17 Best Volunteering Opportunities In New York 

If you live in New York City and wish to add in your little way to humanity, sign up for a volunteer opportunity. While few are aware, many volunteering opportunities are available in New York for individuals and groups.

You can decide to volunteer for few days to many weeks. It all depends on what best suits you.

Many platforms and websites provide you the opportunity to volunteer both locally and internationally. Before signing up for a  volunteer opportunity, ensure you find something you are passionate about doing.

Knowing your passion will help you choose the right platform to register as a volunteer. Websites like New York Cares provide daily volunteer opportunities for interested individuals.

Another good place to begin your search for a volunteer opportunity in New York is the official NYC Services website. There are hundreds of openings to volunteer. Just go for what best suits your passion.

Table of contents

Why Volunteer in New York?

Volunteering allows you to offer your effort and time in serving others without any reward or financial compensation. Volunteering is simply a way to contribute to the community. In most cases, you volunteer with a non-profit organization.

There are several non-profit organizations today that require the assistance of volunteers to accomplish their daily task and keep operating for a long time. It would be difficult for many non-profit organizations to be able to carry out their task without volunteers.

Undoubtedly, one person alone cannot affect the change the world desires. However, when people work together, better results are achieved. Volunteering remains a positive force contributing to international and local development. There is no better way to effect a change than offering your time, finances, expertise, and resources in assisting others. When you undertake services for others, you are also volunteering to develop your wellbeing.

There is no payment for working as a volunteer in New York. However, many benefits come with volunteering. Giving your time, knowledge, and in some cases, your finances to society can be rewarding to you and the beneficiaries as well.   

Volunteering in New York can be a memorable experience for you and a life-changing opportunity for the recipients. Have you ever thought of volunteering, or you’re still looking for reasons to do so? Below are some of the reasons to help you make up your mind about becoming a volunteer in New York.

#1. Volunteering Will Expose You To New Friends And Help You Grow Your Community

Undoubtedly, the best way to grow as an individual is by connecting with people of similar goals and purposes. Volunteering will allow will provide the opportunity to mingle with strangers and form bonds that can affect your life positively. Volunteering is a way of contributing to the life of others. The positive effect of volunteering is the development of a better positive interaction with people.

Volunteering brings people from different backgrounds who share the same set of values. Besides shared values like showing concern for children and women, healthy diet, healthier living condition, and further projects you come together to work on, volunteers also bring together people who share the following values:

  • People who are passionate about community development
  • Enthusiasm to serve outside their comfort zone
  • People who love to participate in group activities
  • People with the desire to improve the health of others

No matter who you are, volunteering is an opportunity to meet people of like-minds. It will help you develop a  sense of belonging and meaning in life. Volunteering is one way to grow and sustain a better support system.   

The bond from volunteering does not only stop at the level of community development. It can extend into other forms of relationships.

#2. Expand Your Knowledge About Others and Their Way of Life

In many instances, volunteering takes people to a new part of the town they have not been to before. Therefore, it is an opportunity to draw closer to people you may not have the privilege to meet. It also allows you the opportunity to meet with people from different professions. The experience can help you understand the way of life of others who do not share your background.

Volunteering will help you understand how to deal with different types of people and improve your social skills. It will help you develop a  better worldview and understanding of other people’s issues. Also, it will help you develop essential social skills like collaboration and compassion.   


#3. Volunteering Can Increase Your Happiness Through The Realization of Greater Self Purpose

We all love to live a happy life, and becoming happy requires finding purpose in life. According to research, volunteering is one way to experience a true sense of belonging. Therefore, the feeling of happiness can stem from volunteering.

As human beings, we endeavor to improve our social skills and become experts in our daily personal accomplishments. When we use these skills to achieve an even greater goal can be more satisfactory. Volunteering can fuel your motivation towards achieving more because it helps you find a purpose for your actions.

According to studies, building connections during your time as a volunteer can create a feeling of satisfaction and happiness in you. The consciousness that you are giving back for community purpose can be satisfying. Volunteering will also help you deal with emotional issues like irritation, nervousness, and sadness.

#4. Volunteering Has The Ability to Boost Your Self-Assurance

One way to increase your self-assurance is through volunteering at different services. The better time you put into learning new services and acquiring knowledge, the better person you become. Serving others remains a viable way to advance your skills and ability.

