Uttar Pradesh Scholarship | UP Scholarship [UPDATED]

The Uttar Pradesh Scholarship or the UP Scholarship Department has invited you to fill out the Online Correction Form for Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 of the 2024 Session, and the Dashmottar Scholarship for undergraduates, Postgraduate Diploma, and certificate courses.

Candidates who have applied for an online scholarship form can now apply for a UP scholarship correction. Applicants can apply online for a UP Scholarship.

You will find detailed information on the UP scholarship application 2024 below. Are you worried about the UPScholarship? Do not worry, you will be guided throughout the process.

The UP Scholarship Portal provides an online opportunity to review the status of the Graduate Scholarship and the refund of the online application form for the out-of-state student for the 2024 semester.

Staff can be found on the National Scholarship website. The status of membership is changed and you are selected.

Just follow the simple steps to track the status of your UP scholarship application.

What is the Uttar Pradesh Scholarship?

Some time ago, students in Uttar Pradesh had to leave the pillar to use the post office to take advantage of the benefits offered by Uttar Pradesh, which included several Uttar Pradesh education programs, and provide tedious documentation.

The UP Scholarship Portal is a unique and simplified platform that helps Uttar Pradesh student academies to effectively and honestly benefit from scholarships. You can apply for a scholarship.

Host Nationality

The scholarship program will be hosted and organized in India. There are other Indian Scholarships available for International students in 2024. You can utilize these scholarship opportunities to solve most of your academics problems. Check out other scholarships you can apply for in 2024 to study in EuropeAfricaAsiaAmerica, etc.

Eligible Nationality

The scholarship will be open to only Indian students. Read also if you wish to study outside your home country Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship.

Eligibility for a Uttar Pradesh Scholarship

  • Resides in Uttar Pradesh.
  • Registered at school, college, institute or university.
  • Pre-Matric 9: Passed the Grade 8 Exam and participated in Class 9.
  • Pre-matric class 10: passed the grade 9 exam and is enrolled in grade 10.
  • Post-Matric 11: Successful Grade 10 exam and grade 11 enrollment.
  • Post-Matric 12: successful exam (11th year) and enrolled in 12th grade.
  • Dashmottar: Register for each UG, PG, certificate.

Course for Uttar Pradesh Scholarships available

All applicants from Uttar Pradesh’s home country will be enrolled in Class 9 2024 through UG, PG, diploma, certificate, or other scholarship forms.

How can I apply for a UP scholarship?

  • New candidates: These candidates have been registered this year or the scholarship form has not been completed in the past year. They are registered as new applicants.
  • Renewal Applicants: These applicants have been registered in recent years and must complete the scholarship form this year. Please use it as an extension candidate for UP scholarships
  • Please collect the entire document before applying online
  • If you do not have an annual non-refundable amount, please contact the registered college.
  • After completing the application process, submit the form within 3 days of finalizing the Form.

For more information, you must read the full instructions Here

UP Scholarship Status

Tracking UP scholarship Status After successfully submitting the UP Scholarship Application Form, you must print a printout of the application form for future reference. Click on the “Print Application” button.

You can check the status of your UP Scholarship application by clicking the Check Status tab on the UP Scholarship Portal.

UP Scholarship Renewal

The application procedures to avail UP Scholarship for both new candidates and Renewals are listed below.

New Candidate: You must first click on the “Student Login” tab on the UP scholarship Portal Start Page.

Fill out the registration form now according to the portal notification and click on the “Save” button. After registering the UP scholarship application, you will receive a temporary ID.

The portal asks you to submit your temporary ID, date of birth and mobile number and provide the following information. Once the listing is complete, click the Submit tab. Subsequently, a permanent registration ID is created, which can be used to extend UP scholarships and track the status of the scholarship application.

For renewals: You must apply for a renewal of the UPScholarship with your date of birth and your Candidate ID that you registered last year. The candidate can also use a forgotten application identifier to obtain his Uttar Pradesh Scholarship ID. Last year, only candidates who actually received UP scholarship grants from the scholarship.up.nic.in  portal can renew their scholarship.

How Can Students Register on the UP Scholarship Portal?

To qualify for the Uttar Government scholarships listed above, applicants must register on the scholarship portal, fill out the simple application form and provide their personal and school details.

Once you have completed all the required information and completed the scholarship application form, you can see a list of all UPScholarships that you can register in order to apply for the scholarship.up.nic.ni online scholarship application in other to register for this scholarship.

For students in Uttar Pradesh, we have developed a step-by-step approach to register for the UP scholarship Portal and complete the online application form. Students should follow the steps outlined below and make sure all the details you provide are true and valid.

Step 1: Log in to the Uttar Pradesh Scholarship Portal (USP).

First, go to the official website of the UP Fellowship Portal. On the Home screen, find and click the Up Student Login tab.

Step 2: Register on this Portal

  • You must register on the UP Scholars Portal before you can apply for a UP Scholarship.
  • Provide all the details in the required fields in this section.
  • After you have written all the personal information and submitted it, you will receive a temporary registration number.
  • The preliminary registration number will also be sent to the applicant’s registered mobile phone number for later use in the purse.
  • The applicant must register your temporary registration number until you have completed your online application process and received a permanent registration number.

Step 3: Sign up for the UP Fellowship Portal

If the candidate has received a provisional registration number, he can register on the UPScholarship portal using the temporary registration, the date of birth and the grant application for his mobile phone number.

Step 4: Complete the UP Scholarship Application Form

After completing the online registration process and registering with the Up Scholarship Portal with the applicant’s temporary birth date and mobile phone number, the applicant can begin to fill in your academic and personal data, upscholarship.nic.in.

The applicant must provide personal information and accurate bank details, as many incorrect accounts were removed from the Up Scholarship Portal last time.

Make sure that the above information is 100% correct as the amount of the UPS purse will be transferred using bank account details and personal information.

In the academic part of the online form, enter your current and previous academic details in the list of scholarship names.

You can see the different UPScholerships you can apply for based on your qualifications and your category details, for example. H. General/OBC/SC/ST/disabled upscholarship.nic.in.

Processing of UP scholarship e-shcolarship

The UP Fellowship Portal serves as a decision support system for various Uttar Pradesh ministries and departments, as updated information is available upon request.
Comprehensive MIS system to monitor each phase of UPScholarship payments, i.e. From student registration to money transfer on upscholarship.nic.in

Important Dates
CoursesOnline Application StartLast Date Of Apply OnlineLast Date Of Complete FormLast Date for Submit Hard Copy To Institute
Class 9th-10th01 July28 September 28 September 04 October 
Class 11th-12th01 July15 October 15 October 22 October 
Other Courses (Dashmottar)01 July22 November 22 November 28 November 


The Uttar Pradesh Scholarship or the UP Scholarship Department has recently been invited to the Online Correction Form for Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 of the 2024 Session, and the Dashmottar Scholarship for undergraduate, Postgraduate Diploma, and certificate courses.

Apply if eligible.


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