University of Gävle MBA Scholarships in Sweden, 

The University of Gävle is glad to announce its MBA Scholarships to Study in Sweden. And the new University of Gävle Study Scholarship is available for all new students who want to pursue an MBA program. This scholarship is available for students of all nationalities.

The aim of the scholarship is to provide the most excellent and high performing students a maximum amount of 75% of the tuition fee scholarship. The selection procedure will be on the basis of Letters of Motivation as well as registered study results.

The Master Program in Business Administration is a second-cycle study program at an advanced level for those who have a Bachelor of Science degree with business administration as the main subject.

The program prepares you to qualify for any business administration tasks in public and private organizations and companies or to be self employable.

About the University

University College of Gävle/Sandviken came into existence in 1977. Wenche Nerdrum-Ullman is the first Vice-Chancellor of the University.

Now the University of Gävle is second-best in Sweden among broad universities when it comes to the number of first-hand applicants to study programs.

Our Study Programme in Business Administration is the 12th most popular program in the country.

The University of Gävle offers you a creative place to study in a very good environment and comfortable areas in the university where all programs and courses are basically in the same place.

You may choose from around 50 programs and close to 500 freestanding courses. Study full time or part-time, evenings, through distance learning or over the Internet.

The University of Gävle MBA Scholarships Eligibility:

Applicants must meet the following criteria:

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  • A scholarship may only be granted by the University upon written application by an applicant or a student having been accepted for a program by the University provided that the applicant or student
  • – is covered by the obligation to pay a study fee under the ordinance 2010:718,
  • A Scholarship may only be granted for the duration of a program, as set out in its curriculum, i.e. a maximum of three (3) years for a Bachelor’s program and one (1) or two (2) years for a Master program.
  • A Scholarship covers 75% of the study fee for a program.
  • Scholarships are granted for the first year of studies and thereafter, upon grated prolongation, for the following years covered by the program.
  • For a scholarship to be prolonged after the first year of studies, the student granted a scholarship is required to obtain study credits equivalent to those required by the National Board or Student Aid (CSN) when granting study loans to students, i.e. 45 ECTS credits per year.
  • Where a student does not fulfill these requirements, the scholarship will be withdrawn and the student may be required to repay any funds paid out.
  • Scholarships can only be granted to applicants who applied at to his/her Study program in time.

Level/Field of Study

Scholarships are available to study the Master’s degree program at the University of Gävle.

Host Nationality

The scholarship takes place in SWEDEN.

Eligible Nationality

This scholarship is available for students of all nationalities.

Read also if you wish to study outside your home country: Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship.

University of Gävle MBA Scholarship Benefits

The scholarship offers a maximum amount of 75% of the tuition fee.

You can also check out these MBA scholarships that have a full tuition waiver.

How To Apply For The University of Gävle MBA Scholarships

All fields must be complete before you send in the application form.
Please click “Submit” to send the application. Please read the conditions before applying. (

They will review all applications in the middle of October. They will send all issues concerning the acceptance of scholarship and written confirmation of the “Conditions of Scholarship” through email with the Division of Communication and Strategic Partnerships at the University of Gävle.

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Scholarship Application Deadline:

Application for this scholarship is current;y closed as the autumn/spring session starts up in August.

The application for the 2024 scholarship has come to an end. Meanwhile, nominations for programs starting in August 2024 will take place in the middle of April 2024.

While the application period for 2024 scholarship is 16 October 2024 – 15 January 2022

Stay in touch as we bring you details on its reopening.

The University of Gävle MBA Scholarships FAQs

A scholarship may only be granted by the University upon written application by an applicant or a student having been accepted for a programme by the University provided that the applicant or student

If you have applied to the University of Gävle as your first-hand choice and you are obliged to pay tuition fee, you now have the possibility to apply for a scholarship for the MBA programme this coming spring 2024.

In Conclusion

The new University of Gävle Study Scholarship is available for all new students who want to pursue an MBA program. This scholarship is available for students of all nationalities.

In order to do that, we have provided all the necessary information you need to apply for this scholarship.


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