When you serve as a volunteer, it will help you build a sense of pride and increase your level of self-assurance. Volunteering is a form of self-challenge that earns you the gratitude of strangers. Emotionally, volunteering can make you feel better and happier as a person.

Volunteering keeps you away from negative thoughts because you focus more on contributing in positive ways to others.

#5. Move to the Next Level  of Your Career By Expanding Your Abilities

Volunteering provides you with a new set of skills that can be essential to building your career. If you wish to change your career to one that focuses more on the environment or society, becoming a volunteer can be your best way to gain the essential skills for your new career path.

Including the time you served as a volunteer to your resume can give your CV an edge above others. It simply tells your potential employer that you have the time to give back to society. Volunteering makes people better aware of their passion, willpower, and personality.

Volunteers give people a positive view about your love for contributing to society and your desire to pursue even bigger goals. Volunteering proves that you are willing to work towards global change. Thus, it can be the difference between you and the others when seeking a job.

Volunteering can also provide you with a clearer understanding of the field you are working in and discover the lapses in that area. The knowledge you acquire from volunteering can equip you for new spheres of endeavor. If you have an interest in entrepreneurship, volunteering can prepare you for a new business line. It can also inspire you to delve into the area of the non-profit organization.

#6. Volunteering Has Some Health Benefits

Volunteering has some health implications and is a way to deal with anxiety. Reducing stress has a lot of positive health effects on our body, some of which includes:

  • Better night sleep
  • Reduces your chances of chronic heart diseases
  • Reduces  your chances  of falling seriously ill

Giving our attention to others helps us to think less of our problems. Volunteering helps people to cultivate a profounder sense of gratitude. It can also be a way to release yourself from the irritations your feel about some issues. Are you worried about the harmful effect of plastic waste on the environment? Take action.

#7. Serving as a Volunteer have positive Implications On the Function of Your  Brain

When you sign up as a volunteer, you get new challenges to accomplish.  Therefore, it is a profound way to challenge yourself, thereby engaging your brain more positively. In many ways, volunteering can have positive impacts on your skill development. It will also improve your memory retention ability and reduce age-related memory loss risk. Therefore, volunteering is something everyone should consider once in a while.  

How To Begin Your Journey as a Volunteer in New York

There are many opportunities for those who wish to begin their volunteer journey in New York. You can volunteer in climate change and assist in planting new trees along the city park.

Also, you can become a volunteer Ambassador Member Chinatown-Manhattan and lend a hand in the fight against racial abuse. You can also sign up to help homeless victims of COVID-19. Below is a selection of volunteer opportunities available in different parts  of the city:

  • Help with the delivery of meals to the elderly
  • Provide support and care for teen mums
  • Attend training and assist survivors of sex trafficking
  • Assist in high school mentoring programs
  • Volunteer as a homework and tutoring assistance
  • Volunteer in relieving taxes for homeless neighbors
  • Serve as coach and guide to new and expectant moms
  • Volunteer as a translator
  • Serve as a teacher in Rikers Island  
  • Volunteer with the American Red Cross Society Greater New York Region
  • Volunteer in the Cultivate 30,000+ Acres Of City
  • Participate in the 10th Annual Riverkeeper Sweep 
  • Volunteer in the sorting and final selection of donated items in The Bronx
  • Volunteer as a Spanish speaker (Suitable for those who speak Spanish)
  • Ambassador Member Chinatown-Manhattan
  • Sign up as a  virtual class teacher volunteer
  • Volunteer as a Remote ESL Teacher in Brooklyn

The opportunities are endless, and you can expand your list of available volunteer opportunities. However, before you settle for an opening, ensure that it is a position you are passionate about occupying.   

How To Find Volunteering Opportunities In New York

There are numerous opportunities available in New York to become a volunteer. They include sports, politics, health care and mental wellness, and early days childhood development. Below are a few tips that can help you if you want to become a volunteer.

