant an outstanding option and one can demonstrate this by volunteering to lead a particular project in extracurricular activities or community work. Academic excellence also gains the applicant more weight.

A great academic track record and pleasing personal qualities in one’s letters of recommendation give one priority over others when being awarded the scholarship.

The application requires you to follow these steps;

  • Read the application guidelines carefully
  • Reach out to the scholarship provider for more details and clarification.
  • Submit an exceptional scholarship essay or cover letter.

There are no fixed rules to be eligible for the scholarship. Though some would only need one to complete an application form, others may need one to present special written work or study in a particular area.


How Much Does It Cost To Attend A Public School In Polk County District?

It’s common that one has to incur costs in funding their education and talents like participating in sports teams. Florida public schools, however, are more budget-friendly than the private ones since their programs are funded by the government which makes the services they provide near to free.

Private schools also get additional funding from private donors besides student tuition. The parents in private schools need to invest their time and money in fundraising events of the schools throughout the year. While public schools also participate in fundraisers, the majority of their funding is from state or local government sources.

Florida public schools are paid for by the government through local taxes. They are generally free with the exception of some small fees. From a wide perspective, tuition is free in public schools may be for foreign students and other unusual cases.

Public schools in the Polk County district, however, can decide to charge families some fees for certain activities and services depending on the school and the program. Therefore parents will always incur some expenses for services like food, personal supplies, etc.

How Do I Join A Polk County Public High School?

You need to provide a physical address and some form of identification for the child when enrolling your child in a public school. The general requirements needed when joining a public school include;

  • A birth certificate or passport
  • Proof legal guardianship
  • Student’s health exam records
  • The student’s shot records
  • And previous school records if any


To verify your legal name, age, immunizations, and physical exam, residence, and guardianship, you need;

  • Official birth certificate or passport

Registration packet

Once you have all the necessary documentation and school requirements;

  • Download and complete the registration packet
  • Email the complete registration packet and all the required documentation to the school.

For public schools in Polk County district that require parents to fill out application forms, you can check with your district administrator for more information and help in those matters.

Most schools will require the parents to fill out emergency contact forms in case a child has an emergency at school and the parent is not available. These forms may also ask for medical insurance information.

The Top 10 Public Schools In Polk County District In 2022


#1.  Hartridge Academy

Hartridge Academy is a learning institution where instructors expose learners to innovative experiences and guide them through relevant application and evaluation of those experiences.

The Hartridge Academy students are goal-oriented with aspirations of becoming future-ready for college and career success.

HA emphasizes that students should be allowed to correct their own mistakes. With this, teachers learn each student’s learning style.

School performance:

  • Math: 90-94%
  • Reading: 90-94%

 #2. Polk Pre-collegiate Academy

Polk Pre-Collegiate Academy (PPCA) is a unique 9th and 10th grade Academy of Applied Discovery program that is set to accomplish the highest academic achievement possible for your child.

This is through a safe and nurturing school they created while building a community within the school that equips you in developing skills, habits, and competencies that produce an educated citizenry rooted in healthy, personalized, and productive relationships.

The child’s freedom to choose, move, choose their work is respected. Polk Pre-collegiate Academy lets your child learn by watching and interacting with other children.

School performance:

  • Best Charter High Schools in Florida: #10 of 148
  • Reading: 87%
  • Math: 85%

 #3. Magnolia Montessori Academy

Magnolia Montessori Academy is a charter school that believes all children can learn and succeed.  They promote an exemplary learning environment in the school.

Magnolia Montessori Academy builds the foundation of this community through meaningful relationships, relevant and engaging learning, and effective communication.

Your child is encouraged to use sensory-based learning tools that isolate a skill or concept, encourage hands-on learning and problem-solving.

School performance:

  • Math: 80-89%
  • Reading: 80-89%

#4. South Mckeel Academy

South Mckeel Academy understands the critical connection between home and school.  They challenge themselves to be champions for all students. Your child will be in a studying community that expects excellence from one another, carry the banner of positivity, and strive to be a merchant of hope.

Mckeel Academy believes their success will build lifelong, confident learners, who have the tools necessary for success.

School performance:

  • Math: 85%
  • Reading: 81%

#5. Mckeel Academy Of Technology

Mckeel Academy Of Technology is committed to providing your child with challenging learning opportunities and academic support that motivates and empowers them to achieve college and career readiness through a rigorous program set within a small and safe learning environment.

School performance:

  • Math: 85%
  • Reading: 80%

#6.  Bartow Elementary Academy

The focus of Bartow Elementary Academy is to provide the very best education for your children in order to equip them to successfully continue their education.

The program focuses on a challenging integrated curriculum emphasizing the foundations of reading, writing, and math. They also focus on hands-on science, career Exploration, cultural awareness, and character education.

School performance:

  • Math: 83%
  • Reading: 77%

#7. Lawton Chiles Middle Academy

Lawton Chiles Middle Academy is a family partnership dedicated to inspiring and preparing your child to become productive global citizens. Their desire is for everyone to use life skills, technology, and innovative experiences to build tomorrow’s leaders.

School performance:

  • Math: 79%
  • Reading: 75%

#8. Valleyview Elementary School

Valleyview Elementary School is a choice school that cultivates productive citizens to compete in the global society. This is to educate students through a relevant and innovative curriculum integrating technology and real-life endeavors.

The spirit of collaboration and trust that has become ever so apparent as the school has developed is one of Valleyview Elementary School’s key success factors.

School performance:

  • Math: 84%
  • Reading: 75%

#9. Lakeland Montessori School House

Lakeland Montessori School House is committed to providing a learning atmosphere that fosters and maximizes your child’s achievement by using a technologically advanced and creative environment for all students to have the ability to succeed.

They aim to collaborate to ensure all students succeed and become life-long learners. They are continually building a strong foundation of learning to ensure that today’s students will be successful in tomorrow’s world.

Their commitment to upholding the highest standards of Montessori Education and working toward continuous school improvement is to be commended.

School performance:

  • Math: 70-79%
  • Reading: 90%

 #10. Union Academy

As a school, Union Academy will continue to build a professional learning community of life-long learners who will increase student achievement, personal integrity, civic responsibility, workplace literacy, and productive citizens of our community.

That spirit of collaboration and selflessness together with an extraordinary emphasis on an academic challenge, community service, and the development of strong character certainly defines UA.

Read: Culver Academies Review | Tuition, Requirements

School performance:

  • Math: 79%
  • Reading: 80%

Frequently Asked Questions




Yes, depending on the school because they’re not required to.

Some public schools offer online education programs.


Choosing the right school is scary to some parents and students especially when you have no clue. A lot of questions run through your mind about the impact, the credibility, and even the comfort of knowing you get your money’s worth after completing.

Polk County district schools offer some of the best facilities to enable you to excel like any other school with the resources.

The resources are dedicated to aiding every student in the journey throughout high school. We’ve done our part in making that decision easier for you on which Polk county schools will give you above-average education.

We would like to hear from you about your experience with Polk county schools. Please leave a comment below.



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