Zhi-Xing China Eisenhower Fellowship 

The Eisenhower Fellowship 2024 ( Travel, and Learning) is a four-week professional development and leadership program, the ten US leaders for Zhi-Xing China Eisenhower Fellowship provide a career in China.

The fellowship includes intensive cultural immersion, group sessions with Chinese and American experts, and two weeks of customized travel and meetings in four to six Chinese cities across the country. Applications are being submitted for the Zhi-Xing China Eisenhower 2024 Fellowship.

The Chinese Ministry of Education and overseen by its International Exchange and Cooperation Agency funded the Zhi-Xing China fellowship and also the China Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE).

However, I believe at the end of this post you should be able to know about the Eisenhower fellowship and know it will help your leadership skills.

Zhi-Xing China Eisenhower Fellowship

The Eisenhower Fellowship 2024 program originated in the annual US-China People’s Trade Conference. The Brotherhood is to promote understanding between the peoples of both nations.

Founded in 2015, CEAIE and Eisenhower (EF) scholarships work together to design and implement this scholarship through the US EF programs.

About the Sponsor: Chinese Ministry of Education

The Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China is the agency of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China that regulates all aspects of the educational system in mainland China, including compulsory basic education, vocational education, and tertiary education.

More About the Zhi-Xing China fellowship

Level/ Field of Study

The program is on Leadership.

Host Nationality

The Chinese Ministry of Education in China hosted the Eisenhower Fellowship in 2024.

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Eligible Nationality

Zhi-Xing China fellowship is available for U.S.citizens.

Aside from the Eisenhower Fellowship 2024, there are other scholarships available to international students to study abroad. You can check our scholarship by country to access all scholarships available.

Scholarship Worth

All economy round-trip transports and hotels (one night, if required) for personal maintenance in Philadelphia will be covered by the Zhi-Xing China fellowship.

Eligibility for Eisenhower Fellowship 2021

  • Applicants must be US citizens or legally resident individuals.
  • Competitors are typically between 32 and 45 years old, as this is a mid-career career grant rather than a full-time or university student. Although older or younger candidates are considered, the lower your age, the lower your age.
  • successful applicants typically have the following characteristics in their applications:

Not only have important successes in their communities and occupations, but also a high growth potential and a broader impact;

  1. Offer an attractive scholarship program that takes full advantage of this unique opportunity.
  2. To identify a project or initiative that you wish to develop during the fellowship and to be able to explain how this experience will help you achieve that goal and have positive effects; and
  3. They commit to actively participating in the global Eisenhower Fellowship network throughout their lives.

How to Apply for Eisenhower Fellowship 2021

Before applying, all applicants should carefully consider whether, due to their personal and professional circumstances, they can participate in a four-week intensive research fellowship in China.

A few months before the trip, the Eisenhower Fellows have to spend a lot of time researching and preparing their scholarship. All research trips must take place in June with the group. Shifts until the following year is not permitted.

Candidates who have been selected as finalists will be invited to a personal interview in Philadelphia. Personal interviews are required and can not be done through Skype or telephone. Please be sure to hold the date on your calendar. If you can not personally attend the interview on the scheduled dates, you are not eligible for the program.

Apply Here

Eisenhower Fellowship 2024 Application Deadline

Application for Eisenhower Fellowship 2024 has closed but please check the webpage in June 2024 for the next recruitment cycle.

For more information, visit the Zhi-Xing China Eisenhower Fellowship website.

Frequently Asked Questions

Zhi-Xing China Eisenhower Fellowship is for undergraduate students with academic excellence and strong leadership competencies currently enrolled in an accredited American university or college. However Chinese language proficiency is not required

Zhi-Xing China Fellowship is a U.S.-China University Student Leaders Academy. It was launched officially in 2017 with the goal of inspiring and building connections between the next generation of global leaders in the US and China.
This Fellowship is to highlights a U.S-to-China People-to-People Exchange, organized by the US Secretary of State and the Chinese counterpart. 

The Zhi-Xing China Fellowship combines seminars and lectures with field visits through which fellows present their findings. The lectures and seminars offer diverse perspectives on China’s culture, history, society, innovation, and political and economic systems and thus helps you to acquire a deep understanding of China. if you are eligible, proceed to zhixingfellows.com to register.


In conclusion, The Eisenhower Fellowship 2024 ( Travel, and Learning) is a four-week professional development and leadership program, the ten US leaders for Zhi-Xing China Eisenhower Fellowship provides a career in China

However, I believe, The Eisenhower Fellowship will help you to grow more build your leadership skills, and spirit.

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