  • Decide your interest areas and search for organizations offering the same opportunity online. Many organizations offer volunteer opportunities. Before signing up with an organization for a  volunteer opportunity, it is essential to ask vital questions.
  • Visit verified sites like NYC Service and Volunteer New York to begin your search. You might find an opportunity that interests you. Also, visit other sites that offer volunteer opportunities to search for openings.
  • You can verify with your local community center for any available openings. You can also visit senior centers, non-profit organizations, and libraries, they usually have volunteer openings.

List Of 17 Best Volunteering Opportunities In New York In 2023

If you are looking for the right opportunity to volunteer in New York, below are 17 opportunities to volunteer in New York.  

#1. Help With The Delivery Of Meals To The Elderly

Location: Corona, Queens   

Citymeals on Wheel is dedicated her time to provide nutritional meals and company to New York’s elderly population.  Volunteers have to deliver food to these elderly ones every Monday and Wednesday by 9 am. Note that the days and times are subject to change.

The position is suitable for:

  • Anyone with a car
  • Groups who love  to assist the elderly
  • Families who love to care for the elderly

Duration of Volunteer: Mondays and Wednesdays 9 am

Activities: Deliver food to the elderly community in Corona, Queens. Volunteers will also assist in taking care of communities in need.

Stats: Open Mondays and Wednesdays check the link for more info about the opportunity.


#2. Provide Childcare  For Teen Mums Attending Bible Study

Location: Queens

Sign up with YoungLives, a Christian non-profit organization, and assist teen moms by providing support and encouragement. One of the duties of YoungLives is to equip young moms with the skills they need as parents. They also assist in providing childcare services for their children. The program aims to reduce the rate of dropout of teen mothers in NYC. At YoungLives, sharing the love of Christ is at the heart of their training.

The position is suitable for:

  • Individuals with a passion for children
  • Families with experience in childcare and teen mom welfare
  • Groups  who love to be with children

Duration of volunteering: (Non-Specified)

Activities: Assisting in childcare during in-person events. Ensure that the children of teen moms are well taken care of when during bible study hours. The duties include playing with children, feeding and hugging them to enable their moms to concentrate on parenting studies.

Stats: visit the link to request more information about the status of this volunteer opportunity.


#3. Attend Training And Assist Survivors Of Sex Trafficking

Location: The West Side, The East Side

Volunteer with Restore NYC, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing support to survivors of trafficking. They provide all-around services such as counseling, safe jobs, and housing for victims of trafficking. Restore NYC focuses on providing support for mainly women and immigrants.

To become a volunteer with Restore NYC, interested applicants must first attend a training/orientation session.

Suitable individual for the position include:

  • Individuals (must be over 18 years)
  • Groups

Duration of volunteering: Visit the official website of Restore NYC for more information about volunteer duration.

Activities: Volunteers will be saddled with the responsibility of counseling, and providing emotional support to victims of trafficking. Volunteers will help these individuals restore trust in humanity and build new relationships. In the end, victims will be ready to reintegrate into society.

Stats: volunteer training resumes this fall, 2024. Restore NYC will provide the date for interested applicants. You can click here to keep track of the date.


#4. Assist In High School Mentoring Programs

Location: The Bronx

A House On Beekman is a non-profit organization that provides series of educational mentoring programs. The organization is throwing its doors open to volunteers for its High School Mentoring Program. Interested individuals can sign up on the official website of the organization.

Suitable individuals for the position include:

  • Individuals who are passionate about tutoring and providing guidance

Duration of volunteering: Volunteer opportunity is open every Saturdays

Activities: Volunteers will assist in group activities and organize one-on-one mentoring for their mentees. They will also have the opportunity to serve underprivileged communities, children, and youths with a passion for education.

Stats: Due to COVID-19, A House on Beekman is no longer accepting new volunteers. However, you can show your interest by sending a message to the organization’s official e-mail. Visit the official website for more information about volunteering and other programs.


#5. Volunteer As A Homework And Tutoring Assistance

Location: Queens

Hillside Centre for Education needs assistance from volunteers to service areas like the Jamaican community, New York. If you are interested in contributing to the growth of underprivileged communities, you are welcome to sign up as a  volunteer with Hillside Centre for Education.

The program targets to support migrants and break down the barriers between them and society. You can also assist the program by making cash donations.

To be eligible for a volunteer position, you will provide:

  • Two referees,
  • Pass an interview
  • Attend the organization’s online orientation.  

