$100,000 UNESCO International Fund for Cultural Diversity –

The International Fund for Cultural Diversity (IFCD) is a multi-donor fund established under the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (2005) to support its implementation in developing countries.

The aim is to promote the emergence of dynamic cultural sectors in developing countries
Parties to the Convention by strengthening the means of creation, production, distribution, and access to various cultural goods and services.

The IFCD invests in projects that lead to structural change through:

  • The introduction and/or development of policies and strategies that directly affect the creation, production, dissemination, and access to a variety of cultural expressions, including cultural goods, services, and activities;
  • Building the human and institutional capacities of the public sector and civil society organizations that are considered necessary to support sustainable cultural industries and markets at the local and regional level in developing countries.

Level/ Field of Study

UNESCO Cultural Diversity 2024 covers the following courses:

Host Nationality

UNESCO Cultural Diversity Program is hosted by the International Fund for Cultural Diversity (IFCD).

If you are an international student and you desire to study in the UK, Check out the best scholarships obtainable for study in the UK

Eligible Nationality

UNESCO Cultural Diversity 2024 is opened for the following Developing country students only.


Aside from the UNESCO International Fund for Cultural Diversitythere are other scholarships available to international students to study abroad. You can check our scholarship by country to access all scholarships available.

UNESCO Cultural Diversity 2024 Worth

This Program worth USD 100,000. The Program period is at least 12 months – a maximum of 24 months

Eligibility for the UNESCO Cultural Diversity Program

To qualify for a UNESCO International Fund for Cultural Diversity, you must meet the following requirements.

  • Authorities and institutions in the eligible countries (developing countries, Contracting Parties to the 2005 Convention).
  • Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from eligible countries (developing countries, Contracting Parties to the 2005 Convention)
  • International non-governmental organizations (INGOs) registered in the Contracting States to the 2005 Convention

How to apply for UNESCO Cultural Diversity 2024

Step 1: Prepare the application form:

  • Download and check the funding request.
  • Download, save and complete the project framework (for Microsoft Excel (version 2011 or higher)).
    or similar applications)
  • Collect digital copies of any additional documents required for your application.

Step 2: Create your account at https://www.unesco.org/creativity/applicant/register;

Step 3: Complete the application form by:

  • Download the project framework and additional documents in specific areas
  • Make sure all fields are filled out and accept the terms and conditions before you complete your request.
  • Meetings, signing and clicking on the “SUBMIT” button to complete your application.
    Apply now

UNESCO Cultural Diversity 2024 Deadline 

The deadline for submission of applications for the UNESCO Cultural Diversity 2024 is June 13, 2024.

Official website

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