$3000 Vamos scholarship  %%sep%% %%sitename%%

VAMOS Scholarship 2024 application is ready to accept first-year degree-seeking students applying or attending accredited, non-profit, schools, or universities through the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley(UTRGV) scholarships and HSF scholarship.

The Rio Grande Valley community regularly faces financial hardship, but that shouldn’t hinder our graduating high school seniors from fulfilling their dreams of acquiring a college education.

VAMOS program attempts to help commendable students start and complete their postsecondary education with financial assistance through their scholarships.

VAMOS Scholarship 2022 is divided into three categories: VAMOS Scholarship, HSF scholarship and UTRGV scholarship. These scholarships are financial assistance that does not demand any form of repayment.

What You Need To Know About The VAMOS Scholarship program

Level/Field of Study

VAMOS program is open to high school seniors from Hidalgo, Starr and Cameron County.

Host Nationality

The Valley Alliance of Mentors for Opportunities and Scholarships(VAMOS) is organized in Rio Grande Valley, Texas, USA. They are devoted to making the dream of a higher education a reality for graduating high seniors of the Rio Grande Valley.

Eligibility  Nationality

VAMOS Scholarship is open to residents of Hidalgo, Starr or Cameron County regions of Rio Grande Valley, Texas, USA.

The HSF Scholarship and UTRGV scholarship are open to US citizens, lawful permanent residents, and qualifying non-US citizens. Although, the HSF Scholarship has been set aside for and restricted to Hispanic Students.

Scholarship Worth

VAMOS/HSF Scholarship

Eligible students attending the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley will receive $3,000 each year for over four academic years. All other eligible students attending other institutions will receive $5,000 each year.

VAMOS/UTRGV Scholarship

The VAMOS/UTRV Endowed Scholarship Program provides students with sustainable financial assistance for up to four undergraduate years or till graduation. The award sum equates to the student’s unmet financial demands according to the UTRGV Financial Aid Office.

The award number for your own VAMOS/UTRGV Scholarship won’t exceed the amount from the VAMOS Scholarship program.

VAMOS Scholarship Program Eligibility

The three categories of Scholarship have unique eligibility criteria.

VAMOS Scholarship

To be eligible for this scholarship, applicants must:

  • Be a high school senior at Hidalgo, Starr or Cameron County graduating at the spring.
  • Be a U.S. citizen or a legal permanent resident using a Social Security Number. Permanent residents should have lived in Hidalgo, Starr or even Cameron County for five successive years.
  • Register as a Fulltime student for 4 academic years at a US accredited university or college.
  • Have a GPA, not less 80/100 or even 2.5/4.0 and/or be among the top 30% of their graduating high school class.
  • Also, have passed the minimum SAT or ACT score requirements to the student’s university or college of choice.
  • Be qualified for Pell Grant.

HSF/VAMOS Scholarship

To be eligible for this scholarship, applicants must:

  • Be a US citizen, legal permanent resident or qualifying non-US citizen.
  • Be a high school senior in Hidalgo, Starr or Cameron County.
  • Have a GPA of not less than 3.0 out of 4.0.
  • Be qualified for a Pell Grant.
  • Seek full-time registration as a freshman to get a degree in a four-year accredited institution in the USA, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands or Guam.
  • Plan to seek federal financial assistance through the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

VAMOS/UTRGV Scholarship

To be eligible for this scholarship, applicants must:

  • Be a graduating high school senior from Hidalgo, Starr or Cameron County who intends to register UTRGV.
  • Be a U.S. citizen or qualified non-citizen.
  • Also, be among the Best 25% of their graduating class.
  • Prove financial requirements and also become Pell Grant-eligible based on the UTRGV School Funding Office and defined by FAFSA.

How to Apply For The VAMOS Scholarship Program

Candidates can get more information on the application for the VAMOS Program from the link below:

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Application Deadline

The application for the three VAMOS program categories is ongoing. Notwithstanding, deadlines for them have also been set as seen below.

VAMOS Scholarship 

The application deadline for this scholarship is dated April 2nd.

HSF/VAMOS Scholarship

Applications for HSF Scholarship should be submitted on or before the 30th of March.

VAMOS/UTRGV Scholarship

Applicants can apply for UTRGV Scholarship on or before the 5th of February.

Eligible candidates can make their VAMOS Scholarship application online following the link below:

VAMOS Scholarship

HSF/VAMOS Scholarship

VAMOS/UTRGV Scholarship


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