Volunteering opportunity is open to:

  • All individuals ready to assist as tutoring and homework assistants

Duration: Not Specified

Activities:  Volunteers are responsible for organizing English classes, serve as mentors both physically and virtually and help the beneficiaries build better relationships with people.

Stats: Volunteering opportunity is open weekly to interested individuals. Visit the official website and get involved in the program.


#6. Volunteer In Relieving Taxes For Homeless Neighbours

Location: Downtown

City Relief is looking for volunteers to sign up with their non-profit organization. One of the requirements for volunteering is a basic knowledge of how the IRS website works. An experience in tax filing and helping others file their taxes is also necessary.

City Relief provides training materials from the Legal Aid Society as a volunteer preparation guide.

The volunteer opportunity is suitable for:

  • Individuals with experience in tax remittance
  • 16+ during the time of application and no more than 65 years

Duration: 3 hours daily (from 11 am to 1 pm). In some cases, volunteers may serve for up to 4 hours.

Activities: City Relief aims to show love and care for others. Therefore, volunteers can offer activities like cleaning the spaces, serving soup, and praying with people. The volunteer will assist in organizing outreach and supporting people with tax issues. City Relief ensures that all-volunteer receives the support they require via a thorough briefing.

Stats: Open January 1st to December 31st, 2024. You can visit the official website and check the volunteer calendar for a suitable date to resume.


#7. Serve As Coach And Guide To New And Expectant Families

Location: To be decided between the mentor and the individual

Under the Expect Hope mentoring program for new and expectant families, you can volunteer in many ways. Visit the official website to find the different ways and select what best suits you. The organization focuses on demonstrating Christ-centered love and fostering family unity.

 The opportunity is suitable for:

  • Individuals with a sound Christian background and sound knowledge of the religion

Duration: Depending on the position, at least 1 hour per week.

Activities: the activities differ according to the volunteer position. Visit the official volunteer page of Expect Hope to see the available volunteer positions.

Stats: Sign up with Expect Hope to see available positions and opening dates.


#8. Volunteer As A Translator

Location: Brooklyn

Recovery House of Worship Brooklyn helps to give hope to hurting people by creating the environments for them to heal. The organization is devoted to equipping people with the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Recovery House of Worship Brooklyn is opening its doors to volunteers who can act as translators to help them serve the people better.

The volunteer position is open:

  • Individuals  who understand Spanish, Cantonese, and Mandarin and are willing to serve as translators
  • Groups who are willing to help in the distribution of food items
  • Families who are passionate about assisting people in pain

Duration: Volunteers resume work on Saturday morning and last as long as the service requires.

Activities: include sharing the good news about Christ to homeless communities and providing them with physical aid. Other activities are packing and sorting gift items for the needy. Volunteers will also be responsible for sharing meals to the needy as part of the organization’s goal.

Stats: find out about the availability and stats of the program via the following link.


#9. Serve As A Teacher In Rikers Island 

Location: The Bronx

Prison Fellowship is organizing a 12-week intensive program for the occupants of Riker’s Island. The organization aims to lecture people (especially men) who are working towards becoming better individuals. Some of the issues the organization hopes to address include relationships, addictions, substance abuse, and issues relating to crime.

Eligible volunteer includes:

  • Individuals who have  completed the online Prison Fellowship application
  • People with the ability to transform others are also suitable candidates for the position

Duration: May vary as the need requires. Verify from the organization about the schedule. 

Activities: to become eligible for the volunteer position, applicants must fill an online Prison Fellowship form. A Prison Fellowship staff will contact all successful volunteer applicants. The next step is interview and training for successful applicants. The duty of the applicants includes intensive weekly tutoring from Monday to Friday.

Stats: visit the affiliate link for more information about the program and times of openings.


#10. Volunteer With The American Red Cross Society Greater New York Region

Location: Greater New York Region

There is no better way to give back to society than serve humanity in times of need. The American Red Cross Society provides an opportunity for volunteers to make a difference through impacting lives in the face of difficult situations. The pillars  of the Red Cross  Society include:

  • Compassion
  • Commitment
  • Credibility
  • Creativity
  • Collaboration

Under the Red Cross Society volunteer program, there are different volunteer opportunities. A recruiter will help you decide on a suitable volunteer opportunity for you.

