Washington CPA Foundation Scholarship

The Washington DC Certified Public Accountants Foundation is pleased to offer WCPA Scholarship to accounting students currently studying at an accredited college or university in Washington State, with a minimum of 3.0 GPA. This Washington CPA Foundation Scholarship is worth $250,000.

The Washington CPA Foundation offers the opportunity to help more students fulfill their dreams of having a CPA. 50 (50) winners will receive more than the $ 5,000 tuition fee only.

The Washington Society of Certified Public Accountants is the only organization in the state of Washington to address the CPA business needs, educate consumers about CPA and its services, and encourage students to study accounting and to access the profession.

Get current information on WCPA Scholarship 2024 on this forum. This section of our site is entirely for self-determined students like you who want to make a difference in the academic field.

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What You Need to Know About WCPA Scholarship 2022

Level/Field of Study

WCPA Scholarship covers accounting programs and it’s designed for college-level students. If you are not qualified for this scholarship due to your level, you can check out our Undergraduate scholarships, Masters scholarships, and Ph.D. scholarships.

Host Nationality

WCPA Scholarship is hosted by Washington DC Certified Public Accountants Foundation and can be taken in the USA.

There are other US Scholarships available for International students in 2024. You can utilize these scholarship opportunities to solve most of your academics problems. Check out other scholarships you can apply for in 2024 to study in Europe, Africa, Asia, America, etc.

Eligible Nationality

CPA Scholarships is an international scholarship that is open to all countries of the world.

Read also if you wish to study outside your home country Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship.

Aside from CPA Scholarships, there are other scholarships available to international students to study abroad. You can check our scholarship by country to access all scholarships available.

Washington CPA Foundation Scholarship Worth

  • The Washington CPA Foundation offers scholarships of more than $ 250,000 to accounting students at recognized colleges and universities.
  • Scholarships are for study purposes only and will be paid directly to the specified university or university.

Number of CPA Scholarships

40 CPA Scholarships awards are offered annually.

Eligibility for Washington CPA Foundation Scholarship

To qualify for one of these scholarships, you must have a bookkeeping and:

  • Attend any recognized university or university in the state of Washington
  • For entry into the junior year or more in autumn 2024, the fifth year, Master’s and doctoral students, as well as transfers from community colleges, are invited to apply
  • Have at least 3.0 GPA (on a scale of 4) (or equivalent) in accounting courses and in total
  • Take part in activities on campus, off-campus or community activities or hold a job

How to Apply for WCPA Scholarship 2022

To apply, candidates can register and participate in the WSCPA scholarship today. The link is:

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Supporting documents:

Applications must be completed online and require the following:

  • Current CV with jobs, internships (paid or unpaid), volunteer positions and leadership roles on campus or in the community.
  • Transcriptions (official or unofficial from all colleges visited)
  • The documentation of the main subject of bookkeeping (suffice “accounting” as the main subject of the current transcription).
  • Two letters of recommendation on the letterhead of the company or university. At least one of them must be a registered faculty member, employer, mentor or CPA. Reference letters must be submitted online via the application portal.

Washington CPA Foundation Scholarship Application Deadline

The WCPA Scholarship application deadline is February 14 Annually.

Link for more information:

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Contact information:

If you have any questions, please write to foundation-at-wscpa.org


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