Wichita Undergraduate Scholarships for International Students  | USA

The Wichita State University is offering Wichita Undergraduate Scholarships for International Students 2024. It is a Merit-Based Scholarships for new Undergraduate international students applying for Fall Semester 2024.

Wichita State University is a public research university in Wichita, Kansas, United States. The School has a great reputation in terms of Excellence in Academic activities and Student Life.

The candidate should have a very good command of the English language. Therefore, the application should be in English.

All About Wichita Undergraduate Scholarships for International Students

Level/Field Of Study

Offers are available for pursuing undergraduate programs. The scholarships are for the study of the subjects in the university.

Scholarship Benefits

These Wichita Undergraduate Scholarships are non-renewable scholarships ranging from US$2,500 to US$5,000.

Host Nationality

The Wichita Scholarships are all at the University of Wichita, USA. There are several scholarships unique to every country. See more on our Scholarship by Countries category.

Eligible Nationality

The Scholarship is designed for International Students who wish to pursue their undergraduate Degrees at the University of Wichita.


  • Be a new international undergraduate student applying for Fall Semester
  • Must be on an F-1 visa.
  • Freshmen or transfer students are both eligible
  • Intensive English students with undergraduate admission are eligible
  • Students must have admission or readmission to an undergraduate program by June 1, 2024.
  • The candidate should have a very good command of the English language. Therefore, the application should be in English.

Application Deadline

The deadline for submission of application for the Wichita Undergraduate Scholarships for International Students falls on 1st June 2024.

How to Apply

You can begin the application by clicking on Online Application. Then, complete the Scholarship Application.
Upload the essay and any award or certificates that support the essay
Are you a transfer student from another U.S. School?  Apply for an International Transfer Scholarship.

Application Procedure

Scholarship essay requirements

  • The scholarship essay must discuss Why you apply to Wichita State University and at least one of the areas below:
    Awards or achievements
    Leadership positions you have held
    Community service experience
  • The essay must be one page only
  • The essay must be typed in a Word file (.doc or Docx)
  • Guest students and exchange students are NOT eligible
  • You must include your name AND the word “scholarship” in the filename in all files that you upload. For example Michael Jackson Scholarship Essay.doc.

To get more details on the Wichita Undergraduate Scholarships for International Students 2024 click on the Scholarship Link

Frequently Asked Questions

The Scholarships are available for international undergraduate students of Wichita State University; freshmen and transfer students are also included.

Recipients of the Wichita Undergraduate Scholarships for International Students are awarded scholarships ranging from US$2,500 to US$5,000.

No, the scholarship is not renewable. It is a one-time scholarship; that is, students do not have to maintain a certain CGPA to receive it each year.

However, students are advised to maintain academic excellence to be eligible for other opportunities’

Incoming students who are graduating seniors in high school or directly transferring from another institution get automatic consideration for scholarships when they become fully admitted to the university.

Notwithstanding, High School seniors are to submit their sixth-semester transcript and ACT/SAT score.  On the other hand, transfer students will need their most recent college transcripts. 


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