The Red Cross Society relies on the services of volunteers to carry out up to 90% of her duties. Take that big step today by signing up as a  volunteer with the American New York Society, Greater New York Region.

Suitable individuals for this position must be:

  • At least 18 years old to be eligible to apply
  • Youth volunteers under 18 should contact local authorities for information

Duration: as little as  4 hours per week and over 40 hours per week. The duration depends on how much time a volunteer is willing to spare.

Activities: the activities of the Red Cross Society vary, ranging from managing patients in crisis zone to volunteering from home. Visit the official website of the Red Cross Society for more information about the organization’s activities.   

Stats: Volunteer opportunity with the Red Cross Society is usually open all year round. You can start your application today by visiting the official website of the Red Cross Society Greater New York.


#11. Volunteer in the Cultivation of 30,000+ Acres Of City

Location: Staten Island, Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens, Manhattan

New York city’s department of Parks and Gardens is in charge of city ecology. Part of their responsibilities includes taking care  of:

  • 30,000+ acres of the city
  • Millions of trees
  •  800 athletic fields
  • About 1000 playgrounds
  • Recreation centers
  • Beaches and pools etc.

Following her 2024 theme, Restore Our Earth, the department has many activities lined up for the 2024 Earth’s day celebration. The department is on the mission to cultivate over 30,000 acres of land. Achieving this goal requires the assistance of volunteers. Therefore, you can sign up with the department to assist in this life-changing project.

The volunteer opportunity is suitable for:

  • Individuals
  • Groups

Duration of volunteer: One (1) month.

Activities: range from tree planting events to garden tours. Volunteers will assist in the planting of new trees at different locations and participate in green infrastructure maintenance. Also, volunteers will participate in the collection of litter.

Stats: volunteer opportunity is open from the 17th of April to the 30th of April. Visit the official website of the department for further information about further openings.


#12. Participate in the 10th Annual Riverkeeper Sweep 

Location: Hudson

The Hudson River Park Trust is in charge of maintaining 400 acres of an estuarine sanctuary established in 1998. The department centers its effort on:

  • Fish ecology, ensuring good water quality
  • Cleaning shoreline debris, pathogens, and microplastics

In celebration of the 10th annual Riverkeeper Sweep, the organization is opening its doors to volunteers. There is a good number of opportunities to volunteer with Hudson River Park Trust and contribute your quota in creating a safer environment for us.

The volunteer opportunity is suitable for:

  • Individuals
  • Groups

Duration: One (1) month. 

Activities: Some of the activities volunteers will engage in include tree planting and shoreline cleaning. Riverkeeper volunteers service over 125 project location sites across New York City.

Stats: volunteer opportunity with Hudson River Park Trust is open from the 30th of April to May 1st. For future openings and activities, visit the official website for more information.


#13. Volunteer In The Sorting And Final Selection Of Donated Items

Location: The Bronx

World Vision is a non-profit organization responsible for taking care of vulnerable populations in New York City. Some of the duties of World Vision include servicing the needs of the people, organizations, and churches under their care.

The volunteer opportunity is open to:

  • Willing individuals who are at least 18 years to volunteer
  • Volunteers under 17 must provide a consent letter from an adult

Duration: Open every Monday from 11 am-3 pm, and 10 am to 2 pm from Tuesday to Fridays. To be eligible as a volunteer, you need to register 24 hours ahead of your date of interest.

Activities: involves sorting different kinds of items for final distribution. Therefore, it involves standing for length and lifting boxes of various weights. Volunteers should be able to endure standing and be capable of lifting boxes. A closed-toe shoe is a requirement for the position. The volunteer will help to serve communities in need.

Stats: Volunteer opportunity is open from Monday to Friday every week. Visit the affiliate link to request information.


#14. Volunteer as a Spanish Speaker (Suitable For Those Who Understand The Spanish)

Location: Midtown, Queens, The East Side, The West Side, Staten Island, The Bronx, Uptown Brooklyn, Downtown

Safe Families for Children is a non-profit organization that provides support for families in crisis. The organization creates a kind of extended support to families in need by connecting them to volunteer families. At the heart of the community, goals are the desire to keep families intact and children safe. There are numerous opportunities to volunteer with Safe Families for Children.

Safe Families for Children are offering volunteer opportunities for people who can understand and speak the Spanish language. The volunteer should also be willing to serve as family friends. He or she should also be ready to provide to less privileged families and their children.

The position is suitable for the following:

  • Individuals
  • Families
  • Groups

Duration: One (1) hour every week for six months

Activities: includes serving communities in need, tutoring, and mentoring children of families in crisis. Volunteers will build relationships with families in need by providing support and encouragement. Volunteers will also assist the families in need with childcare once in a while.

Also, volunteers need to go through an approval process before the organization matches them up with suitable families.

Stats: Visit the official link for information about the status of this opportunity.


#15. Volunteer with E-girl Power as Ambassador Member, Chinatown-Manhattan

Location: Chinatown-Manhattan

E-girl Power is Looking for Volunteer Ambassadors to be a part of championing their course of action. The mission of e-girl power is to stand against racial slurs and hatred towards Asian women of the Chinatown-Manhattan community. The organization also assists in supporting educational activities and youth empowerment.

The opportunity is open to:

  • Individuals
  • Groups

Duration of volunteer: Visit the official website for further details about the duration

Activities: The duty of the volunteer includes planting new floras, ensuring the sidewalk is neat, and clearing off graffiti from the walls.

Stats: Visit the website for information about opening dates and opportunities.  


#16. Sign Up As A  Virtual Class Teacher Volunteer

Location: New York City

The Open Door is a Christian non-profit organization. Their core responsibility is bringing immigrants to the knowledge of God. They help immigrants to develop their full God-given abilities and use them for the positive development of society. The Open Door has a mission to lead a new kind of community with different people working together. The organization aims to model a standard of a community.

The opportunity is suitable for:

  • Individuals with a good understanding of the Spanish language  
  • Volunteers must be 18 years or over at the time of the application

Duration: Virtual classes Tuesdays and Thursdays evenings. See website for details.  

Activities: teaching computer and mathematics classes in the Spanish Language. The organization also requires the services of a teacher for English as a Second Language. Suitable volunteers for the position should be able to use the Zoom application proficiently.

Stats: Volunteer opportunities available every Tuesday and Thursday. You can visit the affiliate website to request more information about available openings. 


#17. Volunteer as a Remote ESL Teacher in Brooklyn

Location: Brooklyn

The Brooklyn Arab American Friendship Center is a non-profit organization. They aim to teach the English language (ESL) to Arab and Arab American families. The organization aims to help Arab and Arab American families develop meaningful friendships and overcome cross-cultural barriers. The center has currently opened its doors to volunteers who can teach English as a Second Language to its community.

To be eligible for this volunteer position, you must:

  • Be a member of a local church
  • Complete a volunteer application form and pass the organization’s interview.
  • Volunteer must be over 24 years to be eligible.

Duration: (Not provided) visit the Hope For New York site for more information about the opening.

Activities: the activities of the volunteer include tutoring and mentoring Arab-American families. They will also help families build better relationships with others. Other services include rendering professional services as specified by the organization and organizing virtual classes.

Stats: Complete volunteer application for further information or send a request via the HFNY website.  



Volunteering opportunities in New York is a great opportunity to mingle with the people and relate to New York’s diverse culture and people.

It allows you to touch areas of the city you may not be conversant with and build a new network of people. It also allows you to savor the beauty of the cities natural parks.

There is no better way to add value to the community than volunteering your energy and time. If you are still sitting on the fence, today is a  great opportunity to dive in and become a part of New York City’s development.


  • nycservice.orgCelebrating Ten Years of Service in New York City. (2024). Retrieved from NYC Services:
  • volunteermatch.org – Power, E. (n.d.). Volunteer Ambassador Members- Chinatown Manhattan #StopAAPIHate #StopAsianHate. Retrieved from Volunteer Match:
  • thrillist.com – Reddy, S. (2024, April 12). 15 IRL Ways to Combat Climate Change in NYC: Volunteer opportunities and climate-focused cultural events across all five boroughs for Earth Day and beyond. Retrieved from Thrillist:


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